Chapter 37
Zheng Dongyang's home is really too simple, he used Xiaozhao's beam repairs to buy tables, chairs and benches for them to teach, and used all the rest to buy pens, inks, papers and inkstones.

It was only then that Xiaoruo realized that although there was a lot of repairs for the teacher, the monthly cost of buying paper and pens was even greater.

An ordinary pen costs one hundred cash, ink is sold by the catty, three hundred cash per catty, paper is the most expensive, rough paper is fifty cash per sheet, and white paper is one hundred cash per sheet. But you can buy a pen, a catty of ink and six sheets of white paper.

Many people can't afford the husband's repairs, but they can't afford the paper and pen.

Xiaoruo took an inventory of the small treasury, and since she started selling herbal tea and ice cubes, she agreed with old man Cen that she would no longer receive monthly money, and return the three taels of silver that old man Cen had initially advanced, and give him another one tael every month The money is used for daily expenses, and it is offset by the rent and food for the temporary residence of their family of four.

The old man naturally refused to accept it, until Xiaoruo said that even if he was a real grandfather, he should give filial piety money as a descendant, and he reluctantly accepted it.

In the past few months, Xiaoruo has saved more than 100 taels of silver, which seems to be a lot, but the monthly Shuxiu and pen and paper money will be a large fixed expense, and the two cubs should also do it. Qiuyi, and Xiaoxun, he is running fast, Xiao's father's clothes on him have changed from needing to roll up the sleeves to revealing a section of wrist and ankle, and it is time to add a few more suitable ones for him clothing.

She bit a licorice stick, dipped in water and drew circles on the stone table, calculating the family's income and expenditure.

A hand with sharp knuckles stretched out from behind her right ear, pinching the straw to stop her from gnawing on it.

"Don't chew this, you won't be able to eat later."

Xiaoruo let go of her mouth, allowing the whole licorice to be sucked away.Xiaoxun put the licorice on his left hand, and handed the warm water he brought to Xiaoruo to signal her to drink.

He looked at the traces of Xiaoruo's water paintings on the stone table. Some of the water stains had almost dried up, and he couldn't see the details clearly. He could vaguely see that the writing was numbers. The word "clothes" has been removed, and there is a picture of a tall and two short matchstick-like villains next to the word.

"What is this?" He asked, pointing to the little man.

"It's nothing, let's go, what's for dinner tonight? I want to eat the pickled radish you made last time." Xiao Ruo didn't want him to know that she was settling accounts, so she dragged Xiao Xun away from the stone table. "You send some milk to Mr. Zheng tomorrow. I saw him like this last time."

Xiaoxun followed Xiaoruo obediently, he turned his head slightly, and glanced at the stone table again, the water stains on the table reflected the sunlight.

The milk is stored in clay pots, and the mouth of the pot is tightly sealed. One is to prevent the milk from spilling out, and the other is to prevent the dust from the road from flying into the pot, which will make the milk dirty.

Holding the jar in his arms, Xiaoxun walked along the street to Zheng Dongyang's house.From time to time, someone greeted him on the street.

"Brother Xiao is going out? Going to Zheng's again?"

"Brother Xiao, thank Dr. Cen for me, the medicine he prescribed to me a while ago is really effective!"

"Hey, brother from the Xiao family, do you want to have a look at today's dishes? The water is fresh!"

Xiaoxun nodded one by one in response, and the people of Shangxi Town had long been used to the handsome boy's taciturn and expressionless appearance, and were not annoyed by his indifference, they just talked about them.

Shangxi Town is located at the junction of two rivers, connecting the north and the south. Over time, it has become a hub. More and more people have settled here, and there are many shops and traffic.

A large number of people requires wide roads. Shangxi Town pays the most taxes every year, and the government has sufficient finances, so it allocates funds to widen the town's roads. The bluestone paved streets of Shangxi Town are enough for two horse-drawn carriages to drive side by side.

As long as it is not in the market, the shops on both sides of the street will hang curtains outside their shops, with their own business written on the curtains to attract customers. Hawkers without shopfronts serve as fixed selling points, which can also increase revenue.

Although his face is cold, Xiao Xun's mind is full of enthusiasm.Every time he passed a stall, there was a voice in his head chanting.

"The cold cake is in the shape of an orchid today. You can buy a few pieces when you come back later. You love it."

"This side dish is bolting, so I won't buy it."

"What kind of fruit is this? I've never seen it before. I don't know if it's sweet or not."

Just when he secretly looked at the style of the girl's purse that passed by just now, and wanted to buy one for Xiaoruo, a woman's sharp cry suddenly came from behind.

"Ah! Girl——" There was panic in the voice.

Hearing the sound and turning around, I saw a little girl with a bun on her head standing stupidly by the side of the road, a long knife with a thin blade gleaming coldly drew a shocking arc in the air, and was about to strike she is gone.

Before he had time to think about it, Xiaoxun swung his wrist, and the milk jug in his arms smashed towards the long knife.The can collided with the knife in the air, making a loud bang, the knife fell straight to the ground, and the milk jug shattered in the air.

The white liquid bloomed into a fishing net in the air, enveloping the little girl with the fragments of the jar. He was as fast as lightning, and while throwing the jar, he touched the ground with his toes. Others felt that he was already hugging the little girl. Pull her under him.

The fragments of the pottery pot were relatively large and not very high, so it didn't hurt Xiaoxun when it hit his back, but his clothes were wetted by milk.

He let go of the little girl in his arms, and at this moment the child came back from the shock and burst into tears.

The girl's cry woke up the stunned crowd. The woman who had screamed just now pushed aside the crowd, stepped forward a few steps, hugged the little girl, and thanked Xiaoxun repeatedly.

She is the mother of a little girl, and she was busy bargaining with the hawker. She didn't notice that her daughter was attracted by the refreshments at the stall next to her, and she walked away before she knew it. When she turned her head, she saw the long knife in the air and was about to take her fancy. Daughter, then she screamed.

"Thank you, thank you! Thank you so much! Woooooo... If it weren't for you, my daughter... Woooo..." She hugged her daughter tightly, feeling grateful and scared at the same time.

Clap, clap, applause mixed with her crying, and it was a tall man who applauded.

Behind him were five equally strong tough guys, six of them were wearing leggings, wristbands, black breeches, and a black and red belt. Five of them were holding a long knife with a thin blade in their hands, similar to the one who almost hit the little girl just now. A knife is a style.

"Young hero is so handsome!" The applauding man praised boldly. Just now his brothers were drinking tea and taking a break, teasing and making gestures. When they were fighting, they missed for a while, and the throwing knife came out, which almost caused a catastrophe.

Xiao Xun frowned and looked at the same weapons in the hands of several people, and knew that they were the source of the accident.

"You shouldn't have fired your weapons on the street." His voice was cold, but anger could be clearly heard.

The people behind the big man were not happy to hear his tone. They have been walking in the rivers and lakes for so many years, what kind of things have they never encountered, and it is their turn for this brat to teach their elder brother such a lesson?
(End of this chapter)

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