Fast time travel: The villain BOSS counterattacks all over the world!

Chapter 132 Little Dragon Girl’s Demon Cultivation

Chapter 132 Little Dragon Girl’s Demon Cultivation (14)

I don't know who suddenly appeared and shouted.

Lin Ge followed the voice and looked over.

It's an unknown monk.

And next to this monk, she saw Yun Xuanyin.

Yun Xuanyin sat on the magic weapon with a pale face.

Even though she was extremely weak, she didn't hide her exquisite beauty.

Seeing this, Lin Ge couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Your dantian has been crippled and you are still not dead."

As expected of the Son of Destiny, not only was he protected by Elder Xihai during his out-of-body period, but he also found a new flower protector from nowhere.

Looking at that monk, she obviously didn't know him, and she was extremely hostile to him when she first appeared, which was outrageous.

Mentioning this, Yun Xuanyin's eyes became colder and colder.

She said viciously: "This is the woman who dug my dantian and shattered my spiritual roots! Fellow Taoists, please hand over this woman to me! I will take revenge myself and relieve the hatred in my heart!"

Singer Lin's feet were restrained, and his expression was very indifferent.

Where Yun Xuanyin only wanted revenge, she was obviously greedy for her body and wanted her blood.

As long as the bloodline is replaced, Yun Xuanyin can resume her cultivation and become a new genius.

Of course, Lin Ge won't let her succeed.

She smiled inexplicably.

"Oh? Yun Xuanyin, do you want revenge, or do you want my ancient dragon blood?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was shocked.

"What? This woman actually has the blood of an ancient dragon?"

"If that's the case, Fellow Daoist Yun, I'm afraid I can't just leave this girl to you. After all, this matter is of great importance."

"What you Wang Daoyou said is very true. The appearance of the blood of the ancient dragon clan is much more important than your little enmity. Fellow Daoist Yun, the overall situation is the most important thing."

Several people chattered and tried to persuade Yun Xuanyin one after another.

Those who knew the method of blood replacement even stared at Lin Ge faintly with greed.

Yun Xuanyin's expression turned ugly for a moment.

She never expected that this bitch would confide such an important matter directly.

Isn't she afraid of being besieged by everyone? !

damn it!
"Fellow daoists, these are just her one-sided words. She is very good at bewitching, you must not follow her way!" Yun Xuanyin wanted to put this matter aside.

The blood belongs to her alone, how can anyone else take it away!
In order to catch Lin Ge as soon as possible.

Most of the people here were recruited by Yun Xuanyin, who did not know that the sect had colluded with the demons.

She just came to arrest the witch who wanted to open the gate of the demon world.

This is good, they know the importance of Lin Ge's bloodline, so they won't let it go.

What revenge does she have!

Damn bitch!
"Is there no need for me to lie to you?" Lin Ge said lazily.

She looked around, her posture arrogant.

"However, even if you know, what can you do? Do you really think you can catch me?"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Lin Ge broke free directly.

No one can stop it.

Seeing her run to the opening of the passage on the side of the Demon Race.

The moment the Mingxin stone was embedded in the stone wall.

"Boom" sound.

The stone wall exploded on the spot.

A repressive and tyrannical purple magic energy crazily spread and expanded outside.

"Not good! The gate of the demon world is open! The demons...the demons are about to enter!"

"Quick! Get out of the secret realm and report to the sect! Tell Yue Mingzong Lin Ge to open the passage to the demon world!"

Don't wait for these people to flee.

Yun Xuanyin immediately shouted: "Stop them! Don't let anyone leave this place, or die!"

Elder Xihai, who was in the out-of-body period, moved instantly.

It is okay to say that Lin Ge released the news of the Demon Race.

But before she meets with the Zongmen and completes the cooperation with Mo Sanzi, the news must not spread out of the secret world now!

Once known by those self-proclaimed decent sects, they will definitely come out to disrupt the situation.

At that time, if the cooperation fails, it will affect their further cooperation with the demons.

The expressions of the fleeing monks changed drastically, and they shouted, "Yun Xuanyin! What do you mean?"

Lin Ge explained, "What else can you mean? She is the one who has colluded with the demons!"

The monks were furious.

"Damn it! We were fooled! This Lin Ge and Yun Xuanyin have teamed up to gather all of us ignorant monks, so that we can catch them all!"

"Run away! We can't resist Xi Hai's strength coming out of his body!"

"These two witches! You will die!"

Lin Ge: "..."

Hey Hey hey!
What does it have to do with her?
She also helped to open a channel, but it was actually just innocent people eating melons!
He even said that she teamed up with Yun Xuanyin?
What do you think!
The watchdog doesn't even want to complain about its master's mental activities.

Looking at the passage behind the master, demons gradually appeared.

A dark piece.

It looked as if the master led a group of demons to invade, with overwhelming momentum.

Normal people would think so!

But... the master did hide a group of demons.

They think that the master is colluding with the demons, and they seem to be right.

Lin Ge didn't know that the watchdog was slandering him.

She was busy stopping Elder Xihai, and she had already handed over him.

"Not yet?"

Lin Ge let out a low snort.

The army of demons hidden on the side gathered together.

"Kill the woman sitting on the ritual vessel, and the Lingyao Sect and Xiliu Sect don't have to stay, let the rest go!"

The Lingyao Sect and Xiliu Sect were the monks who showed greedy expressions towards her after knowing her bloodline.

It's unnecessary to keep them even if you have murderous intentions towards yourself.

Hearing Lin Ge's order, the demon general led the demon clan into the battle.

Elder Xihai saw that she could summon an army of demons, his expression froze.

Isn't this the beginning?
It seems that they are the ones colluding with the devil world, right?
He caught sight of a very familiar magic general, and immediately shouted with joy.

"General Ya Yu, we have reached an agreement with the third son of the devil! You lead the demon army to attack us, do you want to destroy the cooperation between you and me!"

Ya Yu slashed a disciple of Lingyao Sect, and just glanced at Elder Xihai, but didn't bother to respond.

Don't look at Ya Yu's nothing on the surface, but he has already scolded him in his heart.

Get the hell out of me!

What agreement and cooperation!

Didn't you see that there is still a big man staring at it?
Want to kill him, right?

It is enough for Ya Yu to turn against the water once, and dare to turn against Lin Ge, unless he is tired of life.

Seeing that he ignored him, Elder Xihai was filled with resentment and doubts at the same time.

what happened?

How come things have developed to the stage where he can no longer understand!
He was crushed and beaten by Lin Ge, and he couldn't bear it.

Looking at Yun Xuanyin again, he has been captured by the demons and is about to be beheaded.

Elder Xihai gritted his teeth secretly, not caring so much, resisted Lin Ge's murderous whip, and took out all the last two talismans that saved his life.

Shifting character and space teleportation character!
The talisman burned in the hands of Elder Xihai.

The demon clan who was about to kill Yun Xuanyin, and Elder Xihai changed positions instantly.

Immediately afterwards, Elder Xihai and Yun Xuanyin also disappeared without a trace.

Lin Ge looked at the demons who had been switched in front of him, and the ink whip instantly stopped in front of the demons.

The demons were so scared that they almost peed.

Almost, my own life is about to die!

 Thanks to "In^ω^" for sending a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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