Chapter 124 Lust
Lin Xiao poured a cup of hot tea with a smile, "Brother, when will you be free to ask about Jingduwei?"

"Don't make a hippie smile, ask you what to answer."

Lin Xiao twirled the teacup casually, "Mrs. Hou wants to make a marriage for him. The young master was unwilling, and had a quarrel with Mrs. Hou, so he went to the racecourse in the suburbs to relax."

"Is this serious?" Lin Sheng's sharp eyes seemed to penetrate him.

"I went to the racecourse myself today, and he's training horses." Lin Xiao said casually, throwing the teacup on the table, preemptively, "I'm your own brother, can I lie to you?"

Lin Sheng's back hurt faintly. Although Lin Xiao was a bit willful and arrogant, he didn't bother to lie. It's not that Lin Sheng didn't believe him.The few strong men I met outside the Xiangguo Temple that day had strange accents and strong bodies, and they really didn't look like Xie Xun's people.

It's just... too coincidental.

Feng Yu has returned to Beijing safely and has not left her home.Fengshu was in Beijing, went to Linglongzhuang to check the accounts, and invited the three wives of the Hou family to have dinner at Wangjiang Restaurant.Going shopping with a few wives, if something happens to Fengyu, it is absolutely impossible for her to be so carefree.

The errand was messed up, and the crown prince punished him heavily, and he has scared the snake away. Next time, if he wants to kill Fengyu again, it will be as difficult as climbing the sky.Lin Sheng hated it secretly, it is possible that Feng Yu is really lucky and can always escape.

If Xie Xun hadn't helped her, who were those people?
Seeing that he was uncertain, Lin Xiao felt uncomfortable. He didn't want to lie to his eldest brother, but he had an order, so he had no choice but to say, "Brother, you are going to get married soon, and taking good care of your health is the top priority right now. Is it possible to hurt your elder brother?" A bridal chamber?"

"You don't need to tell me, I know how to do it." For so many years, he was severely punished for the first time, and in full view, Lin Sheng said angrily, "Lin Xiao, keep an eye on Xie Xun, if he does anything out of the ordinary , or anything, report to me at any time."

Lin Xiao was silent, he couldn't breathe with a huge stone in his heart, Lin Sheng shouted, "Did you hear that!"

Getting angry and hurting his body, which caused his back injury, Lin Sheng frowned in pain, Lin Xiao lowered his head and said, "Got it."

The draft wind howled past, Lin Xiao only felt cold all over, he stood in the courtyard, looking around blankly.Behind it is the family on which it depends for survival, and the fire spreads on the ground, which can be seen through at a glance.Ahead is the thick ink of the dark night, with only a glimmer of light, and the future is unknown.

Is it going back, or going forward?
He has no choice!

After Xie Xun heard that his eldest brother was wounded and entered the city, he left Beijing suddenly. When he saw Fei Ying, he was seriously injured, and the inside and outside of the racecourse were guarded by the soldiers of the Zhenbeihou Mansion.This situation is unusual, Feiying told the truth, Xie Xun's life and death are unknown, and asked him and Zhang Boxing to keep the secret and wait for the news.

Where he went and what he did, no one knew.

He knew that his father and elder brother threw him into Jingduwei to punish him. Later, Xie Xun took charge of Jingduwei, and they wanted him to monitor Xie Xun.

The young master seemed to be able to guess it, but he was never afraid of him. Lin Xiao didn't understand why. In order not to disappoint this trust, he could only keep it a secret.

After all, he was Jingduwei first, then the son of the Lin family, Lin Sheng's younger brother.

Lin Xiao didn't understand why the aristocratic family should be so afraid of the heroes of the three generations of the Zhenbei Marquis Mansion who guarded the frontier to the core.defense?If the Zhenbei Hou Mansion wanted to rebel, it would have done so long ago.

Xie Xun and Feng Yu shared a pheasant and drank some hot soup, warming up their bodies.Xie Xun added matches, the fire burned more vigorously, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse, and the starlight shrouded the wilderness into a beautiful scene.

"Xie Xun, you need to change the dressing for your injury." Zhizhou prepared the medicine and told her that the young master's wound was very deep, and the dressing needs to be changed every day, and it is taboo to travel overnight, so you must rest more.

"Do you know?"

"Yes!" Feng Yu said lightly, "Take off your clothes."

Xie Xun looked at her hesitantly. He endured the pain and rushed all the way. He wanted to go back to the capital and change his medicine, but he was afraid of scaring Fengyu. , she threw up in fright.

"forget it!"

"Take off!" Feng Yu said concisely, putting on a selfish face, "Your injury has deteriorated to death, who will escort me back to Beijing?"

"Third Miss, you really know how to speak auspicious words." Xie Xun said sarcastically, "Ben Hou ran all the way, the hero saved the beauty, and protected you back to Beijing. How much is it worth?"

"Let's just exempt you from March's interest."

After Xie Xun took off his cloak, his shirt was half undone, exposing his seriously injured arms and back, "Is your life worth three months' interest?"

Feng Yu smelled a bloody smell, so she didn't bother to argue with him.The young master was half-naked, and he didn't seem to be afraid of the cold. He had a physique that young people wanted. He was fit, but not stout, with well-proportioned bones.The perfect line is drawn from the chin to the back of the shoulders, which is just right and has a fatal appeal.

It was the first time for him to be half naked in front of the girl, and he felt a little uncomfortable. The dark night and firelight concealed the redness on his face.Xie Xun felt a little uncomfortable, looking at the fire intently, as if to see a flower.

Feng Yu didn't look sideways, sat close to Xie Xun, and untied his gauze, his arm was cut twice, bloody and bloody, and the turned up bloody flesh was still visible after stitches.The wound on the back of the sleeve arrow should be lighter. Today, he drew the bow and shot the arrow again, and the blood seeped out, staining the gauze red. If the machete were any sharper, the little prince's entire arm would be chopped off.

The first knife wound was too late to save her, so he blocked it with his body, and the arrow wound on his back was also blocked by her.Fengyu felt that she would repay her kindness, so she said in a low voice, "Forget it, let me spare you the interest."

Xie Xunyan praised insincerely, " generous."

Feng Yu didn't care about him. After wiping the blood with hot water, she slowly applied medicine to him. Xie Xun was still looking at the fire, but his neck was completely red. Feng Yu saw the veins on his neck and thought he was in pain. , close to his arm, blowing gently while applying the medicine.

Xie Xun's eyes and pupils were constricted, and his whole body was stiff. The girl exhaled like blue, and a scent of herbs swept over him. His wound was inexplicably itchy with pain.The itching spread from the arms to the heart, and it couldn't be scratched or grasped.Xie Xun's vigorous body seemed to be ignited by fire, tensing up.The sound of swallowing was very clear in the dark night, Feng Yu watched his Adam's apple rolling, and blinked.

"Are you thirsty?"

Xie Xun was short of breath, and suddenly put one leg up, hurriedly gathered the half-faded clothes in front of his body, as if trying to cover up something, his voice was extremely hoarse, "Don't blow it, just apply the medicine."

"Do you hurt?" Feng Yu blew on the wound, almost sticking to his skin, as if kissing his wound, Xie Xun looked sideways at the third girl's face flushed by the fire, her mouth was dry, and her eyes were filled with desire , but he restrained himself, his veins twitching violently and his breathing disordered.

She is seductive without knowing it. In this wilderness, lonely men and widows, she has no idea what kind of danger she will face.

Xie Xun's voice was hoarse, "It doesn't hurt."

Feng Yu was only surprised, Xie Xun's whole body was tense, sweat gathered from his cheeks, winding its way, dripping onto his collarbone, his back and neck gradually became hot with sweat.

Shengsheng is a little more colorful.

"But you look in pain."

Xie Xun, "..."

(End of this chapter)

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