Hearing what she said, Xiaoxun's face immediately turned red, and he even stuttered a bit when he spoke.

"No, I don't need you to accompany me, it's too dangerous..."

Xiaoruo deliberately teases him, and looks at him without saying a word while smiling.

In fact, she wasn't all there to accompany the puppy. When Shopkeeper Qian and the others said that someone was asking for a lot of money to buy Cordyceps sinensis, she was already crazy.

In the past, one person fed the whole family and the whole family was not hungry, but now she has the old and the young, with a sweet burden on her shoulders.

Naturally, the more money you earn, the better.

It's just that considering the long distance, the feasibility of her harvesting Cordyceps sinensis alone is too low, and the food and lodging along the way will be costly.

Now that the Chamber of Commerce paid for the Escort, it would not be difficult to bring her along.

"It's really dangerous...the chaos in the north..."

Xiaoxun said in a daze, unable to control the strength of his fingertips, he squeezed a corydalis into a flat piece with a snap.

With a chuckle, Xiaoruo stopped teasing him, picked up all the poor corydalis in a draining basket, stuffed them into the vinegar sauce, and prevented the restless dog's paws from crushing all the medicinal materials.

"There's still you here, what's the danger if you're protecting me?" Xiaoruo laughed.

The little dog doesn't know that she has supernatural powers, and if she encounters a robbery on the road, she may be more lethal than the other party.

As soon as the fire burned over, what bandit and reckless man, all his eyebrows and hair would be burnt off, and all his mother would become monks and repent to the Buddha.

"Okay, don't worry, I'll go to the chamber of commerce, I want to eat sweet and sour fish tonight."

Standing up and patting the dust off her buttocks, Xiao Ruo smiled brightly, and after reporting the name of the dish to let the puppy go to work, she turned and went out towards the chamber of commerce.

Sure enough, all fifteen shopkeepers came.

Now the Chamber of Commerce has bought several small courtyards on the left and right, and opened up to build a large courtyard with three inputs and three outputs, which is spacious and bright.A plaque with an inscription written by Zeng Cishi is hung on the main hall, which looks very grand.

At this time, fifteen shopkeepers gathered in the main hall, and shopkeepers Qian, Huang and Ding sat on top as the principals.

Seeing Xiaoruo come in, everyone got up to say hello.

Shopkeeper Qian said, "Why did Miss Xiao come here alone? Didn't I plan to pick you up?"

It turned out that shopkeeper Qian had sent his nephew and buddy to invite Xiaoruo long before the meeting of the chamber of commerce, and he wondered why he hadn't arrived for so long.

"Maybe I missed it on the way." Xiaoruo explained for the buddy.

After saluting with everyone, it was a face-to-face meeting. She asked, "I just heard that the Chamber of Commerce has entrusted the escorts of the Shunji Escort Bureau, and plans to go to the Qiang and the Tibetans?"

"Yes, yes." Shopkeeper Qian nodded repeatedly, and gestured to the superior in the north to invite Xiaoruo to sit down.

Xiaoruo was not polite, and after signaling that everyone was seated, she went directly to the upper seat and sat down.

Before Shopkeeper Qian could speak again, Shopkeeper Mao said first, "Miss Xiao, after you go back today, I discussed with Shopkeeper Qian, and I think this Cordyceps sinensis is a great business opportunity!"

His face was full of excitement, his eight-character eyebrows slanted, jumping up and down as he spoke.

"We called together experienced doctors from various families. Many of them said they had never heard of Cordyceps sinensis. Only the doctor from Shopkeeper Huang said that he had seen it in a medical book. He remembered that the description in the Chinese medicine book was the same as what you said!"

"I think it is indeed a magic medicine. If our chamber of commerce can get on this line, why worry about no profit!"

This makes sense, Xiao Ruo nodded in approval.

Shopkeeper Qian went on to say: "We plan to contribute some money and manpower from each family to form a caravan to go to the Qiang and Tibetans to investigate. In the future, we can make a special line for the business of Cordyceps sinensis. What does Miss Xiao think?"

how?Of course it is good, Xiaoruo thought silently.

She was already fascinated by the potential huge profits.

"I also agree with the Chamber of Commerce's decision, but I have an unkind request."

Standing up slowly, her pretty face was full of solemnity.

"Miss Xiao, but it's okay to say." Everyone said one after another.

"I, Xiaoruo, don't have the financial resources of everyone, so I can't spend so much money to participate in the formation of the caravan, but I hope to participate in technology." Xiaoruo said.

Technology participation?No one has heard of what this is.

Seeing the doubts on everyone's faces, Xiaoruo explained: "It was me and the caravan that went to the Qiang and the Tibetans."

"As for Cordyceps sinensis, I think no one here knows better than me, what kind of quality is the top grade, how to preserve the purchased medicinal materials so that they can be transported safely, and how to process the Cordyceps sinensis."

Every time he said a word, everyone in the hall nodded.

Indeed, as Xiaoruo said, no one here knows this magic medicine better than her.

"The technical support I provide to the caravan is worth the money I paid."

This proposal has been approved by everyone. It is more important to be familiar with the technology of medicinal materials than to pay money directly.

"But... Qiang and Fan are far away and dangerous, Miss Xiao, you..."

My brother, shopkeeper Qian, is very worried about Xiaoruo, a girl's family, who travels long distances to the wild frontier.

Xiaoruo said with a smile: "Since I hired Shunji Escort, I don't have to be afraid."

Shopkeeper Qian suddenly thought, the one from Miss Xiao's family is in the Shunji Escort Bureau!
With a slap on the head, how could he forget this.

"That's good! Let's make a deal like that!"

The Chamber of Commerce has finalized the investment ratio of each company and the profit distribution after the event is completed, and everyone went back to each company with satisfaction.

When I got home, the sweet and sour fish was out of the pot.

Xiao Ruo ate two pieces of fish cheek meat from a small plate.

This is the meat on both sides of the fresh fish head. It is as white as snow, tender and fresh, fragrant and has no thorns. Every time Xiaoxun cooks fish, he has to pick out these two pieces of meat with a small plate, and let Xiaoruo alone eat.

"A Xun cooks the best fish!"

The fresh and tender fish meat is so delicious that people want to swallow their tongues, and Xiao Ruo squints his eyes, and he can't stop praising the gold medal chef of Xiao's family.

After starting the small stove, all the meals were served on the table one by one, and the six members of the Xiao family sat around in a circle.

The Xiao family has no rules of not talking when eating or sleeping, and Xiao Ruo has always felt that the family should say some affectionate words when they are having a lively meal.

Ask the cubs how they are doing today, and tell them what they plan for tomorrow.

In the aroma of the food, the exchange of knowledge and opinions with each other can make the taste of home more warm.

Zheng Dongyang picked the fish bones for the two cubs, and asked casually: "Ruo Ruo, you said you want to go to Qiang and Fan with A Xun?"

Hearing this, Xiaoruo looked up at old man Cen.

He silently lowered his head and sipped his wine without speaking.

Xiaoruo knew that he must have told Zheng Dongyang about this.

Although the old man didn't express his opinion today, it can be seen from his expression that he doesn't agree with Xiaoruo going with Xiaoxun.

"Well, it's a dart entrusted by our chamber of commerce."

Picking up a chopstick of old man Cen's favorite peanut, he smiled flatteringly at him.

Seeing the dishes that suddenly appeared in the bowl, the old man raised his eyelids and glanced at Xiaoruo, but he still didn't speak.

"Why did your Chamber of Commerce let you go? You belong to a girl's family, and there is no one else?" Zheng Dongyang asked again.

When he and Xiaozhao returned home in the afternoon, old man Cen dragged him and chattered a lot, meaning he hoped he could persuade Xiaoruo not to go to the remote Qiang and Tibetans with the bodyguard team.

"Yes, other families also provide two manpower, including my caravan, a total of 31 people."

Seeing that the small wine cup in old man Cen's hand was empty, Xiao Ruo hurriedly filled it up for him graciously.

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