Chapter 137 Green Tea (Add more)
His left leg was full of disasters, and now, Feng Yu's left leg is also broken, it seems like it is destined in the dark.In the courtyard, Zhang Da was tinkering with the wheelchair. Xie Xun walked over and looked at the wooden wheelchair, raising his eyebrows slightly. Zhang Da tried it, and the wheelchair looked a bit bulky.

Zhang Da squatted beside him in embarrassment, not knowing what went wrong.

"Where did you get the wheelchair?" Xie Xun asked.

Zhang Da got up, saluted and said, "The third girl needs to rest her left leg. We want to build a wheelchair for her, but the third girl thinks the wheelchair is bulky, and we are still improving it."

The wooden wheelchair didn't turn smoothly, it always felt stuck somewhere, it was a little awkward, Fengyu thought it was bulky, and Chunlu also felt that pushing it was too laborious.Zhang Da has revised it several times, but he is still not satisfied.Xie Xun pushed the wheelchair a few times, raised his eyebrows and said, "Pushing with two wheels is a bit difficult. You can make four wheels, and make two small wheels in front. It will be much easier to push. She is also comfortable to sit on."

"Is it a four-wheeled wheelchair?" Zhang Da had never seen one before, and the most common ones were two-wheeled.

Xie Xun rolled up his sleeves, "I'm coming!"

Young Lord Hou is a practical man with strong hands-on ability, but he still has an arm injury and an arrow wound on his back, so Zhang Da dared not let him do it.The work that required a lot of energy didn't require the young master to do it, so he instructed Zhang Da to rebuild a four-wheeled cart.

Zhang Da asked, "How can the young master know how to use a wheelchair?"

Really too versatile!

"This is an improved chariot. My second brother once made it for me." He had a broken leg for eight months and was in a wheelchair for half a year. It was all thanks to Xie Jue's improved chariot wheelchair, which was more comfortable than ordinary wooden wheelchairs. , and there are armrests, you can take a nap while leaning on a wheelchair.

Knowing that Fengyu loves beauty, Xie Xun asked Zhang Da to carve a pomegranate flower on the armrest. She likes pomegranate flowers, and many skirts are embroidered with pomegranate flowers.Zhang Da thought to himself, the wheelchair is used for transportation, so what are you doing with such a fuss.But the young master was very interested, and Zhang Da couldn't refuse, he really carved a pomegranate flower.

Xie Xun felt that his carving was ugly, so he changed it by himself, and even carved a little rabbit. Zhang Da thought to himself, it was really too gaudy.

When Fengyu woke up in the afternoon, Xie Xun had already returned to the racecourse. She heard Fengshu's voice. Chunlu helped Fengyu out, and saw a very unique four-wheeled wheelchair in the yard.Two big wheels, and two small wheels in front, it looks like a small chariot.Feng Shu is trying out the wheelchair, it is really very comfortable, the wheelchair is very stable, it slides smoothly, and the sitting is not bumpy at all.It is comfortable for those who sit, and it is not difficult for those who push.

"What a special wheelchair." Feng Yu was pleasantly surprised.

Feng Shu smiled and came over to pick her up and sat on the wheelchair. Chun Lu took a blanket to cover her legs so as not to catch cold. Feng Shu pushed her and walked a few steps in the courtyard, "How do you feel?"

"It's very stable." Fengyu thought that Zhang Da's wheelchair was uncomfortable yesterday, but today I gave her a big surprise. It is not only comfortable, but also very stylish, which is in line with her usual style of wearing gold and silver. reward."

Zhang Da didn't dare to take the credit, and hurriedly said, "Young Master did it."

Feng Yu was taken aback, unable to believe it, "He can even make a wheelchair?"

"Little Hou said that he has sat down before, practice makes perfect." Zhang Da didn't know Feng Yu's heart knot, and told the truth, Feng Yu felt slightly suffocated.

What mood did he use to build the wheelchair for her?

Was he also in a wheelchair like this back then?

Feng Yu found that the pomegranate flowers and little rabbits that she liked were carved on the armrest of the wheelchair. The carvings were so lifelike that she liked them very much. Zhang Da didn't dare to take credit for them, "Young Master carved them with his own hands."

Fengyu's heart was warm, it was so sweet.The little prince had a cold war with her inexplicably during breakfast. He really loves cold wars, and he would ignore others when he was angry. She didn't know why he was angry. She didn't expect that he would make her a wheelchair after she fell asleep. Feng Yu Decided to unilaterally forgive Xiaohou Ye for his uncertainty.

Feng Yu felt that it was new, so Chun Lu pushed her around the courtyard for several times. If she got a new toy, Feng Shu couldn't laugh or cry.Feng Yu has been away from home for several days, so she can no longer stay in Zhuangzi.Feng Shu sent someone to pack up her things, ready to leave for the city.

When the two sisters returned to Feng's mansion, Zhang Da and Chen Lin carried the wheelchairs, and the eldest lady, Feng Wan, and Feng Yan were stunned to see Feng Yu in the wheelchair.

Feng Shu said to the outside world that Feng Yu slipped and fell on the rainy road when she was offering incense, and her left leg was broken.Both Da Furen and Feng Wan had an expression that Feng Shu was joking.Qiuxiang and Chunlu followed Fengyu almost inseparably, like an old hen guarding its cubs, how could it be possible for her to fall.Although they had questions, they didn't ask directly, they just cared about Feng Yu's injury.

After taking the medicine, Fengyu's body didn't hurt so much, and her left leg was only a little sore. She couldn't wait to show off her wheelchair, the unique one in Kyoto.

Sure enough, Feng Yan was shown, and turned around the wheelchair curiously, "Third sister, this wheelchair is so delicate, there are carvings and rabbits, where did you buy it, I want it too."

Feng Yu said proudly, "Someone else made it for me."

"Ask him to make one for me, and I'll give him the money." Feng Ling felt that the wheelchair was very elegant, and being pushed around in the wheelchair on rainy days would not stain the clothes and embroidered shoes.

"No!" Feng Yu flatly refused.

The young master only made wheelchairs for her, not for others.

"Third sister, you are so stingy, tell me quickly, he is in business, what are you doing to stop him from getting rich?" Such exquisite workmanship must be used by a businessman with ingenuity to sell it for money.

"I don't like other people wearing the same style as me."

Feng Yan, "..."

Feng Shu was chatting with the eldest lady, Feng Wan, she went to the racecourse, and then went to Yiling Village, where Li was bringing her a lot of walnuts, corn and fresh vegetables to try.Feng Shu also knew about the last time Feng Yu came to Yiling Village to rectify, she did not refuse Li Zheng's kindness.After getting the things back, give them to the eldest lady, and ask her to take them to the big kitchen.

She saw that Feng Wan was in a bad mood, and before she had time to chat with Feng Wan, she heard Feng Yu and Feng Yan quarrel, Feng Yu made Feng Yan cry, Feng Shu saw Feng Yan raised her hand to pull Feng Yu, His face darkened, "My son, let go!"

Fengyu's internal injuries were serious, and she was afraid that Fengyu would hurt Fengyu no matter what.

Feng Yan is the youngest daughter in the family, she was pampered and grew up, Feng Wan has a gentle temper, Feng Yan is not afraid of her, but she is quite afraid of Feng Shu, when she heard Feng Shu's voice, she reflexively let go of her hand.

Feng Yan burst into tears, acting like a child of seven or eight years old, "Third sister bullied me!"

Fengyu thought to herself, who wouldn't file a complaint, "It's all my fault, Fourth Sister likes wheelchairs so much, I should give it to her, this little injury is not a problem, Qiuxiang, bring the crutches, give the wheelchair to Fourth Sister .”

Feng Yan's tears were hanging on her eyelashes, she was dumbfounded, she was taken aback by Feng Yu's words, the fragrance of tea is overflowing, when is she going to grab her wheelchair?
(End of this chapter)

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