Fast time travel: The villain BOSS counterattacks all over the world!

Chapter 156 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars

Chapter 156 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars (3)

Lin Ge tilted his head and smiled.

"Whether I pretend or not has nothing to do with you, does it?"

The same table choked.

He muttered a few words in his mouth, but didn't continue.

Happy learning time is always so short.

In a blink of an eye, school is over at noon.

Lin Ge closed the book, ready to go out for food.

Before he could stand up, a shadow was cast over his head.

"Lin Ge, Sister Qin is calling you."

Lin Ge looked up.

The collar of this girl's school uniform slid down to her arms, and she wore it loosely.

The posture is arrogant and ruffian.

There are two girls standing behind her, both with the same expression, which shows that the visitors are not friendly.

Oh wow.

It seems a little familiar.

Lin Ge searched his memory.

Aren't these girls the ones who bullied the original owner together with Qin Shuang?

Seeing Lin Ge sitting there, the girl impatiently stepped forward to pull her clothes.

"What are you talking about? Hurry up and follow us!"

Lin Ge glanced lightly at the hand that pulled her sleeve.

"Let go."

The girl seemed amused by her attitude.

Not only did she not let go, but she also grabbed her arm sleeve and shook it violently twice, stretching out her hand to push her.

"Dare to call me? What if I don't let you go?"

Lin Ge opened the girl's hand, stood up suddenly, and kicked her on the calf.

The girl was kicked, her center of gravity was unstable, she screamed, and bumped into the desk next to her.

With a crash, people and books fell to the ground.

"Lin Ge, do you dare to make a move while riding a horse?"

The other two girls got angry and wanted to slap Linge across the face.

The result is……

The three of them were directly beaten up by Lin Ge.

The girls covered the place where they were beaten with pain in their faces, sobbing softly and daring not to make a sound.

The students around who were watching the excitement were all dumbfounded.

Lin Ge patted his wrinkled sleeves expressionlessly, as if he wanted to pat away something dirty.

"If you want to invite someone, please be polite to me. I really don't want to do anything in school."

Under the fearful eyes of the three girls.

Lin Ge looked outside the classroom and raised his chin.

"After tidying up the classroom, take me to Qin Shuang."

Lin Ge swaggered out of the classroom.

She wanted to see how crazy this Qin Shuang, who had bullied the original owner, was in her memory.

Dare to bully her.

The three girls hurriedly cleaned up the classroom and helped each other to leave.

As soon as a few people left, Class 7 immediately exploded.

"I'll go, why did I think Lin Ge was a bit handsome just now?"

"Usually, Lin Ge doesn't have much sense of presence. I just found out today that she is so powerful. It's amazing."

"Why did Qin Shuang go to find Lin Ge? I remember that the two of them seem to have nothing to do with each other, right?"

"I don't know, what good can a group of little sisters find for quiet and good girls?"

Having said that, everyone was silent.

After a while, someone spoke weakly.

"As far as Lin Ge's skill is concerned, he doesn't seem to have much to do with good girls, does he?"

Lin Ge casually followed the three limping girls to the warehouse behind the school.

Lin Ge looks familiar here.

Isn't it the place where the original owner confessed to Xiang Ming.

The warehouse location is relatively remote.

It is very suitable for doing something, no wonder Qin Shuang chose to meet here.

This kind of murder and arson... No, Lin Ge is very satisfied with the good place to teach bad girls to change their ways.

She looked around and saw a few people standing or squatting beside a pile of waste wooden boxes.

All girls.

This group of people was quite particular about their positioning, they all surrounded the loli who was squatting on the ground.

Lin Ge flipped through the memory of the original owner.

I knew that loli was Qin Shuang.

Seeing Lin Ge coming, Qin Shuang took a deep breath of cigarette expressionlessly and stood up slowly.

She threw the cigarette on the ground and crushed it with her foot.

"Lin Ge, you are so courageous, you dare to confess your love to the man I like."

Lin Ge has a question mark face.

This loli likes Xiang Ming?
She remembered that when the original owner was rescued by Xiang Ming, he beat up this loli.

Lin Ge said with a strange expression, "You have Stockholm syndrome? You were beaten by Xiang Ming, and you still like Xiang Ming? You're sick, you'd better see a psychiatrist sooner."

She really can't understand this kind of psychology.

Isn't this purely psychopathic?

Qin Shuang's face was dark.

I don't understand what she means by Stockholm syndrome, but the latter words are not good.

She ordered viciously: "Sisters, take off her clothes! I'm going to post a photo of her on the Internet, so that Xiang Ming can see how slut she is!"

"Okay, Miss Qin."

The little girls around were all arrogant, and they quickly surrounded Lin Ge and stretched out their hands to grab him.

When girls fight, they either pull their hair or scratch their nails.

For this kind of fight without nutrition.

Lin Ge put people on the ground in two or three strokes.

Except Qin Shuang didn't do anything.

The rest of the girls were lying on the ground, covering the place where they were beaten, and yelled "Ouch".

The trio of sisters who had been educated stood timidly aside, not daring to go forward.

Lin Ge knelt down, patted one of the girls' faces heavily, and said, "You guys don't know how to fight, so don't be bad girls like others and bully me? Huh?"

Qin Shuang's eyes widened, she couldn't believe what was happening before her eyes.

"you you……"

For a long time, Qin Shuang couldn't say a word.

When did this shameless bitch become so powerful!

Lin Ge raised his eyes and said indifferently: "Qin Shuang, I don't care about your bullying me this time..."

Hear this.

Qin Shuang wanted to scream.

Who is bullying whom?
Look at the sisters who were beaten and howling.

Obviously they are the victims!
Qin Shuang turned pale, pointed at her and said, "Lin Ge, dare to do something at school, believe it or not, I'll tell the teacher!"

Lin Ge: "?"

"Are you OK?"

Lin Ge thought it was funny, stood up, and took a moment to say: "Okay, go ahead and talk, I think the school will punish you or punish me."

In the next second, she flashed and appeared in front of Qin Shuang in an instant.

He stared at her with icy eyes.

"Today, this is just a warning for you. In the future, you will come to me again, and I will beat you every time I see you."

Looking at those cold eyes, Qin Shuang's heart trembled, and she subconsciously took a few steps back.

She pursed her lips and looked at Lin Ge like a monster.

"Did you pretend last time?"

She just witnessed the whole process of Lin Ge beating them up.

Lin Ge was so scared last time, why did he suddenly become a different person today!
Lin Ge shrugged, "You say yes."

She didn't intend to continue wasting time here, so she turned around and left.

But before leaving, she raised the corners of her mouth and looked at Qin Shuang.

"If you are not convinced, you can also find someone to take revenge on me, but then it will not be as simple as beating me up, I will directly abolish you."

As he spoke, he turned towards Qin Shuang, wiped his neck, and left lazily.

The watchdog was speechless.

【Master, what kind of wickedness are you doing? You deliberately frightened the little girl, so frightened her that her teeth are chattering. 】

(End of this chapter)

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