Chapter 111 Rules
Feng Yu looked at the account, the account that the young master asked for was not much different from what she had given to the Wei Yamen in the capital in the past, Xie Xun did not ask for the account of Feng Yu's secret property, I don't know if he did it on purpose, or he really didn't know.Although Linlang Pavilion was spared and Linglongzhuang was not, Shopkeeper Wen was very unbalanced, "Why?"

Feng Yu didn't care about a few extra money, "The capital of Jingdu is too poor to let it go, let him do it. In the past, we also have to honor the capital of Jingdu."

Having said that, I'm still upset that other merchants don't need to pay.

Feng Yu recalled the batch of new styles, and told Shopkeeper Wen, "Recently, there are new styles on the market. You send a batch to the Hou's mansion for the wives to choose. Say it's my sister's wish."

Fengyu has been to the Hou's Mansion several times, and the maids in the Hou's Mansion are all dressed in simple and plain clothes. Mrs. Peony and Mrs. Lan love beauty and beauty, but most of them are hairpins.Only new jewelry will be worn during the New Year. The Hou Mansion has a lot of ancestral property, but they have to raise Zhenbei cavalry, so when they went up to Zhenbeihou and his wife, and down to Xie Xun, they didn't spend money on food and drink.Every time Feng Yu went to the Hou's Mansion, she felt like a walking golden bump, because she really loved jewelry, and she wore more jewelry alone than all the wives put together.

"Yes!" Shopkeeper Wen thought to himself, in fact, the second girl often sent all kinds of jewelry and rouge fabrics to the Hou Mansion.

Feng Yu came out of Linlang Pavilion, carrying a small box. Qiu Xiang bought a lot of butchers and fruits, and was loading into the carriage. When Feng Yu got into the carriage, she saw Xie Xun coming on horseback, with Nuan Yang and Fei Ying following behind. Wearing the official robes of the Kyoto guards, a black robe around the waist, and a big cloak that looks like a wind, it is as graceful as a frightened bird, and it is extremely elegant.

Since Xie Xun took charge of the Jingdu Guard, Feng Yu felt that he seemed to be a different person. In the past two years, the young master had spent his time sleeping in flowers and willows in Beijing, and what he was killing also had his own spirit.There was always a look of gloom in his brows, he fought decisively in the snowstorm and tried his best to turn the tide, and he didn't seem to care what the royal family thought of him.From the inside out, the whole person exuded the magnanimity and elegance of two years ago. He fought against the officials in the court, and conquered the hearts of the officials in the yamen, all of which showed his extraordinary skills and will.

This is the young general who showed his sharpness in the rumors.

After the Lantern Festival, he also laughed a lot. At least when he saw him a few times, he was in a good mood. Feng Yu thought, the young master is magnanimous, doesn't he care about what she caused him to break his leg back then?
But she didn't dare to ask, the relationship between the two of them had just improved, so it would be too ignorant to ask about the past.

After Xie Xun saw Feng Yu, he reined in his horse and stopped. Seeing Zhang Da leading a team of nurses following her, he asked casually, "Where is Miss San going?"

"Xiangguo Temple." Fengyu handed the box to Chunlu, holding a hand warmer, and asked with a smile, "The shopkeepers complained to me a few days ago, saying that the young master came to ask for money, and the young master was short of money to eat. Flower wine?"

Nuan Yang and Fei Ying looked at each other, both feeling embarrassed, they looked at the sky together, pretending they didn't hear anything.

Xie Xun's slender fingers were curling up the rein, and with a light tug, Zhuifeng slid half a circle around her. He said with a smile, "The capital city has been reformed, and businesses are operating in an orderly manner, and there are few people making trouble. In previous years, every three to five There are hooligans making troubles and vicious competitions, and these tedious things will cost a lot of money. Now that the money is given to Benhou, the Jingdu guards will keep your business running smoothly, and the third girl has nothing to worry about.

Nuan Yang thought to himself, master, I didn't expect you to be so thick-skinned.

Feng Yu was silent for a moment, but she was speechless to refute, "It's reasonable, then it should be regarded as a business filial piety to the young master. If we have any troubles, please ask the young master to lend a helping hand."

"A family of officials and merchants, easy to talk about!"

Feng Yu was expressionless, "Young Lord, although there is no rush to pay back the 50 yuan, the interest will be settled every month, so don't forget."

Xie Xun was astonished, and turned to Feiying, "The bank lends money, and the interest is paid once a month? When is the rule?"

Feiying looked at the expressionless third girl, and then at the handsome young master, and said bravely, "I've never heard of this rule."

Feng Yu hugged the hand warmer with a smile on her face, calmly said, "Young Master, I don't know anything about fighting all the year round. My grandfather is the president of the Yanyang General Chamber of Commerce. He authorized me to be in charge of the Kyoto Chamber of Commerce. As I said, It's the rules."

Xie Xun, "..."

Feng Yu was in a good mood, saluted, and winked at Nuan Yang, "Nuan Yang, do a good job of calculating the interest for your master, so you can save yourself two meals of flower wine."

Nuan Yang has a mournful face, girl, to be honest, I envy Zhang Da who can get ten taels of salary a month, think about temporary recruitment?I really don't want to manage money for my master.

Xie Xun watched with a smile as she got into the carriage and headed for the city gate.

It's really vengeful!

How did she know that he was going to eat flower wine?
Fengyu would come to Xiangguo Temple every month to offer incense. She was the biggest pilgrim in Xiangguo Temple. Fengyu's name was on the plaque in the treasure hall. At the beginning of the month, there was an endless stream of visitors from Xiangguo Temple.Feng Yu was not in a hurry to pray, the little master took her to the backyard to rest, Feng Yu had a separate wing in Xiangguo Temple, and there was a bodhi tree in the courtyard.

This is a courtyard specially built for her by Master Miaoyun. It is antique and very clean, far away from the main hall.There is a piece of farmland outside the yard, where melons, fruits and flowers are planted. The yard is self-sufficient, and the sandalwood is faint, which is very meditative.

There is an ancient well under the Bodhi tree, the spring water is clear and sweet. Every time Qiuxiang and Chunlu come to Xiangguo Temple, they like to use the spring water to make tea and stew. Even if it is vegetable soup, it feels fragrant after using the cold spring.

Zhang Da assigned the nursery around the courtyard, after Qiu Xiang and Chun Lu cleaned up the wing room, they were ready to eat, Feng Yu opened the window and looked at the bodhi tree in the courtyard.

Master Miaoyun said that she has a connection with Buddha.

People who have the karma of Buddha are mostly benevolent and kind, with noble conduct.But Feng Yu felt that she had a butcher knife in her hand, was cruel and merciless, and never had a connection with Buddha.Therefore, Fengyu used to think that Master Miaoyun was a fake master, and she talked nonsense, but the soul-suppressing pearl in her hand was given by Master Miaoyun.

Feng Yu touched the bracelet on her wrist, which contained eighteen red beads.Seventeen are coral beads, and only one is a bodhi seed, which is the soul-suppressing bead. Master Miaoyun said that this is the unicorn bodhi, the only unicorn bodhi on the thousand-year-old bodhi tree in Xiangguo Temple.Increase blessings and wisdom, suppress evil spirits, and keep peace.

The grandmother said that when she was a baby, she cried every night. Master Miaoyun passed by Fengfu and gave her a unicorn bodhi, called the soul-suppressing bead.After having the soul-repelling pearl, she stopped crying and became obedient.Master Miaoyun warned the grandmother not to take off her soul-repelling beads.Feng Yu was naughty when she was a child, and wondered why she must bring the soul-repelling beads.One time when she took off the soul-repelling beads, the nightmare cried out at night, frightening everyone. Since then, Feng Yu has obediently put on the soul-repelling beads.

Until the year when she was 12 years old, the soul-suppressing pearl fell off, and she inadvertently exchanged souls with Xie Xun. She still doesn't understand why.

(End of this chapter)

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