Chapter 28 Keeping You Safe
Facing the pure white thirty catties of saltpeter, old man Cen picked up a handful and twisted it, and felt the delicate rubbing sensation from his fingertips.

"This saltpeter is pure in precision and high in quality, but the thirty catties of it may last for several years." He still couldn't figure out what the girl from the Xiao family wanted so much saltpeter for.

Xiaoruo didn't sleep all night, and she wasn't sleepy. She only felt that Wu Zang Temple was beating a big drum to protest that she only consumed and didn't pay tribute.She didn't bother to go into details right now, she shook the sleeve corner of Xiao Xun who had been following her closely since she came out of the pharmacy.

Xiaoxun also stayed up all night, as long as he was busy in the pharmacy, he leaned against the door and guarded for as long as possible.

He thought a lot that night.

He wondered if Xiaoruo hadn't picked him up, would he have died silently in the deep mountains, and would have been torn apart by wild beasts and eaten, only to be found a few years later with only an unknown bone.

I also thought of when Xiaoruo said that she was her man in front of everyone, the wind blew over her temples, and the strand of hair was shaking gently on her face, as if gently stroking her.

I couldn't help but think that if refining saltpeter really failed tonight, and an accident like an explosion happened, I would definitely rush in immediately, and even if I couldn't protect her, I would die with her.When the time comes, let Mr. Cen bury the two of them together, and the names on the tombstone should be next to each other. When it's Qingming, Niao Zhaozhao will come to the grave for them...

He thought so wildly all night, until the dawn of the golden rooster broke bright, the door of the pharmacy was pushed open, and Xiaoruo walked out from inside with a high spirit, that he came back from the chaotic thoughts.

His body, which hadn't changed his posture all night, was as stiff as a door hinge that hadn't been oiled for a long time. He could hear the creaking sound of bones rubbing against each other even if he moved it. Just follow.

From the time she knocked on the door of the room where Elder Cen and Xiaoyou Xiaozhao went to sleep last night, to the time she brought out the prepared saltpetre and spread it out on the stone table, he followed at a distance of half a step, like Xiao Ruo behind him. that tail.

Maybe there were too many things to think about in the long night. During the time when he came and went with Xiaoruo, his mind was completely white, and he didn't think about anything, and his limbs didn't need his brain to give orders, he just had to follow his instinct.

The sleeves were pulled and shaken by the pale fingers, and the things in his mind seemed to be pulled back together. His eyes followed the long white fingers to the pretty face, and Xiao Ruo stared straight at him with open almond eyes.

Teenagers spring up like bamboo shoots, jointing each day.After a month of recuperation and treatment, his height has grown a lot, and now he has surpassed Xiaoruo, and he no longer needs to look at her from the perspective of the upper eye.

Xiaoruo only needs to look at her without speaking, and he knows that she is hungry.

Xiao Xun took a step back, switched the dagger from his right hand to his left, opened and clenched his right hand a few times, and after feeling flexible again, he nodded to Xiao Ruo and Old Cen, then turned and went to the small kitchen.

There are still leftover ribs with amomum from last night, add water and salt again to make ribs with amomum soup.Steam a piece of rice, stir-fry a piece of seasonal vegetables, and steam a bowl of egg custard for Xiaoyou Xiaozhao, a simple and nutritious meal is ready.

Since Xiaoxun woke up and made the pot of stewed rice, he has arranged all the meals for Xiao's family, and it is the same in Tzu Chi Hall.

The meals he cooks seem to have magical powers. Simple ingredients can become delicious and fragrant after being cooked by his hands, which makes people appetite.Old man Cen completely gave up his authority to use the kitchen after eating once. He only had to eat every day and didn't bother to ask questions about meals.

After eating and drinking enough, Xiaoruo made several people gather in the middle of the yard, and she wanted to do a trick for them.

She first took a pottery urn and filled it with clean water, then took out a wooden barrel that was a circle larger than the pottery urn and filled it with clean water, and placed the pottery urn in the middle of the barrel to form an inner circle.

Under the curious eyes of several people, Xiaoruo took out saltpeter equal to the clear water in the pottery urn, and poured it into the water in the wooden barrel.The snow-white powder dissolves in the water, and as the saltpeter dissolves, the water in the pottery urn also changes.

I saw the water in the urn making a slight creaking sound, and it was slowly freezing.

At noon in June, although the sun is not as fierce as in midsummer, it will feel hot after a long time in the sun. Xiaoruo actually made a jar of ice cubes in the sun.

"Wow!" The two Doudings felt that they had really watched a wonderful trick, and sighed with wide eyes.Sister is indeed the most powerful sister in the world!
Old man Cen had never seen such a scene before. His thin hands tremblingly stuck to the pottery urn. The cold touch was indeed ice. This was not his illusion.

"This, is this really ice?"

"It's ice." Xiaoruo replied affirmatively. "Saltpeter dissolved in water can absorb a lot of heat, which can cause an equal proportion of water to condense into ice due to heat loss." That's why she wanted a lot of saltpeter.

Yesterday, when she heard people talking about the high price of ice, and happened to see the pile of saltpeter mines, she thought that saltpeter could be used to make ice, which was an excellent opportunity to make money.

"I only know that saltpeter can be used as medicine, but I didn't know that it has such uses. Girl, who did you learn this from when you were young?" Old Cen shook his head and sighed. Sure enough, life has a limit, and knowledge has no limit.

Xiaoruo didn't want old man Cen to go into details, but said that he had seen the method of making ice with saltpeter in the book left by his father, and said that the ratio of making ice with saltpeter was one to one, and the saltpeter dissolved in water could evaporate the water and regenerate Extracted and reused, although there will be loss in the process, but compared with the ice that can be made, this loss is almost negligible.

She discussed with old man Cen that although selling ice directly could make a quick profit, it would attract too much attention. It is not a good thing to attract too much attention to the old and young in the Tzu Chi Hall.It's better to have old man Cen prepare a prescription that is mild in nature, clears away heat and relieves internal heat, and is easy on the throat. Add ice cubes to make iced tea for sale, which can not only relieve heat but also reduce fever.

Old man Cen also agreed with Xiaoruo's suggestion, and insisted that he only divided the money for the medicinal materials and other materials for this herbal tea, and all the profits belonged to Xiaoruo.

"I'm an old man. I have enough money for medical consultations on weekdays, and I haven't spent the hundred taels of remuneration given by the Zhang family last time. I haven't spent it there. What do I need such money for?" The eyebrows looked lively and funny, which made the two cubs giggle.

"Besides, you and Zhaozhao are still young, and there will be many places to spend money in the future. You and your family, A Xun, will live and set up a family business in the future. Why don't you use money?"

Hearing old man Cen say this, Xiao Ruo stopped arguing.This little old man has no children, and loves them so much, she will definitely provide for him in the future, and now it is a matter of life to fight for the profit.

"Okay, then do as you said."

(End of this chapter)

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