Fast time travel: The villain BOSS counterattacks all over the world!

Chapter 187 Return to Interstellar: Cosmic Hooligans

Chapter 187 Return to Interstellar: Cosmic Hooligans

Lin Ge slightly hooked his lips, and his smile bloomed for a moment like a fiery rose, glamorous and soul-stirring.

Her green fingertip flicked across the void, and countless information materials began to scroll on the watchdog screen.

The dense content flickers extremely fast.

"This is the data I have collected in the world, but I haven't found the person you mentioned or what I want. It's no good to waste such a long time. Huld, are you sure you're not kidding me?"

Her tone gradually became cold.

It made Hulder's back on the opposite side tense unconsciously.

He looked at the Q-version screen in front of him, and he had probably finished browsing the content on it.

He frowned, his face serious: "Your Excellency Prisoner, what I said is absolutely true."

Facing the oppression brought by Lin Ge, Hulder couldn't help but use honorifics.

"The poly-core core body developed by the creation species was indeed snatched by the traitors of the Federation, and the core body fragments were hidden in various low-level worlds. If you want the core body, the Federation will help you successfully descend to the low-level world. The cost is no more than your Excellency It takes less energy."

Lin Ge looked cold.

"It's none of my business how much you consume? I want to supervise and guard against me, but also want me to help you collect star power, as if you have no benefits at all, Hulde, do you think I'm easy to control after you successfully controlled me? ?”

"As long as I get results, if I continue to argue with me here, then I can only leave here and find a way to collect core fragments in the lower world."

As he said that, he began to pull the nine-hundred soul chain that bound her, ready to break and leave.

Hulder felt the void connected by the Nine Soul Chains vibrating violently.

His brow was sweating and he was about to growl.

Dealing with Lin Ge is much more troublesome than dealing with alien humanoids and soul-devouring species outside!
"Your Excellency, wait!"

Huld took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "Your Excellency, the core fragments are indeed in the lower world, but we don't know the exact location. You also know that there is no unity within the Federation. Although it is my duty to supervise you, I Not with those guys who manipulated you into the lower world."

Lin Gemo narrowed his eyes and stared at him coldly.

"Not telling the truth? You can get the right to supervise me, and say you are not with those people?"

She got up and walked out.

"Since this is the case, there is nothing to say. Although I will come to the low-level world alone, there will be some troubles. If I can't get what I want now, then there is no need for any cooperation with you."

Hulder hurriedly stood up and stopped her.

"What I said is absolutely true! I can swear on the name of the great mother star!"

Hearing this, Lingo paused.

These guys have a deep obsession with their home planet, and they dare to swear on their home planet, which shows that he really didn't lie.

She thought for a while and sat back down.

After staring at Hulder for a while, he showed a playful smile.

"Hulder, you are not a good person. You deliberately said that it has nothing to do with you. Do you want me to transfer the hatred to your opponent?"

Hulder smiled, "Your Excellency Prisoner, I don't understand what you are talking about. In order to ensure that you can gain something when you come to the low-level world next time, once there is a signal about the core body, even if you try to fight against some people in the Federation this time, I will also help you to win a chance."

Lin Ge just sneered and didn't say much.

Suddenly, the building on the ground beneath her feet began to vibrate.

There were bursts of cannon fire and roars outside.

"Boss! Go in and find the prison master, we brothers will protect you!"

"You dare! This group of damned cosmic hooligans are attacking again! Contact the military department to send more people!"

"It's fucking endless, I'm tired of knocking on the door twice a day! Just let them in, anyway, these people just take a look and leave."

"I just contacted the military department and said that I don't care about these lunatics, they will leave when they have had enough trouble."

"Hahaha! Boss! Hurry up! This group of trash from the Federation, we beat them so hard that they dare not come out!"

Hulder sat on the sofa, his face darkened.

He glanced at Lin Ge, and said helplessly: "Your Excellency Prisoner, since you are sober now, why don't you bother to go out with me and say that the Federation promises that it will not pose a threat to your life. They always call the door like this, and it will not hurt us." Big."

Lin Ge had a strange expression. She had already guessed who was coming when she heard the words "cosmic hooligans".

This guy, it sounds like he just called the door if he had something to do.

Just to make sure you're alive?

What is he doing?
Lin Ge stood at the door of the room again, and saw various chariots floating in the sky.

Everyone on the chariot had excitement and madness on their faces.

At the front of the chariot, there were more than a dozen people, all of whom she knew.

Six of them are her younger brothers.

She was surprised that her younger brother would come with him.

Among the dozen or so people, sat a man with dark red hair and a handsome appearance.

What she is familiar with can no longer be familiar.

Isn't it the childhood sweetheart who grew up together, Chi Yu.

This kid has not changed in any way as before, he is still so weak.

Although the two grew up together, it was also a big hit.

Comparing grades when I was young, comparing strength when I grew up, and comparing influence after I left the society.

Anyway, as long as she does something, he will do it too.

It's a follower who can't get rid of it.

Chi Yu looked down, his expression indifferent and arrogant.

But when he saw the room in the metal building below, a slender and tall figure appeared.

His back stiffened, and his heart beat like thunder again.

He thought she should have arrived in the next world early this time.

How is she sober now?
calm down!Be calm!

He, Master Chi, has never seen any scene, even if he was caught, so what?
Small scene, no way!

But in the next second, Master Chi said cowardly: "Then what, I suddenly feel that there is nothing to look at, brothers, get out!"

After speaking, he ran away first, leaving a group of younger brothers staring blankly in place.

The feeling of excitement after invading the mother star is like pouring a pot of cold water, directly sluggish.

The boss all ran away, and the brothers all showed unwillingness.

Crying with tears, it faded away like a tide.

Lin Ge: "?"

She looked at the figure who seemed to be running away, with a question mark on her head.

What do you mean?
Isn't it to see if she is alive?

Why don't you chat with me before you leave?
And the watchdog laughed.

It floated beside Lin Ge, looking at the lucky cat who was also running away, the dog's head pattern on the screen all smiled.

The owner of the stupid cat is too cowardly!
Not only Lin Ge was confused, but everyone present was also confused.

Seeing that there was no chance to chat with Chi Yu, Huld shook his head helplessly.

He looked at Lin Ge and said, "Your Excellency Prisoner, then I will leave first. Please enter the task state as soon as possible. I will search for the location of the core fragments as agreed and let you come down."

Lin Ge didn't say much, closed the door, set up the defense device, and lay back on the sofa again.

(End of this chapter)

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