Fast time travel: The villain BOSS counterattacks all over the world!

Chapter 174 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars

Chapter 174 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars (21)

The beautiful woman glanced at Lin Ge and put her hands on her arms.

His chin was raised slightly, and his expression was haughty.

"If I don't come, I don't know what you have done."

She looked at the anti-theft door, a little angry, "And what's the matter with this house? I bought it for you, so that you can go to and from school and study hard, not for you to take care of some messy woman."


Lin Ge laughed on the spot.

The beautiful woman frowned and looked at Lin Ge with an unkind expression.

"What? Am I wrong? You don't learn at a young age, and you learn how to steal someone else's fiance like a junior. How did your parents educate you?"

Lin Ge's expression turned cold in an instant.

Seeing this, Su Ying raised her head and raised her forehead, "Mom! Watch your words! If you don't know the situation, can you stop talking nonsense!"

Li Aixi looked at Su Ying timidly from the side, and gently wiped away her tears.

"Aunt Mo, no, it's because Ah Ying doesn't like me. Lin Ge is very good, and he takes the first place in every test. Although I don't know why I only got first in the test recently, but it turns out that Lin Ge is really good. It's normal for Ah Ying to look down on me."

"Recently?" The beautiful woman sneered, looking Lin Ge up and down with disdain.

"I think you got it by cheating, right? I checked you too, and I know that your grades weren't very good before. It's fine if you snatch other people's fiances. Your moral character is still so bad, and our Su family looks down on people like you. "

Su Ying couldn't bear it anymore, and said coldly: "Mom, please don't talk nonsense about things that have no basis in fact. Besides, Xiaoge and I are wishful thinking, and she didn't accept me at all."

Hearing this, the beautiful woman was stunned.

Li Aixi's expression on the side was even distorted.

Why in the end!
Obviously she is the childhood sweetheart who grew up with A Ying, why did this woman want to take her A Ying away!
And she doesn't care about what she dreams of!
Li Aixi suppressed the resentment and resentment in her heart, and took two steps forward, crying pear blossoms with rain.

"Student Lin Ge, if you don't like Ah Ying, please return him to me, okay? I really like him very much."

Lin Ge was indifferent to her tears.

"Student Li, don't you think this is ridiculous? You like Su Ying, it's your business, as if I give it back to you, he is yours."

Li Aixi choked, sobbing and looking at the beautiful woman with wet eyes.

The beautiful woman couldn't stand it anymore, and gave Su Ying a hard look.

"Aying! Why don't you hurry up and comfort Xiaoxi? Xiaoxi is the child I watched growing up, with excellent character and learning, and a good match with our Yemen family. Where can you find such a good child!"

Su Yingdong didn't move, but said calmly: "I've said it many times, I don't like Li Aixi, you insist on imposing this relationship on me, isn't it unfair to your son?"

"Su Ying! What are you talking about? Our Su family and the Li family are family friends, and we know each other well. Could it be that Xiaoxi can't compare to the messy people you found outside?"

Lin Ge reached out and stopped Su Ying who was still trying to refute.

"Are you finished?"

She fumbled for the rental contract from her bag, and held it out in front of the beautiful woman.

"Ms., please see clearly. I rented a house from Su Ying legally and paid for it. Do you understand that you are slandering and spreading rumors? Since you have checked me, you should have heard of it. Slander my fate?"

The beautiful woman's expression changed slightly for a moment.

Lin Ge reached out again, grabbed Su Ying by the collar, and pulled him down.

He raised his head and kissed them in front of them, and then let go quickly.

"Also, it's not that he's wishful thinking, but that he's in love with each other. He's my boyfriend. Please don't mess around with red threads. He's hysterical without looking at the person next to you?"

Meifu and Li Aixi never expected that Lin Ge would be so bold to do such a thing.

Su Ying was equally unbelievable, her eyes widened.

Feeling the warmth and softness on the lips that have not dissipated, the heart beats again.

He seemed to be stepping on cotton, and his whole body was a little swayed.

He... isn't he dreaming?

Lin Ge seemed to know what he was thinking, and patted his arm.

"You're not dreaming, it's real. And I want to talk to your mother alone, do you have any objections? Don't worry, I won't do anything to your mother either. "

Su Ying nodded, expressing that she had no objection.

Lin Ge opened the door and pushed Su Ying in.

The beautiful women and the others raised their chins.

"Ma'am, can we talk alone?"

The beautiful woman's face was uncertain.

Li Aixi grabbed the beautiful woman's hand violently.

"No, Aunt Mo, don't."

You can't let the two of them get along alone!
If Lin Ge said something bad and lowered Aunt Mo's impression of her, she would definitely be sent to hell!

The beautiful woman looked at Lin Ge's calm and composed appearance, and she seemed to be different from the girl she imagined.

She patted Li Aixi's hand.

"Xiao Xi, can you go back first? Auntie will handle this matter."

Li Aixi bit her lip and kept shaking her head.

The beautiful woman had no choice. After thinking about it, she said coldly to Lin Ge, "Come with me first, let's go talk elsewhere."

Lin Ge didn't care.

Follow her away.

The beautiful woman sent Li Aixi to the car and asked the driver to take her back first.

Li Aixi knew that the overall situation was settled, so she sat in the car and watched the two of them leave.

She clenched her fist tightly, secretly hating in her heart.

She took out her mobile phone, logged into the small account, found a contact and started sending messages.

——Can you make sure that the woman is ruined?
Xu is watching the fat sheep over there, and will reply soon.

——That's for sure, we have special shooting equipment and men, as long as the money is in place, the whole world will know how hot she is.Little girls can't bear it psychologically. If they can't bear it, maybe they can meet your expectations?
When Li Aixi saw this, the corners of her mouth curled up.

——Very well, I will give you 50% of the funds first, and I will ask someone to put the cash in a designated place, and you can take it yourself.

——You are quite careful, okay, then wait for news from you, and we will start to act when we get the money.

Lin Ge, you are dead this time!
Li Aixi turned off the phone with a face full of resentment.

Lin Ge and the beautiful woman are here.

Standing downstairs in the community, they didn't chat for long.

Lin Ge just showed her one thing, and the beautiful woman's expression became a little subtle.

He also dispelled the idea of ​​preventing her from being with Su Ying.

People are so realistic.

After their own interests will not be violated, the thinking of capitalists will naturally choose a favorable position.

As for what they saw, only the two of them knew clearly.


When the two are ready to part.

They all saw Su Ying standing not far away.

The beautiful woman strode over in high heels.

He glared at him angrily, "You haven't passed the door yet, you are like this, I have never seen you so nervous about your mother."

 After dinner, write another chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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