Weird laughter surrounded the dark and hollow mountain walls, and the echo structure made Jiang Ping, who was experienced in Jianghu, unable to determine the exact location of this person.


The sudden burning sound was the dragon chant of the birth of the fire dragon, and suddenly a thick fire dragon hovered along the cave wall.

Eyes accustomed to the darkness were stung by the sudden fire, and the three subconsciously covered their faces with their arms.

"I'm really rude. The distinguished guest came from afar, and I didn't greet him well..." The polite words seemed even more weird and eccentric in this scene.

Xiaoruo forced herself to quickly adapt to the light, blinked her slightly stinging eyes a few times, and looked directly at the source of the sound.

At this moment, the cave has been illuminated by the fire dragon as bright as day. It turned out that several green oil tanks were inlaid around the mountain wall. After being lit, it looked like a giant dragon hovering in the cave at first glance.

Dozens of huge bronze boxes were piled up at the tip of the dragon's tail. A young man with a high nose bridge and slender eyebrows sat unrestrainedly on it, and a middle-aged man with kind eyebrows stood beside him.

The young man glanced at the three of them lightly, with displeasure in his voice: "You said that the offspring of Su Liangkun are two girls and one boy?"

The middle-aged man bowed his head and replied: "Master, there are two girls and one boy. The eldest daughter is Xiaoruo, and there is a pair of twins in the back. The girl's name is Xiaoyou, and the boy's name is Xiaozhao."

"Tsk..." The young man frowned, obviously dissatisfied with the current situation, "That's one less..."

He jumped down from the box, scratched his temples with his pale and slender fingers, and said with regret, "I wanted to clean it all at once, but now I have to do it again, tsk, trouble..."

"What nonsense!" Jiang Ping's heart was aroused by the young man's defiant look. He drew out a thin-bladed long knife and pointed at the two of them and shouted angrily, "Where is Xiaozhao?!"

The long knife reflected bright white silver light in the breath of the fire dragon. The young man squinted at Jiang Ping, apparently feeling that he was not qualified to talk to him, so he ignored him and caressed the bronze box as if Touching like a lover.

"You..." Jiang Ping clenched his long knife tightly, and couldn't help but want to step forward and teach this ignorant young man a good lesson.

Xiaoruo grabbed him and said in a low voice, "Brother Jiang, don't be impulsive."

Then she took a step forward and raised her voice to ask: "What is the name of this eldest brother? I am Xiaoruo. From what you said, do you have some connection with our Xiao family?"

"Brother?" The young man paused as he stroked the box, as if he was amused by Xiaoruo's address, "Hahahahaha, big brother hahahahaha..."

After laughing for more than a full minute, he wiped away the physical tears from the corners of his eyes, turned his head and said to Xiaoruo, "The little girl has such a sweet mouth. In terms of seniority, you should call me uncle."

After thinking about the title of big brother, he couldn't help but burst out laughing again, " can call me Uncle Sui..."

This sensitive word immediately alerted the three of Xiaoruo.

"What's your relationship with Sui Yingtai?!" Jiang Ping frowned, Xiaoruo had already told him about Sui Yingtai's affairs, except of course the royal secrets.

Now Sui Yingtai in Jiang Ping's heart is no longer a high-ranking uncle of the country, but a perverted murderer who does many evils and kills without blinking an eye.

The middle-aged man standing respectfully beside the young man shouted sharply: "Presumptuous! How dare you call the master by his name!"

The young man waved his hand to signal the middle-aged man to step back. He said with a casual smile on his face, "I am Sui Yingtai."

Hearing this, the three of them were shocked. In their impression, Sui Yingtai was at least four years old.

In this era, 40-year-olds are well-established middle-aged people, and the person in front of him clearly looks like a young man, and people will believe that he is only in his early twenties.

The shock on the faces of the three made Sui Yingtai happy physically and mentally. He deliberately turned half a circle, as if showing his unusually young body to them.

"What? I wonder why I stay young forever? Of course it's the effect of the fairy medicine hahahaha... Don't you guys already know that I am taking the Yin-Yang fairy medicine..."

He laughed bitterly, looked up at the dome in the cave, but his eyes became empty, as if looking at a distant fairyland.

"Yin-yang fairy medicine, taking it will last forever, and it can also give birth to fairy fetuses and give birth to real immortals..."

"Nonsense!" Xiaoruo finally couldn't help interrupting him, "It's made from the blood of a child, I think it's almost evil medicine! Where did you hide my brother?! Hand him over!"

As she said that, she had already curled her fingers secretly, her palms were faintly hot, and she was in a fighting state all over her body.

If it wasn't for Gu Xiaozhao's whereabouts being unknown, she would have given the enemy in front of her a taste of the embrace of flames.

"Evil medicine?" Sui Yingtai squinted at Xiaoruo, and said disdainfully, "What do you mortals know... Oh yes, you almost let go of my medicinal materials..."

With a wave of his hand behind him, two shadow guards suddenly appeared in the shadow of the stack of boxes, dragging a limp body by their hands.

With a snap, the body was thrown in front of Xiaoruo and the other three like throwing trash, the limp fleshy body rolled over due to inertia, revealing a bloody face.

There were criss-cross bloodstains all over the pale face, if it wasn't for the mole at the corner of the eye, Xiao Ruo and Xiao Xun could hardly recognize the person in front of them.

It is literary civilization!

Xiaoxun immediately stepped forward, placing his index finger and middle finger together under Wen Wenming's nose, without feeling the slightest flow of breath...

This young man, who was full of joy not long ago, rushed to find his new sister, but he could never reach his new home.

Xiaoxun's hands trembled slightly, gently touching Wen Wenming's soft face...

Almost, almost, he could have his family again, almost, he could leave the dark nightmare... And all of this was ruined by the demon Sui Yingtai!

With red eyes, Xiao Xun suddenly raised his head and glared at Sui Yingtai who was still smiling.

"The eyes are so fierce...Dug it out and make wine with something special..." Sui Yingtai, who was glared at, was not only not afraid, but couldn't help sticking out the tip of his tongue and licking his lower lip.

Like judging food and medicine, his eyes lingered on the three of them. "With such a tender face, it's not bad to boil Ying Qiong into a beauty ointment... Forget about this one, it's dark and rough, it doesn't taste good and it doesn't work well..."

Xiaoruo tried her best to restrain herself until her whole body was shaking, so that the surging volcano in her body did not erupt.

No, it's not yet time, I haven't found Zhao Zhao yet...

A shadow guard suddenly appeared in the shadow of the tall stack of boxes, whispered something in the ear of the middle-aged man, then backed away and disappeared into the shadow.

The middle-aged man got the news, bowed his hands respectfully to Sui Yingtai and said: "Master, everything is ready."

Only then did Sui Yingtai recover from his fantasy, and he smiled strangely at the three of them and said, "Don't you want to see Xiaoxun, then come with me."

After speaking, he turned around and walked into the shadows. The middle-aged man followed closely behind him and disappeared into the shadows together.

It turned out that there was a passage behind the high stacked bronze boxes, hidden in the shadows, but the three of Xiaoruo hadn't noticed it just now.

It's about Xiaozhao, Xiaoruo can't afford to wait for a moment.

Regardless of thinking about the danger behind, the three carried Wen Ming's body to the side and placed it against the stone wall, then followed into the passage in the shadows.

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