Fast time travel: The villain BOSS counterattacks all over the world!

Chapter 163 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars

Chapter 163 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars (10)

Wen Ming puffed his cheeks and complained.

"It's true Su Ying. She obviously has a beautiful fiancée like you, Xiaoxi, but she still flirts with you. It's too much."

Li Aixi put down the towel in her hand, and continued to press her legs aside.

"Boys are more curious. Maybe it's just a little curiosity about the little girl I met, which doesn't mean anything. Besides, if the girl really knows about my relationship with A Ying, she will keep her distance."

Wen Ming seemed to have found a breakthrough, and immediately said: "Who in the school doesn't know the relationship between you and the president? Family friends, a tacit and recognized couple, it must be this girl who took the initiative to hook up!"

She also pressed her leg for a while, then put it down again.

He ran to the side and took out his phone again.

"No! Xiaoxi, I can't swallow this breath, I have to let the whole school know how hateful and cheap this woman is!"

Li Aixi just smiled and didn't say much.

Originally, everyone just watched Lin Ge's matter for fun.

Results during the weekend break.

The photos of Lin Ge and Su Ying walking together were widely circulated.

The group leader also formed a special group for eating melons, and everyone was talking about it.

——Who is Lin Ge, so shameless, our little one is beautiful and kind, Lin Ge is clearly a bully.

——What's the matter with the president, he's obviously a kid, and he's still flirting with each other.

——It has nothing to do with the president, okay?It was this woman who deliberately posted backwards to confuse the president.

——Hey, she looks familiar to me, didn't she confess to Xiang Ming before?
Not only that, there was also a photo of Xiang Ming bowing his head and kissing Lin Ge.

At that time, Lin Ge just came to the world, so he didn't kiss at all.

The angle of the photo is obviously borrowed.

Now, everyone is completely fried.

——So shameless, what is this Lin Ge?

--nausea!What rubbish!I want to report this kind of person to the school. His style and behavior are very problematic!

Before Lin Ge confessed to Xiang Ming, only some people in the same grade knew about it.

Now all teachers and students in the school know this melon.

The screen swiping speed in the group is directly calculated in minutes and seconds.

Can't read the content at all.

But roughly look at the past.

They were all scolding Lin Ge for being shameless.

on Monday.

When Lin Ge carried his schoolbag to school, he attracted many people's attention.

Some people maliciously slapped her with their mouths and insulted her.

last night.

Chu Ya told her the cause and effect, and Lin Ge already knew what was going on.

She didn't care, but it didn't prevent her from hacking those gossip groups and finding out the source of the gossip.

The beginning originated from Qin Shuang.

The firepower was driven by a little girl named Wen Ming.

Xiang Ming's matter has nothing to do with her.

That was what the original owner did, so what does it have to do with her, Lin Ge.

She won't take this blame!
Su Ying's this is purely malicious rumors.

Of course, she knew very well whether it was true or not.

At least at this stage.

She and Su Ying are as innocent as snowflakes.


A mineral water bottle flew directly towards her. Lin Ge turned to avoid it, and the water bottle hit her feet.

After the boy finished throwing the water bottle, he yelled "bitch" at Lin Ge and ran away.

Lin Ge looked at the back of the boy running away.

Finding the right direction, he kicked the mineral water bottle away and hit the back of the boy who scolded her hard.

The boy's back was in severe pain, he stopped, and when he looked down, he saw the water bottle rolling down again.

He said angrily, "Who did it!"

Someone beside him pointed in Lin Ge's direction.

"Lin Ge did it."

The boy was angry.

He quickly walked back in front of Lin Ge again, raising his hand to slap her.

"Stinky bitch, hooking up with Xiang Ming doesn't count, but you still dare to snatch the fiance of Goddess Xixi, why are you so shameless!"

Lin Ge dodged sideways and kicked him on the waist.

She leaned over slightly, and stared at him calmly with her dark eyes.

"Try scolding again."

"Bitch! Bitch!"

The boy was not afraid of her at all and yelled loudly.

Like a brave warrior who is not afraid of death.

The students around were shocked.

Some people hide in the crowd and secretly find it enjoyable.

"Well cursed!"

"It's just that she is shameless, and she won't let anyone talk about it."

Lin Ge was expressionless.

In front of them, he lifted the boy's collar and dragged him out of the school gate, into a deserted alley next to him.

"Lin Ge! Let go! What do you want to do!"

Lin Ge's hand was like an iron tongs, no matter how hard the boy struggled, he couldn't escape her control.

Not long after, a boy's screams came from the alley.

Wait for the students to bring the teacher to run.

Lin Ge had already hooked his schoolbag and walked out of it slowly.

Only the boy who fell to the ground and kept saying "ouch" was left.

The teacher glanced at Lin Ge with a serious face, and then quickly ran to the boy to check the situation.

It turned out that there were no bruises on the person.

The teacher came to Lin Ge again.

"Student Lin Ge, why did you use violence against your classmates?"

Lin Ge tilted his head with an innocent face.

"Using violence? I didn't do anything. Teacher, it's not good for you to slander me as a student like this."


It's because I didn't see it that I wanted to ask you why!

The teacher can't help it.

"Call two people over to help, first take this classmate to the hospital to see if he is injured. Lin Ge, come with me to the sophomore office."


Lin Ge followed the teacher as if nothing happened, and re-entered the school gate.

When passing by two people, she suddenly looked over.

Qin Shuang and Wen Ming suddenly met their cold eyes, their hearts trembled slightly, and they subconsciously took two steps back.

Somehow, they have a feeling of being seen through, and their scalps are numb.

The story of the boy being beaten for scolding Lin Ge spread again.

The previous gossip group died inexplicably, and a new one was formed this time.

Just said the word Lin Ge.

The group hung up again.

The group leader formed a group three times and four times, and found that Lin Ge group would hang up whenever Lin Ge was mentioned, even if the number was changed, it would not work.

Now give up completely, and can only talk about it face to face.

But when talking face-to-face, most people still have shame and dare not say more.

It was mainly because of Lin Ge's behavior in the morning.

People were dragged into the alley vertically and then came out horizontally.

I heard that the injury test did not find out the cause.

Combined with this gossip group, I got the supernatural event that "Lin Ge" was mentioned.

I couldn't help thinking about it, isn't Lin Ge a bit evil?

Even more outrageous.

There are also strange rumors that Su Ying was actually bewitched by Lin Ge and confused.

Students are easy to brainstorm.

Lin Ge was taken to the office for education.

Here, Su Ying just finished her work and came out of the dean's office when she heard about it.

Immediately rush to the sophomore office.

"Lin Ge, is this true?"

The homeroom teacher pushed the phone in front of Lin Ge, and there were two photos of her, Xiang Ming and Su Ying on it.

Put together, they have a good appearance, as if she is really on two boats.

Several teachers next to him also raised their ears to listen.

The weekend's gossip made the whole school know about it.

The teacher is not blind and deaf, so he naturally heard about it.


The class teacher sighed and shook his head.

"Student Lin Ge, I hope you can tell me the truth. You are still young and your grades have declined. Thinking about your puppy love will affect your future. Do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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