Chapter 203 Fat Wife Farms and Raises Husband (16)

But in order to put an end to all hidden dangers.

Lin Ge planned to get rid of A Yuan while Mu Leling and the others were leaving.

Nothing else, his eyes made her very uncomfortable, who knows if Ah Yuan will stab her back when she is not paying attention.

It doesn't matter to Lin Ge himself, but there is another one in the family.

It's uncertain when Liu Xiao's head will be hurt, so be more prepared.

Liu Xiao leaned on Lin Ge, wondering why the wife-owner agreed.

But didn't say much.

The wife-owner agreed to send them off, and she must have known it in her heart.

Moreover, just now he and his wife had expressed their hearts to each other, and he still believed in her.


After the three people in the family finished eating and taking a shower.

Lin Ge stopped Yao Zhitao who was about to go back to sleep in the firewood room.

Seeing this, Liu Xiao knew that his wife had something to say, so she avoided suspicion and went back to the house.

While Lin Ge called Yao Zhitao to stop and talked to her.

After Mu Leling left, his face returned to an elegant and indifferent look.

If you look closely, you can still see the gloom in his eyes.

The three masters and servants were walking on the path of the rural farmhouse. Along the way, many people came out to look.

Seeing Mu Leling looking over, the single women immediately put on what they thought were good-looking postures, trying to attract the beauty's attention.

But the beauty just glanced at it plainly, nodded her head as a greeting, and then left straight away.

Even so, they also wear filters in their eyes.

He only felt that Mu Leling was kind and polite, and praised him like a fairy descending to earth.

The three of them returned to their resting place.

The smile on Mu Leling's face disappeared completely, and she made no secret of her disgust towards the villagers in her heart.

"The sight of these damn untouchables is disgusting."

A Yuan and A Mo who were behind them did not dare to say anything, for fear of offending their master and being punished.

Seeing that they were silent, Mu Leling snorted coldly and went to the main room to sit down.

He looked at the two and asked, "How is the arrangement?"

Ah Yuan just wanted to speak up.

Ah Mo walked out first with a respectful face, and quickly said: "My lord, everything has been arranged. As long as Lin Ge goes to the appointment alone, she will definitely have to pay the due price tomorrow."

Xu Shi was about to leave here, and Mu Leling was in a good mood.

"Well, well done."

He relaxed and leaned back in the chair.

"Originally, I planned to stay here for two more months, but because of what happened last time, I lost face! That's all, that dead fat pig also ruined my good deeds, this time I must arrest her Hold on, torture yourself!"

Thinking that the goal was not achieved, Mu Leling couldn't stop the anger in her heart, and the resentment came out all at once.

Ah Yuan immediately agreed and said coldly: "Yes, if it weren't for Lin Ge's fat pig, how could the young master suffer such humiliation when he was in town that day."

As he spoke, he stepped forward and took two steps, his eyes seemed to be poisoned.

"Young master, I have a plan. Since Lin Ge also offended the magistrate and others, why not take her delicate husband away together before leaving, and give it to the magistrate as a gift after leaving. Excuse me and let out this bad breath."

"In this way, the county magistrate must remember the kindness of the young master, and it can also be eased. The unhappiness you and the county magistrate encountered before, he will be angry. When he sends a letter to his sister who has a good relationship in Nandu, I will definitely speak well for the young master.”

Although Ah Yuan was not present, he learned the cause and effect from Mu Leling's words.

He used to dislike Lin Ge and Liu Xiao, but this time he can not only get rid of Lin Ge, but also destroy her husband.

When the matter is settled, he will be able to return to the young master's vision again, killing two birds with one stone.

Thinking of their future fate, the anger in Ah Yuan's heart can be dissipated.

Mu Leling narrowed her eyes slightly, and remained silent without opening her mouth.

Obviously, he listened to it.

He came here to play this time, because he wanted to take advantage of his status to get online with the magistrate of Xuancheng County, and to participate in the upper circles of Nandu.

Mu Leling's mother is the magistrate of the southern capital, and her status is already many times higher than that of the Xuancheng county magistrate.

But the county magistrate of Xuancheng gave birth to a beautiful daughter named Huang Ning.

Not to mention that Huang Ning was admitted to Tanhua, she also met the third princess and was accepted as a confidant.

Especially two months ago, she offered a plan to the third princess to kill the eldest princess, the enemy.

Aside from her confidant's serious troubles, Huang Ning was even more heavily relied on by the three emperors.

Therefore, he just wanted to use Huang Ning's hand to marry the third princess.

His status in Xuancheng is indeed not low, but in Nandu, there are not many young masters who are nobler than him.

That's why he condescended to honor and get to know Huang Li, the county magistrate's son, under the pretext of traveling.

It's just that because last time, he took the initiative to provoke Lin Ge, Huang Li complained about him and a suspicion arose.

As a result, his plan failed and he had to rush home to discuss with his mother what to do.

If it weren't for the fact that the people around the princess were hard to get close to, why would he waste so much time running to this rural place.

These were all arranged by his mother to teach him to do it. It went smoothly, but because Lin Ge, a fat pig, ruined the good thing, it really made people angry!
He raised his eyes indifferently, and looked in the direction of the house where Lin Ge lived.

"Lin Ge, last time you dared to be so rude to me, this time I will definitely make you look good."

He retracted his gaze and caught a glimpse of Ah Yuan who was standing silently, with contempt in his eyes.

"Ah Yuan, your health is about the same, and you should play a role. If you have some ideas, let them go and do them. Be careful and don't be as reckless as before. After all, you have an elderly father in your family who needs someone to take care of you. "

Ah Yuan's heart shuddered, this was the meaning of the young master's agreement.

It's just that the young master didn't say anything clearly. In the end, he even warned him that once the matter is revealed, should he bear it himself?

He smiled bitterly from the bottom of his heart, lowered his head to cover the dim light in his eyes, and obediently responded.

"It's your son."

The master and servant returned to the house and waited for Mu Leling to sleep.

Outside the house, Ah Yuan called Ah Mo to stop.

Ah Mo tilted his head, his face was calm, but his heart was full of contempt.

In his eyes, an idiot like Ah Yuan is not worthy to stand by the young master's side and serve the young master.

He looked at A Yuan coldly, "What's the matter?"

A Yuan Xu had accumulated grievances for many days, and his eyes were dark.

He walked slowly in front of Ah Mo, and said in a low voice: "A Mo, don't think that you have won the heart of the young master, just trying to overwhelm me. This time I will definitely complete the task assigned by the young master, as long as I help the young master out This bad breath, the young master will definitely use it again on me."

After the harsh words, Ah Yuan turned around and left.

Ah Mo didn't care about his words at all, and only regarded him as farting.

The night is dark and windy.

There was no one in the village at this time, except for the occasional sound of barking dogs and insects outside.

At this time, a black figure suddenly appeared in Lin Ge's home.

The black shadow seems to be very familiar with this place, and it has accurately touched a room.

Seeing the person sleeping soundly on the bed, Hei Ying let out a sneer from his throat, just about to sweep him away with the quilt.

(End of this chapter)

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