Fast time travel: The villain BOSS counterattacks all over the world!

Chapter 177 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars

Chapter 177 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars (24)

"You came so early? Didn't you say that there is still something to do when the new school starts?"

"I'm afraid you won't have breakfast, anyway, there's still some time, enough."

After Lin Ge went to the toilet to freshen up, he sat at the dining table and waited for the feeding.

She glanced at the clock.

"It's almost eight o'clock now, and I can already imagine how the dean got mad after he didn't see you."

Su Ying chuckled, "Don't worry about him, your stomach is the number one priority. I'll make you breakfast and eat with you before it's too late to leave."

Not much time.

Su Ying walked out quickly carrying two bowls of porridge and fried eggs.

The teenager is wearing an apron, full of the image of a family husband.

He also sat down, and after a quick breakfast, he picked up his schoolbag and prepared to go out.

Before leaving, he did not forget to kiss Lin Ge on the lips.

"I'll be waiting for you at school."

The third grade of high school in this world is slightly different from the regular learning content.

There are not only liberal arts and science classes, but also special professional courses after career planning to carry out professional-oriented basic learning.

Lin Ge hasn't gotten the result of class placement yet.

As soon as he returned to the previous classroom, a figure swooped over.

Knowing who it was, Lin Ge stood still and did not hide.

Chu Ya hugged Lin Ge's arm, tears and snot streaming down her nose, and began to cry.

"Woooooo... I don't want to be separated from you, Xiao Ge!"

Lin Ge was helpless, "The two of us are in the next class, and we just drop by. Why are you messing with me like this? It's like parting life and death."

Chu Ya: "..."

With tears in the corners of her eyes, she shook Lin Ge's arm.

"I don't care! I just don't want to be separated from you."

Lin Ge looked at her leisurely, "Oh, then you are with me."

Chuya choked, and immediately surrendered.

"Forget it, your domain of mastery is not accessible to ordinary people like us. It is not something that humans can learn at all. Only gods can understand it."

Lin Ge was speechless.

I didn't think before, why is this girl getting more and more middle school now?

Wait for the teacher in charge to send out the classification results.

Chu Ya leaned on Lin Ge again, and looked at the shift list in her hand.

After confirming that she was really next door, Chu Ya breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, it's not far away."

Lin Ge: "If you keep procrastinating, you won't have to go to the new classroom."

Chu Ya sniffed, leaned over and asked in a low voice.

"The president of your family, which direction will his career plan take in the future?"


Chu Ya immediately revealed a look of jealousy.

"Hmph, it turns out to be a science subject just like Xiaoge, let him succeed this time! I, Hu Hansan, will come back again!"

After speaking, she wiped her tears and ran away.

Lin Ge also had nothing to say.

Su Ying was assigned to the same class as her, which was completely expected by her.

When he was in the second year of high school, he wanted to transfer classes, but she stopped him later, so he gave up.

I'm almost in my third year of high school, and I'm still transferring to a hammer class.

However, after class division, Su Ying suggested to the new head teacher that the seats be arranged according to the grades.

What to say is so easy to stimulate the students' desire to win.

Therefore, the first and second in the grade, it is logical to sit together and become the same table.

Su Ying sat down with a bright smile and reached out to Lin Ge.

"Hello, new deskmate."

Lin Ge sat on his seat and glanced at him lazily.

She raised her slender, white hand and gave him a symbolic shake.

The new head teacher is explaining the precautions and arrangements for this semester.

Amidst the head teacher's voice, Su Ying secretly squeezed her fingers between her fingers.

Ten fingers clasped tightly, as if trying to squeeze into Lin Ge's heart.

Let her whole heart be her own.

However, Su Ying still had a sense of proportion, and quickly let go of her hand.

The two tacitly continued to study and study separately.

In the blink of an eye, it's mid-October.

We are about to usher in the first monthly exam of the third year of high school.

From the beginning of school to the present, Lin Ge and Su Ying have been very busy this month.

Even when they went home at night, the time the two of them spent getting bored was reduced.

Su Ying often complained to Lin Ge in private.

He is no longer as elegant, dignified, restrained and polite as before.

I always want to stick to Lin Ge, preferably the kind that can be carried in my pocket.

But there is no way, Su Ying also has a lot of books to read.

But Lin Ge not only had to read the book, but also started to do preliminary practice and practice techniques.

The school has a special laboratory, and Lin Ge always soaks in it.

On this day, after Su Ying finished reading today's study content, she didn't see Lin Ge coming out of the laboratory.

I can only go home alone, obediently waiting for someone to come back.

"Hey, it's also a very distressing thing for my girlfriend to be a top student."

After all, which high school senior has started to learn college content?

Oh, it turns out that he is also studying, so it's okay.

Around seven in the evening.

Lin Ge felt that the practice was almost done, so he packed up and left.

As soon as she left the campus, she immediately noticed that someone was following her.

"Scan who it is."

In the void, on the Q version screen, several people appeared instantly.

They were all tall and big, staring in their direction with wretched faces.

Lin Ge raised his eyebrows, pretending he didn't see it.

He turned his foot and began to walk more and more deviantly.

The few people behind looked at each other, showing excitement.

"This little girl is looking for death on her own initiative."

"Don't talk, be careful! Don't lose people!"

"Hurry up, that little girl is walking into the alley."

"Why don't you just start here? It just so happens that there is no one here!"

The leader hesitated for a moment, then nodded.


These people thought they would see a panicked girl.

It turned out that she was standing in a dark alley, playing with her mobile phone with her head down, with a calm expression on her face.

It seems that they have been waiting for some time.

Hear footsteps.

Lin Ge raised his head and glanced at them.

"Why did you come here? I have been waiting for you for 10 minutes, and you still hesitate to kidnap like others?"

The kidnappers: "..."

what happened?

What's wrong with this opening line?
The leader's face turned hard.

"Brothers, come on, catch this little girl and leave!"

The five men immediately rushed towards Lin Ge.

After a few minutes……

The result can be imagined.

Without much effort, Lin Ge knocked these people down.

She stepped on the chest of one of them, and said indifferently: "Say, who told you to come?"

These people didn't want to talk about it.

Was beaten up by the little girl, wouldn't it embarrass them to say it? !

All of them stuck their necks in silence.

"Quite backbone?"

Lin Ge sneered and kicked each of them.

"If you don't say it, you will be abolished."

As he said that, he was about to step on a certain part of them.

The leader's pupils narrowed sharply, and he retreated crazily with a scream.

"I said! I said!"

I couldn't bear Lin Ge's toughness.

In two or three strokes, these people explained everything.

"I...we don't know who it is, because when he gave the money, he didn't give it face-to-face. He divided it twice, put the money in the designated place and left, without seeing anyone at all."

"Give me the cell phone of the person you contacted."

The leader obediently took out his phone.

(End of this chapter)

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