Chapter 190 Fat Wife Farms and Raises Husband (3)

Everyone knows who that voice is.

Isn't it the young master Mu, Mu Leling who has been in the village for more than a month?

The young master wore a veiled hat on his head, and a green robe with bamboo pattern, and his figure was slender and straight.

Such a masked hazy room has a fresh and elegant temperament.

"Mr. Mu is so pretty! Compared with the mess at home, it's nothing like mud."

Some women stared at Mu Leling, inevitably showing a foolish look.

Lin Ge glanced in the direction of Mu Leling lightly, then withdrew his gaze.

He lifted the basket on his back to his body, turned around and left directly.

Seeing this, the attendants beside Mu Leling showed displeasure, and shouted at Lin Ge.


Lin Geli ignored him and continued to leave quickly.

But with her bulky body, she was not as nimble as a skinny person, and she still couldn't walk very far with big strides.

The group of women wanted to reprimand Lin Ge several times when they saw that Lin Ge dared to ignore the beauty, so ignorant of compliments.

It is conceivable that the beauty is in front, so you have to maintain your image more.

He swallowed back those vulgar words that he wanted to utter.

The attendant probably knew a little bit of kung fu, and with a little step, he flew over and blocked Lin Ge's way.

He pointed at Lin Ge's nose and cursed: "My master saved your muddy life and wanted to leave without even saying thank you! How rude!"

Lin Ge was blocked again and again, and he was really a little annoyed.

She stared at him coldly, "Do I want your son to save me?"

If it wasn't for Mu Leling's dog to stop her, she would have beaten up those girls long ago!

The attendant's face turned red in an instant, and he said angrily, "Mud legs are mud legs! How dare you be rude to my son!"

Lin Ge: "?"

What did she say to be rude?
Too lazy to talk nonsense with him anymore, relying on her size and fatness, she rushed towards the attendant's side.

"Get out of the way, don't get in the way! I'm in a hurry, I don't have time to chat with you here."

After the attendant was knocked aside, Lin Ge passed him again and walked forward quickly.

She doesn't care if this is the world of female venerables or not, and she pays attention to pity and pity.

There are still people at home waiting to be fed!
She couldn't walk fast in the first place, but now she was always blocked. Lin Ge was already hovering on the verge of breaking out.

The attendant didn't expect that this woman would do something to him.

His face immediately turned cold, and he wiped his waist.

A slender and soft sword was drawn out, and it stabbed fiercely at Lin Ge's back.

"court death!"

"Ayuan! Stop!"

Two voices sounded together.

A cold light flashed in Lin Ge's eyes, and he quickly turned sideways.

Taking advantage of the attendant's inertial movement forward, she swung the basket on her back again and slammed it down on his exposed back.

"Bang" sound.

The attendant felt his back, as if he had been dropped by a huge boulder, and was directly smashed to the ground with a mouthful of mud.

Mu Leling yelled in surprise, came with a fragrant wind, and rushed in front of the attendant, asking nervously.

"Ayuan, Ayuan! How are you doing?"

Taking advantage of this gap, Lin Ge ran quickly.

This time her figure was faster than before, and she disappeared in the blink of an eye, not giving anyone a chance to stop her.

It's just that this body is too bulky.

She didn't rely on the ink-colored cloud, so she couldn't run away at all.

Thinking that he had wasted half an hour up to now, Lin Ge's expression became more and more indifferent.

The women in the village saw that the beauty was injured.

They hurriedly threw away the farm tools in their hands, ran to Mu Leling, and began to greet and show their hospitality in various ways.

"Master Mu, shall I help you bring him back?"

"Yes, yes, you see that Mr. A Yuan was seriously injured. If you don't hurry to take it down to have a look, you may injure Mr. A Yuan's body."

While speaking, he was about to reach out his salty pig's hand to touch A Yuan.

Ah Yuan's expression changed, and he quickly stood up and avoided regardless of his injuries.

But for some reason, Xu's stamina came up, and his back hurt like being torn apart.

His head was dizzy, and he passed out just like that.

Mu Leling's eyes were sharp, and she supported Ah Yuan.

Those women still want to be courteous.

They laughed at Lin Ge for taking a fancy to Mu Leling before, but now they rush to get in front of him instead.

Mu Leling was annoyed by these women and wanted to leave sideways.

One of them, a woman who also had a crush on Mu Leling, rubbed her hands beside him and smiled flatteringly.

"Master Mu, how about I help you?"

Mu Leling's beautiful brows were frowned, and her face hidden under the hood showed a bit of disgust.

"No need."

As he spoke, he picked up Ah Yuan, who had passed out, and quickly left with his back behind him.

Mu Leling's face was slightly gloomy at this time.

No matter what, Lin Ge's fat pig-like woman would have such a vigorous skill.

He tilted his head slightly, looked in the direction where the fat figure disappeared, and his brows became more and more wrinkled.

Today, why is this dead fat pig different from before?
Every time as long as she shows up, she will definitely post it.

If I saw him today, I would leave without saying anything, and even hurt Ah Yuan.

Is this playing hard to get with him?

A hint of sarcasm flashed across the corner of Mu Leling's mouth.

No matter what she did, he would not take a fancy to that dead fat pig.

After thinking about it, the speed under his feet became faster and faster.


When Lin Ge came to the foot of the back mountain, his whole body seemed to be filtered by water.

She was panting like a cow, and her face was flushed due to strenuous exercise.

"I'm exhausted."

She wiped the sweat off her face, raised her eyes to look up the mountain, gritted her teeth, and began to climb up.

The fresh earthy smell dissipated a lot of the stickiness and uncomfortable suffocation in her body.

Take a deep breath, the breathing is comfortable and the mind becomes clearer.

With one foot deep and the other shallow, she stepped on the dirt road walked by her predecessors, looking at the surrounding lush forest environment.

"I hope I can find something good in the mountains."

[Master, do you want me to scan it for you? 】

Lin Ge shook his head, "No need, walking around more is just exercise, and I need to be more familiar with the environment here."

The watchdog stopped talking.

While walking and resting.

Lin Ge found a lot of wild edible ingredients.

She wanted to find some more vegetables, but when she turned around, she found that the villagers had basically pulled out everything that could be cleaned in the area closest to the foot of the mountain.

In order to find more food, Lin Ge had no choice but to go deep into the mountains.

She was breathing heavily, knowing that the depths of the mountain were dangerous, and few people came.

But for her, it is an excellent hunting place.

As a result, she didn't see any large animals, but fortunately, she was somewhat comforted by hunting some small game.

She put a hare or something on a rope, like an apron, and tied it around her waist.

"It's okay, it's not in vain."

The scorching sun was already high, and it was getting closer and closer to noon.

After filling a lot of wild vegetables in the basket, he prepared to leave with a full load of ingredients.

On Lin Ge's way down the mountain.

Her ears moved slightly, and she heard something vaguely.

It seemed to be calling for help.

"Save... me... Is there... anyone..."

Intermittent voices came.

Lin Gequan pretended not to hear.

This has nothing to do with her, I don't bother to care about it.

on the way home.

Some villagers stared straight at the things in her baskets and the pheasant and hare hanging from her waist.

Some people suddenly became sour.

 Thanks to "Love Deep Keshi" for the reward and 2 monthly tickets~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

(End of this chapter)

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