Fast time travel: The villain BOSS counterattacks all over the world!

Chapter 124 Little Dragon Girl’s Demon Cultivation

Chapter 124 Little Dragon Girl’s Demon Cultivation (6)

"Well, let me take him there."

With Lin Ge's permission, the leading disciple resigned.

Han Ling saw the woman sizing her up.

For some reason, her gaze made him inexplicably uncomfortable.

There is always a kind of hostility and... killing intent.

Han Ling frowned.

I just met her and didn't do anything, how could she be hostile to me?

Wait until you see Lin Ge standing up with his sword.

Han Ling didn't dare to think too much, and hurriedly followed without saying a word.

He secretly looked at Lin Ge.

The woman was dressed in a blue disciple's uniform, and the light from the warm sun shone on her delicate and beautiful face, which seemed to be radiant, and she was absolutely gorgeous.

Han Ling could not deny that her appearance was indeed amazing.

But in the end it was just superficial, his eyes still showed disgust and disdain.

If it weren't for this woman, he would definitely be worshiping under the seat of Zhenjun Si Yue, how could he worship some suzerain.

Han Ling recalled that Yin'er had told him when he came to Yue Mingzong.

It was this woman named Lin Ge who stole the treasures of Yunfu.

In order to avoid being traced by the Yun family, she joined the Yueming Sect and was sheltered by the ancestor Guixu.

This woman is really hateful!
Han Ling is determined to do it now, but he has just arrived, so he can't reveal anything for the time being.

After all, Yin'er told him that once he meets this woman, he must be captured alive.

Let's wait until he stabilizes in Yue Mingzong.

Han Ling wanted to capture Lin Ge alive.

Lin Ge was also thinking about how to kill Han Ling.

It's not easy for him to worship under the suzerain's seat.

After all, the suzerain treated her fairly well.

It is not good to kill other people's disciples for no reason.

This Han Ling was also one of the murderers who killed the original owner, and was also Yun Xuanyin's licking dog.

After the original owner became a ghost cultivator, he kept his name incognito.

In order to improve strength, compete for various opportunities.

Unintentionally, the original owner was seriously injured and was rescued by Han Ling.

Therefore, the original owner trusted him more, and told Han Ling about his revenge.

Han Ling's talent is not high, and it is difficult for her to ascend.

He was thinking of Yun Xuanyin who had already ascended to the upper realm.

Knowing that the original owner is going to the upper realm, let the original owner take him along.

After the original owner brought Han Ling to the upper realm.

Han Ling reported that the original owner was a ghost.

He is the chief culprit who caused the original owner to become the rat crossing the street in the upper realm.

The original owner who was killed is hiding in Tibet, and it is difficult to take revenge.


The second and fifth boys who were supposed to come to Yue Mingzong did not come, and Han Ling was replaced.

What's going on here?
Lin Ge thought about it and put this question behind him.

It doesn't matter if it's Han Ling or someone else.

Nothing can change the fact that Zi Haozong wants to harm Master.

Once Yue Mingzong is gone, Zhenjun Si Yue will sit in charge.

Zi Haozong will be able to get his wish and directly cannibalize the entire Yuemingzong.

Lin Ge was too lazy to talk to Han Ling.

Han Ling took the initiative to talk, showing a smile that she thought was handsome.

"Little Martial Uncle, I heard that you have passed the Nascent Soul Thunder Calamity some time ago, and my nephew is here to congratulate my little Martial Uncle."

He complimented on the surface, but disdain in his heart.

He is refining qi on the surface, but in fact he is in the late stage of Nascent Soul, which is not comparable to her, a newcomer to Nascent Soul.

Crushing her to death was like crushing an ant.

Thinking of the scene where she slowly played with Lin Ge, Han Ling's smile became more sincere.

Lin Ge glanced at him lightly, "Congratulations, I don't see you handing out a congratulatory gift, we don't like talking about congratulations here."

Han Ling choked.

After a while, he finally said: "My nephew's family is poor, and there are not many things that can be sold."

The corner of Lin Ge's mouth suddenly curled into a smile, and he said viciously, "If you can't get something out, just shut up. I don't like to hear congratulations that don't do any good."

After finishing speaking, Lin Ge speeded up Yujian's speed and opened the distance between the two.

The smile on the corner of Han Ling's mouth faded instantly, her eyes stared at Lin Ge's back with gloomy eyes.

Until the two reached Yi Shuangfeng.

Neither of them spoke much.

Lin Ge didn't care about throwing people to Yi Shuangfeng.

When she went to her residence, she saw several people standing outside the house.

Surprised, Lin Ge walked over slowly and shouted.

"Fifth Senior Brother, Third Senior Sister, Eighth Senior Brother."

Seeing Lin Ge, the third senior sister immediately came over and said with a smile, "Little junior sister, you are back."

Lin Ge remained calm, avoided her wanting to hold his hand, and said calmly, "What's the matter, brothers and sisters?"

The third senior sister was avoided, with an awkward smile on her face.

She hesitated, and looked at her fifth junior brother.

The fifth senior brother coughed dryly and said, "That's it, we just want to ask my junior sister, if you have the opportunity to enter the magic forest secret realm, would you still like to go?"

Lin Ge raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you mean by Fifth Senior Brother?"

"After all, we have been to the Magic Forest Secret Realm once, and we know that there are other entrances that can be entered. As long as Junior Sister agrees to enter, and take care of the fifteenth Junior Sister, we can tell you the entrance. After all, it is rare to open the Magic Forest Secret Realm. Don't want to miss it, right?"

Lin Ge: "?"

She had a black question mark face on the spot.

This operation is really a show.

She thought it was funny and looked at Fifth Senior Brother.

"Yes, my cultivation has reached Yuanying, so I have to go in to protect Yu Shanyue just because I have a high cultivation level? What do you think?"

The Fifth Senior Brother also had an awkward expression on his face, but they had been with the Fifteenth Junior Sister for decades.

Compared with Lin Ge, a newcomer who hasn't had much contact with her junior sister for eight years.

After all, they were more worried about the fifteenth junior sister.

"Fifteen junior sisters entered the magic forest secret realm alone, we just feel a little worried, there is no other meaning."

Lin Ge sneered, "Your precious Yu Shanyue, you deserve it if you go in with me?"

The eighth senior brother looks elegant.

He smiled gently and said softly, "Junior Sister, don't be angry. Fifth Senior Brother is not very good at talking. He is just worried that Fifteen is too eager. Junior Sister, please don't blame me. But Mosen Secret Realm is a place where many sects compete for treasures." , Little Junior Sister also wants to go in to get a chance, doesn’t she? It’s a rare opportunity anyway.”

The fifth senior brother hastily followed and said, "That's right, little junior sister, you go in to fight for opportunities, and it's good to take care of the fifteenth junior sister once in a while, it won't delay you."

Lin Ge was completely speechless.

She glanced at the three of them, and said indifferently: "I have a lot of ways to go to the secret realm of Mosen. Even after I go in, Yu Shanyue and I will each live and die. After all, it is the path she chose. Why should I take care of it? Everyone, please go back. Well, I don't welcome you in the future."

She was too lazy to talk to these strange things.

With a wave of his hand, the three of them were thrown out of Yi Shuangfeng.

By the way, he also imposed a ban on Yi Shuangfeng.

No one is allowed to enter.

But Fifth Senior Brother and the others were pissed off.

It's too much!
They never imagined that this new little junior sister would be so heartless!

Boom these people away.

Lin Ge stood there silent for a few seconds.

Suddenly, I feel that being in Yue Mingzong has become dull.

She chuckled and shook her head, "I really think I think too much."

【Master, what's the matter with you? 】

She turned around and walked towards Han Ling.

"Since I came to the world of cultivating immortals, I have entered into a misunderstanding. I feel that this place is more dangerous than the world I have experienced before, and I always have more concerns."

(End of this chapter)

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