Fast time travel: The villain BOSS counterattacks all over the world!

Chapter 169 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars

Chapter 169 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars (16)

[Notice: The previous chapter has been unbanned, so you can read it normally. 】

Lin Ge smiled politely at the dean.

"please do not worry."

Lin Ge was taken by Su Ying to the dressing room backstage.

The two of them sat in front of a mirror, being manipulated by a makeup artist.

Su Ying has made arrangements for the outside affairs.

So he doesn't have to do everything himself, just prepare for the performance with peace of mind.

Boys' makeup doesn't need to be so heavy, Su Ying will be ready soon.

Lin Ge was still putting on makeup.

Suddenly, there was a shout outside.

"Aying, Aying!"

A slender figure rushed in from outside.

Su Ying coldly avoided the rushing people, and raised her eyes to look at the members of the student union who were also running behind her.

"Besides the classmates other than the show, why are there other students here?"

The two members of the student union ran over panting, with embarrassment on their faces.

"I'm sorry, President, we didn't see her for a while, but she just broke in and couldn't be stopped."

Su Ying waved her hand, "Take the person away first, what's the matter, let's talk about it after the show is over."

Li Aixi stepped forward suddenly, trying to grab Su Ying's clothes.

"Aying, you clearly agreed, as long as I apologize, you won't tell Wen Ming about it! Why do you go back on your word! Why do you do this to me!"

Su Ying avoided it again.

He said calmly: "I haven't said anything to Wen Ming. I don't know how she knew. The dean already knew that you violated the school's regulations once. Do you want to embarrass yourself in front of the academic masters again?"

Li Aixi had tears in her eyes, and the corners of her eyes turned to Lin Ge who was putting on makeup.

The whole face suddenly became distorted, completely no longer the image of a goddess.

She pointed in the direction of Lin Ge angrily and questioned.

"Did you tell Lin Ge about it, did she say it! Didn't it! Su Ying, you and I grew up together, why are you helping outsiders and being so cruel to me!"

Su Ying frowned, "It's none of Xiaoge's business."

When Li Aixi heard this, her expression became ruthless.

"Su Ying, you are very good, very good, you dare to treat me like this, don't blame me for being rude!"

After finishing speaking, Li Aixi gave Lin Ge a hard look, then turned and left.

Lin Ge had question marks all over his face.

Nice job.

Cooperating with her inexplicably took the blame again.

In this world, why does she always take the blame!

Su Ying came over and said, "If Li Aixi wants to do something, please tell me in advance, and I will solve it."

Lin Ge didn't care.

"Whatever she wants, she can't do anything to me anyway."

Su Ying knew she was powerful, but if the Li family made a move.

will affect her.

After Su Ying thought for a while, she took her cell phone and went out to make a call.

By the end of the show, it was almost seven o'clock in the evening.

Lin Ge took Su Ying's arm.

Both of them were wearing dark blue evening dresses of the same color, like a pair of lovers, appearing together on the high stage of the performance.

The girl is wearing a high-necked evening dress that outlines her slender and perfect curves. The tail of the skirt is layered with starry sky blue, like dragging the cosmic starry sky.

Her jet-black bun was held up by a hosta, with fine curly hair hanging down on both sides, her face was elegant and her mouth was smiling, giving her a sense of nobility and elegance.

She first bowed to everyone in the audience, and then went to the piano, after making all the preparations.

The slender white jade fingers slowly placed on the black and white keys.

The melodious and delicate sound of the piano poured under the fingertips, gradually calming down all the restless hearts present.

Close your eyes, as if you feel that you are on a forest path, and smell the freshness of the grass after breaking the ground.

The tranquility is intoxicating.

When all the academic masters below heard the piece played by Lin Ge, they couldn't help but sit up straight and listened attentively.

At this moment, the peaceful tune began to become cheerful.

Lin Ge raised his eyes, looked at Su Ying and smiled.

Her fingertips also became faster on the keys.

The sound of the piano joining the violin began to become clear from far to near.

The combination of the two is strange and tacit.

The whole tune was performed.

After thunderous applause from everyone, Lin Ge and Su Ying stepped down from the stage.

The dean stood below and wiped off his sweat.

"It's okay, okay, you two didn't disappoint me."

Lin Ge didn't say much, and followed Su Ying to the banquet hall.

After the performance, it was time for the banquet to communicate face-to-face with the academic masters.

This time period is the moment that all academic masters dream of.

Can I soar into the sky.

It depends on today.

The top students are gearing up.

But seeing Lin Ge also appear in the banquet hall, the top students all had a strange feeling.

I always feel that what I work hard to get is easily obtained by others.

No matter how you look at it, Lin Ge is not pleasing to the eye.

However, the thinking of Xueba is still mainly in learning.

After seeing the academic masters gradually entering the arena.

For an instant, Lin Ge was forgotten.

Su Ying is the president. In order to show that the school values ​​it, he bid farewell to Lin Ge as soon as he came in.

But before leaving.

He still reminded: "When you leave, remember to tell me, I will take you back."

Lin Ge waved his hands without saying much.

Because the banquet was a buffet, she took some food casually and found a corner to eat.

Not much time.

The atmosphere at the scene became lively.

Lin Ge can still hear it occasionally.

"Professor Qi, I really like your biology article..."

"Mr. An, congratulations on winning the XX award. I am also currently focusing on this subject..."

Each and every one of them, they have prepared a draft in their hearts, and they will talk when they find the right target.

Lin Ge had enough to eat and drink.

Get up and plan to leave.

Nothing to do here.

It was also after watching Su Ying help her deal with Wen Ming and the others before that she agreed to help him and participate in the performance.

Before he could take two steps, he was stopped by someone.

"Student, please wait!"

A tall, elegant woman in a red dress walked slowly.

Lin Ge smiled slightly at her.

"Hello, what's the matter?"

The woman looked Lin Ge up and down secretly, and was very satisfied to see that she was neither arrogant nor impatient.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Zhang Xinli, the vice president of the Kyoto Conservatory of Music. I have listened to the piano music you played and am very interested in you. Is it convenient to chat?"

Lin Ge politely refused.

"Sorry, I don't focus on music."

The woman was a little surprised.

"I saw you performing music pieces, and thought you were planning to develop in music."

Soon, Lin Ge realized.

Co-authored, these students not only prepared drafts for the banquet, but even the performances are related to future career planning?
This is enough.

She hadn't watched the content of the show before, so she didn't know the situation.

Now I can't help admiring the brain circuits of these academic masters.

"No, I plan to study medicine in the future."

The woman was taken aback.

Looking at Lin Ge's temperament and appearance, I always feel that even if he doesn't take music, he still takes an artistic career.

Unexpectedly, she actually chose medicine.

 The previous chapter has been unlocked.

(End of this chapter)

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