Fast time travel: The villain BOSS counterattacks all over the world!

Chapter 149 Little Dragon Girl’s Demon Cultivation

Chapter 149 Little Dragon Girl’s Demon Cultivation (31)

Elder Xi and the others, knowing that they finally don't have to be a useless person, all had tears in their eyes.

"Lord, if you hadn't come to save us, we would have died in endless hatred and unwillingness."

She knelt down on the spot and bowed down to Lin Ge.

"Thank you lord, for giving us a new life, we must find the Yun family to avenge our blood and sacrifice blood for the dead clansmen!"

A group of people behind him also knelt down, expressing their sincere gratitude to Lin Ge.

They all swore in their hearts that they would be loyal to Lin Ge and complete the Lin family's great cause of revenge.

Let the Lin clan return to glory and stand on top of the peak!

Lin Ge dodged to escape, and hurriedly supported the old people with spiritual power.

"You don't need to be like this. To avenge the Lin family is a task I must do. It is also to help Lin Ge get justice. Time is urgent. Hurry up and enter Lingquan to practice."

They didn't understand why Lin Ge said "help Lin Ge get justice", isn't she Lin Ge?
But when they heard about cultivation, they became anxious, so they couldn't care less about what she said.

According to the degree of blood thinness, they chose Lingquan to jump into.

Lin Ge allocated most of the cultivation resources to everyone present, and prepared to leave.

Seeing this, Elder Xi couldn't help asking.

"My lord, aren't you coming in to practice?"

Lin Ge chuckled and said, "Old Xi, my blood has awakened, and this spiritual spring is probably not enough. I will go to the central area of ​​the mountain, where there is a more suitable place for my blood to awaken."

Old Xi showed a clear smile.

"That's right, your bloodline is higher than ours, I was the one who was abrupt."

Lin Ge said no more, and left in a flash.

The central area of ​​the mountain.

There is also a spiritual spring over there.

The aura inside is even more manic, as if it wants to tear people apart.

However, the surface of this spiritual spring was completely covered by demon energy.

Ordinary monks who entered would be immediately corroded by the devilish energy.

But Lin Ge was different, the magic energy couldn't affect her at all.

As soon as she arrived at the place, she saw a person hiding in the Lingquan early on.

The purple magic mist was lingering, covering the face of the man.

She waved her long sleeves, and the mist dissipated, revealing the figure inside.


Jin Mu was resting with his eyes closed, when he heard the sound, he slowly opened his strange purple pupils.

He was wearing a layer of dark purple tulle, which was soaked by spring water and stuck to his body, revealing his broad shoulders and narrow waist vaguely.

He stood up, and the misty water moved to his mermaid line as he stood.

You can't read any further down.

Of course, Lin Ge was still staring at this man.

"Are you much older than before?"

It seems to be much more mature.

It's only been half a year since I saw him, how did he grow so fast?
Jin Mu smiled lightly, and said in a clear and sweet voice: "In the world of cultivating immortals, my growth rate will be suppressed. After returning to the Demon Race, I will work hard to cultivate, which will naturally accelerate my growth."

He quickly came to Lin Ge and pulled her into the spiritual spring.

Lin Ge naturally wrapped his arms around his neck, leaning on his strong chest, admiring his face.

This kid is getting better and better looking.

A head of dark purple ink hair is smoothed back down, and the dark red horns on his forehead are less immature than before. With his delicate eyebrows and eyes, he looks much more mature. Under the bridge of his straight nose, his full red lips are stained with water, showing a bit of crystal, which is very seductive. people.

Lin Ge was lifted up by him and pressed tightly against his body.

She could feel his violent heartbeat.

It was obvious that he was not at peace at the moment.

"I miss you so much." Jin Mu felt the warmth from the woman, and stared at her with burning eyes.

Those purple pupils echoed the magic lines on his forehead, making him look even more bewitching and handsome.

Lin Ge hooked his lips, raised his chin with his index finger, and lowered his head to kiss his lips.

"Okay, give me a kiss as a reward for missing me."

But before she could leave, Jin Mu turned around and pressed her by the Lingquan.

"Not enough, Geer, I want more."


Toss for a long time.

Lin Ge looked at the man next to him who was blinking innocently at her with a speechless face.

Who would have thought that during the tossing time between two people.

Her inexplicable bloodline has awakened!

Originally, she was ready to endure all kinds of pain to awaken her bloodline.

Just outrageous!
Jin Mu hugged Lin Ge reluctantly, and rubbed her neck affectionately.

"Ge'er, why do you look at me like this? Shouldn't you be happy about the awakening of your blood?"

Lin Ge patted him on the back, "Happy, get off me first."

"No, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I don't want to leave your side."

Lin Ge was hugged and felt like he was about to suffocate.

no way.

She can only hang this humanoid pendant and continue to practice with her eyes closed.

After a stick of incense.

Lin Ge's forehead twitched, and he couldn't help but kicked people away.

"If you want to hang it up, hang it up, can you stop blowing in my ear from time to time and move around!"

Jin Mu looked aggrieved when he was kicked.

He stared blankly at Lin Ge, and said in a low voice, "I didn't, just subconsciously."

Lin Ge supported his forehead.

What's wrong with this kid.

Why does every world like to blow in her ears so much.

And what the hell is subconscious?

There is also muscle memory, right?

"You go to the side first, I will continue to practice."

"it is good."

Jin Mu saw that she was really impatient, so he didn't dare to do anything more, and went to the side to practice honestly.

Spring has passed and autumn has come, and two years have passed.

Lin Ge opened his eyes only after he felt that he had reached a bottleneck in his cultivation.


Spiritual power roared violently from her body.

A more majestic power emanated from her.

She jumped up from the Lingquan, clenched a fist with one hand, and punched the void hard.


The spiritual power released turned into the sound of a dragon's roar, and instantly wiped out half of the mountain peak.

Lin Ge: "..."

It's over, there should be no one there, right?
She took a closer look and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it was the opposite direction where the Lin family was retreating.

She looked at the half-empty mountain peak, and her heart moved slightly.

"It's quite strong." She flexed her wrist.

It is more than a hundred times stronger than before the awakening of the blood.

Lin Ge felt himself being hugged from behind, with his chin resting on her shoulder, and he looked at the half-bald mountain with her.

"Ge'er, you are the same as me."

He said this with joy in his tone.

Lin Ge tilted his head and immediately sensed something was wrong.

She felt that there was something on her forehead.

He raised his hand to touch it, and sure enough, he touched two small horns that had been forked.

Is this a sequela of the awakening of the dragon blood?
How did she really grow into a dragon?
Jin Mu turned her side so that she was facing him.

He lowered his head and kissed her two cute little horns.

"You are so cute, I like it very much."

Lin Ge: "?"

She curled her lips into a smile, raised her fist and raised her fist at him.

"Why don't you also taste the feeling of blowing up half of the mountain, and see if I'm cute."

She is a majestic boss, a cute hammer!

(End of this chapter)

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