Fast time travel: The villain BOSS counterattacks all over the world!

Chapter 128 Little Dragon Girl’s Demon Cultivation

Chapter 128 Little Dragon Girl’s Demon Cultivation (10)

The two demons were terrified.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, is the demon territory in front?"

Hearing Lin Ge's question.

Among them, the tall Demon Race did not dare to neglect his answer.

"Senior, there is still a little distance. The younger ones are the demon soldiers from the demon clan. They come out to fight tooth sacrifices. They are afraid of being caught back, so they will walk far away..."

The short one slapped the tall demon's arm.

"What are you calling senior! Shouting sir!" The short man moved closer to the tall man, gnashing his teeth and said in a low voice, "Do you want to die? You have already mentioned the tooth festival! Doesn't this mean that the adult is the tooth festival?"

"Oh right!"

Lin Ge lazily dealt with these two things and continued to move forward.

"Do you know who owns the Blood Soul Fruit?"

The short man said with a bitter face: "My lord, you... you want the blood soul fruit? It's a treasure of the demon race. We don't have access to that level, and we haven't even seen it before. What's more, the little ones just come out to casually Walking around, I didn't expect to meet an adult, and the adult told us to go back to get the blood soul fruit, and the little ones with such low strength will definitely not be able to get it."

Before Lin Ge told them to take it, the short man immediately stated that he didn't have that strength.

She really didn't expect that this guy was so afraid of death that he would dare to imitate others and come out for tooth sacrifice.

What do you think?

Suddenly, not far away, she noticed several auras rushing towards them.

God's consciousness came out.

I could vaguely see that the boy in the front was holding a child covered in blood and running away frantically.

There are seven people behind, and they are constantly chasing.

"Stop! Don't run!"

"You bastard! How dare you steal something from us, you're courting death!"

"Damn it! Don't let us catch you, brat, I will definitely tear you to pieces!"


The young man who rushed to the front, heard the shout behind him, his eyes were fierce.

Staring at the front, looking for a way out for him to escape.

Lin Ge noticed this scene and didn't intend to intervene.

In the horrified eyes of the two demons, they were brought together to the nearest tree trunk.

The magic forest secret realm is good. There are trees everywhere, which can hide the figure very well.

They were getting closer and closer to Lin Ge, almost a hundred meters away.

The mechanical sound of the watchdog suddenly exploded in her ears.

【warn!warn!Unusual Star Power Invasion Discovered!warn! 】

Lin Ge frowned slightly.

what happened?

She pulls the Q version of the screen from the void.

The interface showed that after parsing the man's database, a bunch of garbled characters appeared.

Lin Ge tapped his fingers quickly, and rows of codes jumped at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Originally analyzing the man's database, the progress has reached 32%.

As a result, due to the invasion of abnormal star power, it directly dropped to 12%, reducing the progress value by 20%.

Lin Ge stopped after the database resumed analysis.

She smiled, "Very well, this is an anomaly, and started to attack me?"

He looked at the boy who was moving towards her.

She felt that there was an obvious wave of star power floating on his body.

Obviously, it was this boy who caused the invasion of star power.

It's just that the boy was so busy running for his life that he didn't know what happened to him.

Lin Ge found it funny.

"This kid planted a timed 'bomb' for himself. After reaching a certain age and being able to withstand star power, once he meets me, he will trigger the 'bomb' to invade. Is he using himself?"

Because of Lin Ge's operation just now.

The watchdog has successfully resumed operation.

【Sorry master, I fell for that kid!snort!Damn it! 】The mechanical sound was a little stuffy.

Perhaps it was the fluctuation of star power, but the young man still sensed it, subconsciously raised his head.

He was overjoyed when he realized that there was someone up there.

The young man quickly moved towards Lin Ge, but when he saw Lin Ge, he stopped inexplicably.

I don't know what he was thinking, he gritted his teeth, turned his feet, and flew in another direction, away from Lin Ge's range.

Lin Ge raised his eyebrows in surprise.

She originally thought that if he really dared to expose himself, the world would not give him a chance to get close to her.

Unexpectedly, he ran away by himself.

Quite conscious.

The watchdog groaned and chirped: [Hmph, is this kid frightened by the previous plane?A subconscious move? 】

Lin Ge saw that he was so sensible.

When the group of people behind the boy caught up with him and were about to kill him.

Singer Lin threw out the whip, saving his life.


Wait for the boy to open his eyes.

He heard the sound of "beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep" firewood.

He sat up abruptly, seeing the child who was sleeping peacefully beside him, his ferocious face became slightly relieved, but he did not give up his vigilance.

With sharp eyes, he swept towards the direction of breath.

The boy happened to meet, two flattering faces.

They were one tall and one short, with two horns protruding from their foreheads. They were obviously demons.

"Brother, are you awake?"

"Are you thirsty, are you hungry? The adults have told you to take good care of you."

The boy immediately took the sleeping child and quickly backed away, taking out a short knife in his hand.

"who are you?"

This sound is not small.

The two demons were frightened and quickly made a silence gesture.

He also pointed out with his hand.

The boy looked in the direction of his fingers.

He happened to see the woman who was taking a nap with her eyes closed, and he froze for a moment.

Her face was as beautiful as dust, and the firelight reflected the warm light, making her look quiet and soft.

"Is it her? Why did she arrest me?"

Before the two demons could say anything, Lin Ge slowly opened his eyes.

The boy met her gaze, and his heart beat wildly for no reason.

He seemed to see endless darkness enveloping him.

The whole person seemed to have fallen into an abyss, with a chill penetrating into the bone marrow.

The young man could sense her breath, he was a monk.

But it turns out that she is more like a demon.

The most unbelievable thing about the boy is that he doesn't reject it.

On the contrary, he wanted to be with her, immersed in her darkness.

The boy took a deep breath and opened his mouth.


Lin Ge stood up without waiting for him to say anything.

"Since you're awake, I won't stay any longer. I gave that child some medicine, and the wound has been bandaged."

The young man was in a daze, and hurriedly followed her two steps forward when she was about to leave.

"What about those demons?"

Lin Ge tilted his head slightly, his red lips curled up.


She slapped her ass and left.

The two demons hurriedly followed.

I don't know why, but the two demons feel that they can only eat meat if they hang out with adults.

After all, she really looks like a demon!


Lin Ge slaughtered a lot of monsters, and the magic pills he dug up were in bags.

The eyes of the two demons looked hot.

Once in a while, they got a bag, and they got very excited, and they became more and more attentive to serving Lin Ge.


After they had walked a certain distance, Lin Ge chatted with the two demons, only then did he know that the blood soul fruit came from the corpse realm of the demons.

Commonly known as the Mass Burial Mound of the Demon Race.

When Lin Ge heard it, he lost interest in an instant.

Originally, I wanted to eat it to awaken the blood, but now I don't need to spend that much effort.

She didn't want to eat the fruit that grew from a pile of corpses.

However, she still has to go to the demon territory, after all, she has other things to do.

(End of this chapter)

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