Fast time travel: The villain BOSS counterattacks all over the world!

Chapter 140 Little Dragon Girl’s Demon Cultivation

Chapter 140 Little Dragon Girl’s Demon Cultivation (22)

Lin Ge suddenly smiled when he heard this.

"It seems that he is not so stupid, that's all right, you continue to advance to Yedu, and subdue all the remaining demons as soon as possible, and violently suppress those who are disobedient. Anyway, Jinmu is here, so don't worry about it."

"Yes, my lord."

Lin Ge looked at Ya Yu's back and couldn't help but chuckle.

This demon is quite realistic.

Before, Ya Yu would call out to the Third Highness, but now she directly followed her to call the Third Prince Mo.

This is the beginning of not being optimistic about Mo Sanzi.

She shook her head, before leaving, she went to find Jin Mu first.

As soon as Lin Ge entered the tent, he saw the young man reclined on the bed, his head propped up and his eyes closed, adjusting his breath.

His handsome and bewitching face was a little pale.

It seems that the sequelae left by Sui Huanyu have not fully healed.

When he sensed someone coming in, his purple eyes opened instantly, with a sharp and cold light.

Seeing that it was Lin Ge, the cold light subsided instantly, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Lin Ge.

Jin Mu held her hand, raised her red lips and asked, "Why are you here?"

The delicate and soft hand was held by him, and that alone made him particularly satisfied.

Lin Ge sat down with him.

"I'm going to check the situation in the world of cultivating immortals. I'll leave this to you. After you unify the demons, I will come to you again."

Jin Mu was silent.

Unconsciously, the hand holding her was a little tighter.

"If you want to know the situation over there, you can leave it to Yu Lan."

Lin Ge said: "I thought so too at first, but after thinking about it, the power of the demon world is almost closed, and it doesn't make any sense for me to stay here any longer."

Seeing her resolute attitude, Jin Mu became inexplicably anxious.

"No, I won't allow it!"

As he spoke, he eagerly pulled Lin Ge up and hugged her to sit on his lap.

He put his arms around her waist, looked up at the woman's beautiful face, "Ge'er, can you stay with me, I can help you satisfy everything you want, as long as you tell me, I can help you do it .”

In the past, he didn't know the feeling of wanting to be close to her all the time, but now he doesn't know, that's because he is stupid.

He likes the woman in front of him.

It seems like a long time ago, I fell in love with it.

Lin Ge lowered his eyebrows, "No, I have to solve some things by myself. I can handle things in the lower world, but in the upper world, I need a powerful force. Jin Mu, you will help me, right?"

The last question was a bit coaxing.

Lin Ge did it on purpose, just to let this kid not have nothing to stick to his side.

Find him something to do.

She is now calm and talking to him.

If she doesn't agree, she can only take tough measures.

When Jin Mu heard this, he even pulled him closer.

He raised his hand, and slowly caressed her jade-like cheek, his fingertip moved down, and landed on her soft lips.

"Ge'er, I won't let you go. You can still do anything in the Demon Realm. Why do you want to go back to the Immortal Realm? Is it because I didn't do enough? Ge'er, please don't leave."

He stared at Lin Ge closely, and his purple eyes became deeper and deeper.

It was as if there was a dark desire emanating from him, enveloping Lin Ge.

There was an impulse in his heart.

He wanted to confine her by his side and not allow her to leave him for half a step.

But...he didn't dare to do this, there was always a voice in his heart telling him that once he did, he would lose her forever.

Lin Ge saw that he was about to turn black, and his veins burst out immediately.

Pressed this and beat me up.

After a stick of incense.

Jin Mu sat on the soft edge, feeling aggrieved, touching the swollen half of his face, and looked at Lin Ge.

Lin Ge put his arms around his chest and looked at him indifferently.

"Aren't you going to let me go?"

Jin Mu thought for a while, shook his head, and nodded again.

He continued to look at her wetly with those bewitching purple eyes.

Like an abandoned cub.

Lin Ge sighed and walked over slowly.

His fingertips brushed across his swollen cheeks, and he was healed quickly under the transmission of spiritual power.

Jin Mu stretched out his arms to hug Lin Ge, buried his head in her waist, and said sullenly: "I obviously entrusted you with all the rights of the demon clan, but I just don't want you to leave, but you still have to go, Geer, I don't want to .”

Lin Ge was speechless.

In this world, why is he torturing people so much?

It's outrageous!
She pushed him away, pinching his chin with her fingers, forcing him to look up at her.

"Jin Mu, as I said, I left because I had something to do, and I will come back to you when I settle the matter in the world of cultivating immortals. I didn't leave before, but I just wanted to unify the demons faster, for the things I have to do in the future prepare for."

Jin Mu tilted his head slightly, and said, "Ge'er, are you using me?"

Lin Ge rubbed his chin with his fingertips, his red lips slightly curled up, and smiled: "Yes, so you must quickly control the entire demon world, otherwise when I come back, no one will be available, and I will make trouble for you."

Jin Mu looked at her raised red lips with deep eyes.

He stood up.

He leaned close to her lips and said softly, "Okay."

The next day.

Jin Mu was lying on the bed, her muscular chest muscles and perfect mermaid lines were just so wide open.

He propped his head up and looked at Lin Ge's dimpled face.

Lin Ge stood up from his side, really couldn't bear his flamboyant appearance, grabbed the dark purple robe from the air, and threw it on him.

"I am leaving."

After Lin Ge finished speaking, he dodged and disappeared.

Seeing her leaving without any regrets, Jin Mu smiled helplessly.

"What a heartless woman."

Wait for Lin Ge to reach the entrance of the Demon Realm.

Yu Lan, who was guarding the passage, was the first to perceive Lin Ge's aura.

He hurried forward and bowed to Lin Ge who was floating in the sky: "My lord."

Lin Ge glanced at the passage and smelled a strong smell of blood.

"They haven't given up yet?"

Yu Lan nodded, "Yes, several groups of monks broke in in a row, all saying that we should hand over the traitor, and we caught a woman who kept clamoring to see you."

"Oh?" Lin Ge raised his eyebrows, "Who is it?"

"It's Yu Shanyue. When we caught her, her dantian had already been destroyed and absorbed a lot of demon energy, and she was in a demonized state."

Lin Ge thought it was Yun Xuanyin, but when he heard Yu Shanyue's name, he immediately lost interest.

"Throw people out, throw them far away, and don't just pick people up if you have nothing to do in the future."

Yu Lan could hear the dissatisfaction in Lin Ge's tone, sweat broke out on her forehead instantly, and she responded quickly.

Lin Ge didn't get too entangled in this matter, and asked, "Did the person I asked you find?"

"Not yet..."

After saying these two words, Yu Lan obviously felt that the temperature around her was dropping.

Lin Ge looked at him with extreme disgust.

If it weren't for letting the watchdog search and locate the entire area in the world, it would consume her star power, so she would have searched for it herself, so why bother to ask Luo Xiaodi to help her.

She will not deliberately use world-class location search if it is not necessary.

This is not the modern day, hacking into the network can find people.

When there is no internet, it is not necessary to consume star power just to find Yun Xuanyin.

"I'm going back to the world of cultivating immortals. You bring some people with me, and Jinmu will send another person to guard here."

 Calvin, it's too late, wait for another chapter before catching bugs.

(End of this chapter)

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