After applying the needles, Xie Xun sat on the porch, wiping his long sword.

This sword was a gift from Zhenbei Hou Xie Yuan to him when he was 13 years old. It was made of fine iron in Ningzhou.This long sword is more than one meter long, it is his most convenient weapon besides the long spear, and it has killed countless northern barbarians.

The maids looked at the cold-eyed young master with inexplicable fear.The generals who walked out from the mountains of corpses and seas of blood on the battlefield all had such a sharp murderous aura that they didn't know how to hide in the dark night.

More than a dozen people from the northern barbarians appeared near Kyoto and sounded the alarm.

Shaling Tianshan is a natural barrier between Beiman and Yanyang. Under Tianshan Mountain, there is an important town called Qianling Town. It is the most advanced defense town of Beiman.Ningzhou is a heavily defended city, and the Marquis of Zhenbei spent countless financial resources and troops to build the city defenses. There is only one gate between Beiman and Ningzhou, and the entry and exit inspections are extremely strict.

Going out of Ningzhou is the front line. The villages and towns outside Ningzhou have either been slaughtered by the Beiman or have been relocated to the city. The herdsmen and Ningzhou army usually enter and leave Ningzhou.The entrance to the city gate is even more strictly reviewed, and documents and tokens are indispensable.The guard of the city is General Cui, a general promoted by the soldiers of the Zhenbeihou Mansion, who has been guarding the city gate for ten years.

He could recognize the herdsmen who came and went, and it was impossible for him to miss the northern barbarians.

The northern barbarians wanted to sneak in, so they had to disguise themselves as Zhenbei cavalry and enter the city with the rest team.

He has not received any news so far, indicating that someone in the army helped them cover.

Xie Xun wiped the long sword silently. He had already sent a letter of divorce and asked Wang Zhizhou to send someone eight hundred miles to rush it to his elder brother.Unless Dugu Jing went back to the border overnight without eating or drinking, the eldest brother would definitely stop him at the gate of Ningzhou.

Fengyu's condition worsened, and after Zishi became violent, she could only hang herself with ginseng. Fortunately, she was determined and held on.At dawn, I finally came to consciousness.When I woke up, I felt severe pain all over my body, as if I had been crushed by a mountain rock. I felt a burning pain in my chest even when I was breathing, and my eyes were dim.Xie Xun urged the old doctor to give her a pulse diagnosis and treatment, but Fengyu fainted from the pain again.

When she became conscious again, it was noon.Feng Yu was in so much pain that she couldn't say a word, her internal injuries were hurting, her fractures were hurting too, she grabbed Xie Xun's clothes.

Young Lord, I was wrong.

I don't know good from bad.

Picked the Soul Relief Orb, let's change it!
The little duke and she didn't have a tacit understanding, so he couldn't read her tears.The old doctor had limited medical skills and did not dare to use medicines, which could not relieve Fengyu's severe pain.Feng Yu was covered in cold sweat, soaking her hair and clothes.After the old doctor gave her the injection, her condition improved, but it only lasted for an hour or two.

Two days later, Feng Yu was finally able to sit up and speak. The doctors in Shuncheng had nothing to do with her internal injuries and could only suppress her with medicine.Feng Yu's body could not travel long distances, so Xie Xun wrote a book to go to Ningzhou on the first day in Shuncheng, and at the same time wrote a letter for Zhang Lingzheng to come to Shuncheng.He came in time, someone took over Fengyu's injury, and the doctors in Shuncheng seemed to be pardoned.

Xie Xun described Fengyu's injury in detail in the letter. Zhang Lingzheng came to briefly judge the symptoms, and brought Fengyu's available medicine. In order to relieve Fengyu's pain, Zhang Lingzheng gave her Duanhun powder.This is an anesthetic made from poppies, which can suppress pain and is also addictive.

Zhang Lingzheng did not expect Fengyu to be so seriously injured. After she took the medicine and fell asleep, Zhang Lingzheng said, "Young Master, the third girl has been weak since she was a child, and she has been severely injured. She must rest well in the future. She can't work hard or worry If you think too much, otherwise... it will be of no benefit to her life."

Xie Xun was slightly suffocated, suppressing the astringency in his heart, "Does decoction and warming medicine also work?"

Zhang Lingzheng looked solemn, and shook his head, "Young Lord Hou can persuade her to strengthen her body, which may be more effective than warming soup and medicine."

The sky is vast and dimly lit.

Xie Xun's five fingers were slightly clenched into a fist, hidden in his sleeves, his heartache and unwillingness were hidden in the night, and he said flatly, "Got it."

There was no trace of joy or anger in his tone, Feng Yu's situation had calmed down, and Zhang Lingzheng left overnight after administering the needles to Xie Xun.Zhang Ling is the imperial physician, so he can't leave the palace for too long. He came to Shuncheng under the stars and moon, and had to rush back without stopping.

Xie Xun handed him a letter, "The letter is in Feiying's hands."


Zhang Lingzheng took the letter and put it in his sleeve. He wanted to speak honestly, but also felt that the young master had a plan, and he should know what he could do and what he couldn't do.

The next day, when Fengyu woke up, her spirits improved a little. Xie Xun walked through the hall, dressed in black clothes and a big cloak, and the wind was blowing, and when he entered the room, there was a gust of cold wind.

Feng Yu was sick and half leaning on a soft pillow, her hair was tied with a light-colored headband, she didn't wear makeup, she was plain and pale.Xie Xun felt pain in his heart when he thought of Zhang Lingzheng's words.Feng Yu would not live to be eighteen, there had been rumors for a long time, and she was only worried that if she died, he would be troubled.


He hoped that Fengyu would be safe every year.

Feng Yu coughed slightly, and stretched out her hand with difficulty to get the porridge next to her.The maid was not in the room, the porridge had just arrived and was still very hot, when Feng Yu was about to touch the bowl and chopsticks.A strong arm has already picked up the porridge, and she sits casually by the bed.

The fish porridge was thick and delicious. Xie Xun scooped up a spoonful and blew it gently for a while, and fed it to Feng Yu's mouth. Feng Yu was flattered and stunned, Xie Xun smiled lightly and said, "Open your mouth."

Feng Yu hadn't had a drop of water for two days, she was dizzy from hunger, she opened her mouth obediently, and Xie Xun fed her porridge one mouthful at a time.The young master obviously didn't serve anyone very well, and he scalded Feng Yu several times.


"You're so delicate!" Xie Xun sneered, but he blew for a long time without burning Feng Yu again, his movements were rare and gentle.

Feng Yu looked at him in bewilderment, Xie Xun's eyebrows were very well formed, his full forehead, and the perfect brow bone curvature outlined his deep and affectionate eyes.The outline is clean and sharp, but the surface is gentle, wrapping a face of peerless beauty.

She had heard too many rumors about Xie Xun's brave killing of the enemy, and she always felt that the rumors were too distorted, and portrayed the young master as a god who was omnipotent.

Seeing is believing, he is more like the god of war than the rumors.

The blade moves forward and never retreats.

"Benhou is so good-looking?" Xie Xun asked with a half-smile, "The three girls are all fascinated by it."

"You are so brave." Feng Yu praised without hesitation and hit a straight ball.

The third girl, who played cards irrationally, caught the young master by surprise, and her ears turned red, " you have good eyesight."

Feng Yu praised it casually, but she didn't expect that the face, ears, and neck of the little marquis were all red, and there was a rare greenness in her eyes, as if it was the first time a girl confessed her love.

That sticky gaze made Feng Yu's face feel hot for no reason.

The hot porridge warmed her body, and the color of her lips was also brought up by the heat, making her so charming. Xie Xun stared at her lips, thinking of the scene when she was feeding Fengyu the medicine.

The third girl looks soft and her lips are even softer.

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