Once outside the city, they met the northern barbarians and Ningzhou Qingqi fighting fiercely by the river. She and Feng Yan were scared out of their wits. The crown prince held Feng Shu's hand from the beginning to the end, and stood in front of Feng Shu so that she would not see the cruel battlefield. .

But Feng Shu was not afraid at all, she drew her small bow and shot a northern barbarian.It was also that time that Fengshu met 13-year-old Xie Zhang who had just entered the battlefield, and they met on the bank of the Shaling River where blood was flowing.

Fate is so erratic.

Feng Shu immediately fell in love with Xie Zhang, who had a silver armor and a spear, and the sun was like fire. This may not be love between men and women, but when Xie Zhang proposed marriage, Feng Shu immediately agreed.

Feng Shu lowered her eyebrows and said lightly, "It's just a playmate when I was young."

She was silent for a moment, raised her eyes and said, "I never knew that my sister was unhappy. It was all my carelessness. If I said or did anything that hurt my sister, it was all my fault."

Feng Wan gently took her hand, "I was sensitive and thoughtful when I was young, and I let go of it long ago, so I can speak out calmly."

"How do you get along with Prince Duan?" Feng Shu asked.

Feng Wan's face was slightly stiff, she was not a person who liked to complain, and she didn't want others to worry about her, but Feng Shu was different, Feng Wan's eyes were slightly red, and she said softly, "After the marriage was given, I saw him twice in the palace, His attitude is very flat. This marriage was not what he wanted, and he had heard a little about Zhang Boxing and me. We are always embarrassed when we meet, and don't know what to say. Although he has never said anything bad, he is also very strange. Concubine De is secretive. I said that after the big wedding, I will arrange a side concubine for him, so I don't want to be jealous. This marriage is not what we want, and I don't know what will happen in the future. I just want to be safe and smooth, and I dare not have anything delusional."

When Feng Shu returned home and saw her gloomy expression, she knew that life was not good. Xie Zhang was devoted to her. The Yanyang man had many children when he was 23 years old, but Xie Zhang waited for her wholeheartedly.One is war, and the other is respect. The two hit it off, and Feng Shu can also feel Feng Wan's upset.

"Sister, I have heard from my grandmother that I taught Madam Xi to make things difficult for you. In fact, in the final analysis, you are Princess Duan and she is a slave. You have learned the etiquette that you should learn. If she deliberately makes things difficult for you, you can use your status to suppress her." Forgive her for not daring to bully you. If you bear everything in your heart and hold your heart, others will only treat you as a soft persimmon. You and Zhang Boxing are not engaged yet, so you should be self-restraining and respectful. Now that you are engaged, if you want to live a good life with King Duan in the future, you must communicate with him well. No matter what, you must live a comfortable life. If you can have friendship before the wedding, your sister can live a more comfortable life after marriage , You never said anything, and others don't know what you have suffered."

Feng Wan was surprised, did Feng Shu teach her to sue Duan Wang?

Her expression was too straightforward, Feng Shu chuckled and said, "It's not a complaint, it's a proper cultivation of feelings. Prince Duan feels that you belong to him and doesn't want to marry him, so he has a negative attitude. Marrying a minister's wife forcibly is criticized by others. Prince, I must have heard some gossip, and I couldn't help being unhappy. If my sister wants to live a good life with him, she can't be passive. At least let him know that you married him with one heart and one mind, and hope to spend the rest of your life hand in hand with him. "

Feng Wanmao suddenly realized that she was indeed depressed and negative during these days, and she resigned everything to her fate, she never thought about taking the initiative to change anything, she just accepted her fate.

When she and Prince Duan met for the second time in the palace, Prince Duan obviously wanted to say something, but then his interest faded away.Feng Wan's eyes were slightly red, "Second Sister, thank you for telling me these words."

"We are a family of sisters. You are living well, and my sister is also happy." Feng Shu said frankly, "I advise you to speak clearly and honestly, and compare your heart with your heart. If you want me to remarry someone else, I will never be willing, and I will not listen to those reasons. So , sister don't blame me for talking too much."

How could she blame Feng Shu for talking too much? In recent days, both her parents and handkerchief handers felt that marrying Duan Wang meant that she would fly on a branch and become a phoenix.The ladies who looked down on her before would also post posts one after another, inviting her to a banquet, Feng Wan only felt that everything was illusory.Feng Shu sincerely hoped that she would have a good life, that's why she said this to her.

The two sisters chatted late into the night, and they had never chatted by candlelight like this since they reached Jiji. Both Feng Wan and Feng Shu hoped that each other could be reconciled and beautiful.

The next day, Lin Shilang's residence was overjoyed. Lin Sheng and Princess Huaying got married.

King Duan and King Kang escorted Princess Huaying to get married. They were beaming, and the common people were watching the princess's wedding.

Lin Sheng was not so happy. On the day of his wedding, he didn't have to go to the early court, but he also heard that Xie Xun joined him in the early court. Lin Sheng led a thousand forbidden troops to forcibly search the Hou's mansion on the grounds that the mansion was hiding northern barbarians At the racecourse, they almost fought with the iron cavalry. For a while, the courtiers talked a lot, and Emperor Jianming was furious.

The great victory in Ningzhou, when the prestige of the Zhenbeihou Mansion was at its peak, Lin Sheng led the imperial army to search the Houfu horse farm, but no one was found.

Emperor Jianming had learned the news the night before, and Lin Sheng went to the palace to plead guilty.So Emperor Jianming pretended to be ignorant in the early court and pushed everything on Lin Sheng's head. The punishment was unavoidable. Lin Sheng was the commander of the imperial army, and Xie Xun deliberately joined him during the wedding, expressly not wanting him to have a comfortable wedding.It was the first time that Emperor Jianming married his daughter, and he was graciously favored. He originally planned to come in person during the worship ceremony, to give Zulin House face and honor to his daughter.

Because of Xie Xun's participation in him, Emperor Jianming gave up all the favors he wanted to give Lin Sheng. After Lin Sheng got married, he would also be punished.Therefore, what was supposed to be a joyous wedding was completely unrecognizable by the young master, and Mrs. Hou had to bring Mrs. Lan and Mrs. Peony to the scene to congratulate.Xie Xun had visited Lin Sheng in the early morning, and would come to have a wedding wine in the evening.

Zhang Boxing didn't want to go to the wedding banquet at first, because Zhang Bolan also wanted to go, and he and the elder brother have always been at loggerheads.Who knew that Xie Xun had found him, Zhou Liyu, and Cai Wensen.

"Your task tonight is to get Lin Sheng drunk and cause trouble."

Zhang Boxing was refreshed and full of anticipation for the wedding banquet, "What's the matter?"

Xie Xun murmured, "Annoy as much as you want, I'll take care of it."

Zhou Liyu was gearing up, "If you have a grudge, can you get revenge?"

"That's it!"

The playboy trio was so excited that they jumped around in place, and almost issued a military order with Xie Xun, promising to complete the task.

On the day of Lin Sheng's wedding, Xie Xun took part in a book, and he was unhappy. Xie Xun led a group of second-generation ancestors from Jingduwei to force Lin Sheng so hard that he couldn't tell the difference between the south, the west, and the north.

Zhang Boxing, Zhou Liyu and Cai Wensen had received the task, and the first thing they did was to get Lin Sheng drunk.Although the imperial army came to stop them, they couldn't stop this group of second-generation ancestors from going crazy, and everyone had a background, so Lin Sheng was immediately drunk.

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