Chapter 97 Trade Fair (2)

I saw a magnificent soft sedan chair brought in from the entrance of the alley. The top of the sedan chair was carved with colorful mahogany wood, and four curtains of hazy red gauze hung down from the four corners. You can see the beautiful woman sitting on the master chair in the sedan chair.

The last time I saw such a coquettish sedan chair, Xiaoruo, was in the TV series before rebirth.

There is a maidservant on both sides of the sedan chair, and the Xiaoruo on the left knows Jiu'er.

Behind the maidservant were yesterday's oil-faced clay figurine and the boy carrying the birdcage.

The oil-faced clay figurine was still dressed as yesterday, but the powder on his face seemed to be thicker, as if it was falling down with his footsteps.The cage-carrying boy still carried yesterday's golden birdcage, followed silently at the end of the line with his head down.

This strange and extravagant team attracted the attention of many people along the way, and some even followed behind to see whose family's woman would sit in such a perverted, beautiful and unusual sedan chair.

The woman in the sedan chair seemed to enjoy being watched and looked up at. From time to time, she stretched out her brightly painted hand to brush the red gauze dangling around her, so that those who looked at her could see through the gap of the gauze. Take a peek at her bright and beautiful face.

The band played cheerful music one after another, attracting more spectators to watch.

The alley is only a few hundred meters long, with music playing on one side and soft sedan chairs swaying on the other, Xiaoruo feels as if she is watching a strange catwalk...

Finally, the soft sedan chair finally arrived at the gate of the chamber of commerce. The oil-faced clay figurine ran a few steps, from behind the sedan chair to in front of the sedan chair, bent at [-] degrees and raised its hand, while saying in a long voice, "Mrs. Chunli, get off the sedan chair. Wanfu-"

Jiu'er lifted the gauze curtain, supported by another maid, and the woman in the sedan chair lifted her feet out of the coquettish red tent soft sedan chair.

As soon as she came out, she could clearly hear the gasps of the crowd watching.

What a beautiful woman!
The clothes on her are not the loose and comfortable ones that ordinary women usually wear, but the close-fitting ones with the waistline exposed, showing off her curvaceous and graceful figure.Her glossy black hair was tied into a flowing bun, with two hollowed-out golden partridges swaying obliquely, and the falling tassels were strung with warm pearls, swinging back and forth with her steps.

The finger is like cutting the root of a green onion, and the mouth is like containing Zhu Dan, and the pair of phoenix eyes are full of spring water, and the eye waves are seductive.It's really fragrant and tender, tender and beautiful, and more beautiful than flowers.

Mrs. Lichun was very satisfied with her appearance, and with the help of her maid, she smiled at the corner of her mouth, moved lightly with her lotus steps, and walked towards Xiaoruo and the others gracefully.

"Congratulations to Mrs. Li Chun—" everyone shouted in unison.

Xiaoruo stepped forward and knelt down and said Wanfu, "Madam's visit to our chamber of commerce really makes our Qinzhou Pharmaceutical Chamber of Commerce flourish."

Mrs. Lichun shifted her weight to the side, tilted her body slightly, brushed a strand of hair from her forehead behind her ears with her slender fingers, showing her coquettish attitude, and she was satisfied when she heard the gasping of the onlookers again. The sweet voice said: "I'm here to pick up the top-grade Cordyceps sinensis ordered yesterday."

"It's ready for you, ma'am, please—" Xiaoruo stretched out her hand to lead Madam Lichun into the courtyard, and when she lifted her foot to step over the threshold, Xiaoruo winked at the shopkeeper Qian.

Shopkeeper Qian understood, and chanted loudly with his head held high and his chest held high: "Madame Lichun took six top-grade cordyceps, totaling 800 taels—"

Mrs. Li Chun, who had crossed the threshold, paused when she heard the sound, raised her chin and glanced back slightly, as she wished, she heard buzzing discussions from the crowd on the third floor outside the door after hearing the chant .

Even if you can't hear what people are saying, you can roughly guess that this beautiful lady is too rich.

The smile on Mrs. Lichun's beautiful face was even more obvious. She said to Xiaoruo who was accompanying her, "Your chamber of commerce is very good."

Xiaoruo smiled and didn't answer, but led her to the exhibition hall.

Today's exhibition is tailor-made for her, and every part is designed into her heart, so that she can get the maximum satisfaction from her face.

The figure of Mrs. Meiyan disappeared in the courtyard of the chamber of commerce. The onlookers stretched their necks but couldn't see the beautiful figure. They were so tickled that some people couldn't help but came up and asked: "What kind of caterpillar fungus is that in your chamber of commerce? What is it for? ? Why would it cost 800 taels for six sticks?"

Waiting for them to ask this, Shopkeeper Qian hurriedly explained the efficacy of Cordyceps sinensis to the onlookers.

"This Cordyceps sinensis comes from the frontier, and it is not easy to obtain, but its medicinal effect is very unique. It can nourish yin and tonify yang, strengthen the body, and it is the best tonic for people who are physically weak or recovering from a serious illness!"

"Wow..." Hearing what Shopkeeper Qian said about the miraculousness of Cordyceps, the crowd burst into admiration.

"But your medicine costs 800 taels a piece, I'm afraid not many people can afford it!" someone shouted.

"Yes, this is too expensive!"

"800 taels! I think the number of people in Qinzhou who can afford it can be counted on one hand!"

"Everyone, everyone, please be calm and calm!" Shopkeeper Qian raised his hands to signal the noisy crowd to quiet down. "In addition to the 800 tael high-grade ones, we also sell 100 tael high-grade ones!"

Although the price of 100 taels is still expensive, there are not a few wealthy households in Qinzhou, which is economically developed, who can afford this price. It can nourish yin and nourish yang, especially the ability to nourish yang, which is especially attractive to wealthy households with three wives and four concubines.

On the spot, a middle-aged man with a pot belly took out a hundred taels of silver bill: "Give me one, can I go in and get one if I buy one?"

Buying medicine is one thing, he wants to go in and continue to see the beautiful lady's face is the main purpose.

Someone in the crowd immediately recognized him: "Mr. Jing Le, does your wife know that you bought this? Be careful that you won't be laid on the bed tonight. Buying ten cordyceps is useless!"

Everyone roared with laughter, who in Qinzhou doesn't know that Jing Legong is lustful and fearful, and his family's ancestors are so rich that they can't stand the Hadong lion at home, so that after they get married, he will no longer have the courage to spend money in Fireworks and Willow Lane. Days can only live eye addiction.

Jing Legong Dabing's face was flushed red, and he was speechless with an impotent and furious "You you you..."

Seeing this, Treasurer Qian hurriedly rescued the guests, saying: "Today is Madam Lichun's special session. Our Chamber of Commerce's Cordyceps Exhibition will last for three days. If you are interested in Cordyceps sinensis, you can come back tomorrow. Customers who buy can enter the chamber of commerce. Visit the showroom of our premium Cordyceps!"

Whoa!There are also premium products!
People in small places have never heard that medicinal materials can be classified in this way, and what kind of trade fair can be held, the gate is already so lively, how many good things they have never seen before?

These novelties successfully aroused the curiosity and enthusiasm of the people in Qinzhou. The shopkeepers who greeted the customers around the door asked about the details of the fair, and they all decided in their hearts that they would come to see the fun again tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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