Fast time travel: The villain BOSS counterattacks all over the world!

Chapter 171 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars

Chapter 171 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars (18)

Not surprisingly, Lin Ge was still number one.

Everyone is much calmer now.

Anyway, there is a final exam, which is the final battle of each semester.

Whether it is a real or a fake academic master, the result will be revealed immediately.

After school the day before final exams.

Lin Jiangguo, whom he had not seen for a long time, suddenly appeared at the school gate.

"Little song!"

Lin Ge paused, calmly watching Lin Jiangguo running towards him.

In the past two months, Lin Jiangguo has frequently changed numbers to harass her.

Not giving up at all.

Of course, when he called, he could only condemn and scold, and he answered in vain.

Lin Ge would be crushed if he hung up on Jialahei.

I can't stand it later, connect the watchdog and let it automatically handle blocking Lin Jiangguo.

Lin Jiangguo couldn't find anyone, so he had no choice but to go to school to block people.

He also wanted to block people before, but he never found the time.

He had to go to work again, and he had to help Ling Zhuxin and the lawyer he had hired to deal with this lawsuit and prepare materials.

After two months of work, he finally found time to come to Lin Ge.

"Xiaoge, why haven't you answered my calls?"

Lin Ge: "Didn't I tell you before? We don't need to contact you any more except to give you a pension in the future."

Lin Jiangguo looked more haggard than before.

The eyes are dark, and there are a few silver strands in the thick hair.

He had a painful look on his face, "I'm your father, why can't we sit down and have a good chat? I know that your Auntie Ling is doing something wrong, but you can't kill her like this!"

"If she goes to jail, her whole life will be ruined! For the sake of me being your father, can't you forgive your Aunt Ling this time?"

Lin Ge: "..."

Dad, dad a hammer!

I am your father on horseback!

Lin Ge almost cursed.

Her face remained calm, "Sorry, Mr. Lin, I have forgiven her many times, but how did you do it?"

"Not only did I ignore it, but I became more conniving, and the last time I went back, I was driven to the utility room. Don't you know what the utility room is like?"

Lin Jiangguo lowered his head and fell silent.

After a while, he clenched his fist and said, "Xiao Ge, do you have to be so heartless?"

Lin Ge crossed his arms around his chest and stepped aside, as if letting him do his best.

"Aren't you here just to do something? Come on, Mr. Lin, please start your performance."

Lin Jiangguo: "..."

This made his newly brewing emotions a little stuck for a while.

How does this make him take it?
Lin Jiangguo looked at the school, and there were more and more people going out.

He felt ruthless in his heart, and was about to accuse Lin Ge angrily.

As a result, he felt a chill on the back of his neck, his head was dizzy, and he passed out on the spot.

Lin Ge quickly picked up his back collar and quickly dragged him to the flower bed at the school gate.

It's a ghost that she can give him a chance to show off.

From Lao Hei's belly, he took out a written poster and pasted it beside him.

The headline on the big-character poster reads:
--Shock!The father actually teamed up with the stepmother to abuse his own daughter!Is it the loss of morality or the annihilation of humanity?

Lin Ge's eyebrows twitched when he saw the title.

"Hmph dog, why do you write like a headline party?"

The watchdog laughed and said: [Master, this is true, and it is more eye-catching! 】

Lin Ge didn't say anything more.

When he stretched out his hand to tear off the invisibility talisman that knocked Lin Jiangguo unconscious, he stuck the invisibility talisman on the back collar, while he continued to stick the invisibility talisman and ran away first.

All this seems to take a long time, but in fact it is only a moment to finish.

As soon as Lin Ge ran, the two invisibility symbols on his hand and body instantly turned into ashes and disappeared into the void.

The spiritual energy on the talisman evaporated in this world together.

"The world absorbs it quite quickly."

Suddenly a person fell down at the school gate.

It immediately attracted the attention of many people.

The parents who came to pick up the students, seeing that Lin Jiangguo couldn't wake up, thought that he had some kind of illness.

Originally, I wanted to call 120 for Lin Jiangguo, but the headline of the big-character poster was too eye-catching, and my attention was immediately diverted.

Everyone's eyes flickered with gossip, looking at the specific content under the title.

The content is basically that, as Lin Ge's biological father, he abused his own daughter with the wife he married later.

Lin Ge was also considerate and asked the watchdog to write Ling Lin's phone number.

It means to ask his stepdaughter to pick up Lin Jiangguo.

He also wrote about Ling Lin bullying Lin Ge together.

Because the content is too explosive, it shatters the three views.

The parents who came to pick up the students gathered more and more, pointing at Lin Jiangguo who was unconscious.

"This Lin Ge is the little girl who said she asked hackers to transmit insulting videos last time, and made a big fuss, right?"

Some parents who were the center of the last insulting video incident heard the words and said that there is no need to make it so clear.

One insult ruins a lifetime.

When they think about it now, their faces are full of embarrassment.

Now in the company, some colleagues would still laugh at her.

Some directly force them to resign, and the company can't wait for them.

"Is it her? There is no student with the same name as her in the whole school. This little girl is too pitiful. She was rumored before, but now she doesn't think of her biological father, so she is not a thing."

"How can there be such a biological father, he is the stepfather, right? I have learned a lot about not raising my own daughter, but going to raise someone else."

"This is obviously unclear. The little girl has experienced so much at a young age. It is really not easy to grow up in such a family."

Everyone couldn't help but sympathize with Lin Ge.

There were also discordant voices, which sounded in the crowd.

"Poor people must have something to hate, and that little girl is not a good person, so it's no wonder that her biological father doesn't want to care about her."

"Obviously it's Lin Ge who doesn't accept discipline. This father is a little stricter, so he said that it's not good to be abused?"

Anyway, what to say.

Some of the parents are involved in the media.

Immediately took a picture of the big-character poster and posted it on the account operated by him.

Just after posting for a while, some people started to like, forward, and comment, and they came down one-stop, attracting more people.

Lin Ge didn't care about these things.

Back to the rental house with my schoolbag on my back, I washed up and fell asleep after playing games.

The day of the final exam.

Someone rang the bell at her door.

As soon as she opened it, she saw that Su Ying was holding a breakfast, waiting for her outside.

"Good morning, little song."

Lin Ge came out and closed the door, and naturally took the breakfast from him.

"Why are you free today?"

Usually, this kid at this point is in the president's office, dealing with various documents.

Su Ying: "It's all the final exams, and I've finished my work, so I'll come to you as soon as I'm free, and I want to see you soon."

Lin Ge inserted the straw into the mouth of the soy milk cup.

After taking a few sips, he said, "Oh, which exam room are you in?"

"The 1 exam room is right next door to you. Can you wait for me after the exam?"

"Is something wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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