Fast time travel: The villain BOSS counterattacks all over the world!

Chapter 134 Little Dragon Girl’s Demon Cultivation

Chapter 134 Little Dragon Girl’s Demon Cultivation (16)

The moment Lin Ge entered the Demon Realm.

A depressive breath rushed over.

The demon energy kept eroding towards her dantian, trying to completely assimilate her.

Seeing this, Jin Mu couldn't help but drive the monster to ask.

"Do you want to come with me? I can help you isolate these demonic energy."

He also reserved the seat in front of him, intending to let her ride with him.

Lin Ge glanced at him.

The teenager immediately winked and smiled at her, as if he simply wanted to help.

"No need." Lin Ge refused.

Jin Mu: "The devilish energy here is different from the outside world, and it will have a great impact on the monks, so there is no need to be so strong..."

Before he could finish speaking, Lin Ge interrupted: "Do you think something happened after I came in?"

Jin Mu saw her sitting firmly on the monster.

The posture is leisurely, as if not affected by the magic energy in the slightest.

Silence him a little.

How can he take this?
Next, along the way.

Lin Ge seemed to be traveling, looking at the scenery of the devil world.

It's not really that good either.

The light here is dim, much more desolate than the outside world.

I occasionally encounter residential buildings, all of which are dilapidated.

It's not that no one lives there, but that these demons don't know how to take care of them at all.

She also found that the demons, regardless of gender, live a very reckless and indulgent life.

In broad daylight, looking at the side of the road, the couple doing primitive exercises couldn't help but smack their lips.

"The devil world is quite open."

The tall man who was following him said with a smile: "My lord, we believe in freedom in the devil world, and we all do whatever we want, so as long as they want to, they can do whatever they want."

"It's quite free, isn't this the periphery of the Demon Realm?"

Lin Ge was watching intently, when a tall figure blocked her view.

"Don't look, dirty your eyes."

The young man seemed to dislike such a scene very much, and his tone was a little cold.

Lin Ge shrugged.

If you don't read it, don't read it.

Jin Mu waved his hand, and blocked the messy scene over there with his magic energy, blocking everyone's sight.

It made the magic soldiers below who were also watching the fun feel a little dissatisfied.

After all, Jin Mu is the devil, and Lin Ge is in charge. Even if the devil soldiers are dissatisfied, they dare not say anything more.

"This is the outskirts of the demon world." Jin Mu said, "The people living here are all low-level demons, who are easily dominated by desires. In the inner core area of ​​the demons, there will be more order."

Lin Ge understood it, and she guessed it too.

If the devil world is like this, it will not be possible to form an army.

The army needs to be strictly disciplined. If everyone does what they want like this periphery, the army will be in chaos.

The short man approached Lin Ge and asked.

"My lord, do you want to go to the core area? If you go to the core area now, it may not be easy."

Lin Ge knew what he meant when he said that things were not easy to handle.

"When is Mo Sanzi going to attack Mo Lord?"

The short man smiled awkwardly.

"You have to ask General Ya Yu and Commander Yu Lan about this. They know more about His Highness's plan."

Lin Ge found Ya Yu and the others.

Ya Yuban said with a wooden face: "My lord, we originally agreed with the Zongmen to meet at midnight, and when we arrive outside Yedu three days later, it will be the time for His Highness the Third Highness to attack."

"Cultivators won't stay in the Demon Realm for long, how will the people of the sect deal with the demon energy?" Lin Ge asked.

"My lord, the devil world has refined a elixir to resist the devil's energy, which can prevent the devil's energy from infecting within half a month."

"Oh, the demon world researches the elixir to resist the demon energy? This is interesting. Since the third son of the demon is usurping the throne together with the sect, what about the other sons of the demon lord? Why didn't he help the demon lord stop it?"

"The other highnesses have been gradually suppressed and assassinated by the third highness for a hundred years, and now..."

As Ya Yu spoke, he glanced at Jin Mu beside him, "Now there are only the fifth and eighth princes left."

"The devil is not such a waste, is he? Just let his son ride on his head?"

Lin Ge remembered that Mo Sanzi had indeed ascended the throne smoothly.

But the demon lord is very powerful, so why was he killed by his third son in the end.

True fans.

"The Third Highness also considers that the demon lord is powerful, so he will seek help from those sects outside. As long as the sect helps him win the position of the demon lord, the third highness will promise them cultivation resources."

Hearing this, Lin Ge smiled lightly and shook his head.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. As far as I know, the demon lord's strength is comparable to those of the immortals in the upper realm. How could he let his son easily force him into the palace? I'm afraid there are other reasons."

Ya Yu hesitated for a while and said: "I'm just a general, and I don't know what the devil's situation is, but two years ago, the devil suddenly announced that he would collect the territories of all parties, which caused the lords to be dissatisfied. Obviously, fighting has become the norm in the devil world."

"However, in recent years, the strength of the Third Highness has become stronger and stronger, and many lords have surrendered to the Third Highness, but it is the Eighth Highness..."

Ya Yu took a peek at Jin Mu again, "I remember that His Highness the Eighth Highness also occupied some territory, which belongs to the dangerous place in the devil world, which is more difficult to chew on. The Third Highness' plan is to attack the territory of His Highness Eighth after taking down Yedu. Unify the demon world."

When Jin Mu heard this, he sneered.

"Oh, just come."

Although Ya Yu had no expression on his face, sweat started to drip from his forehead.

He knew that although His Highness the Third Highness was only Jindan, there were quite a few ruthless people underneath.

Lin Ge stretched his waist and said, "Then don't go to Yedu, let's go to Jinmu's territory first."

Jin Mu was slightly taken aback, obviously he didn't expect her to say that.

I don't know why, but I feel inexplicably happy.

He coughed lightly.

"Okay, then I'll show you the way. Because it's a dangerous place, it's better to ride with you for convenience."

Lin Ge glanced at him silently.

Seeing that his face is full of seriousness, it seems that it is really the case.

She is also speechless.

You have to squeeze together to be reconciled, right?

"Do not."

Lin Ge refused again.

Jin Mu shrugged helplessly.


Jin Mu's territory is not far from where they are.

Get there in a day.

Indeed, just as Ya Yu said, it is a dangerous place.

This towering besieged city is quite normal just by looking at the city gate.

But outside the city gate, there is a circle of hot magma, and there is no entrance, preventing everyone from going.

"There is a natural barrier above the Nether City. If someone trespasses, it is easy to get lost in it and be swallowed by the monsters inside." Jin Mu explained.

Not only that, there are layers of chains around the city gate, and the chains are covered with spikes.

I don't know whether to lock the people inside or prevent people from outside from entering, it seems particularly tight.

After Jin Mu finished speaking, she threw away the monster under her body and ran to her monster.

In order to prevent her from throwing himself down, he quickly wrapped his arms around Lin Ge's slender waist.

Of course, he did not forget to explain.

"I'll take you into town so it's faster."

Without waiting for Lin Ge to say more, Jin Mu has already controlled the monster and galloped up.

Lin Ge leaned back against the boy's arms, feeling someone's violent heartbeat.

She curled her lips slightly and smiled.

this kid...

(End of this chapter)

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