Chapter 152 Persecution
Feng Yu covered her heart, Emei frowned, "My heart feels uncomfortable."

Feng Yu served her a bowl of hot soup, and Princess Huazhen only thought that Feng Yu was hurt by Xie Xun, and completely dispelled Feng Yu's idea of ​​seducing Xie Xun in her heart.

Feng Yu thought to herself, what are the prince and sister talking about alone on the viewing platform?

On the viewing platform, the crescent moon is like a hook, and it is as cool as water.

The prince stared at the girl kneeling in front of him, everything was quiet, the palace lanterns flickered, he looked down at her, only saw the roses on the pearl hairpin above her head, the prince moved slightly with his fingertips, showing anger and restraint.

Feng Shu prostrated herself on the ground, "Your Majesty's request, the courtiers absolutely cannot agree, please take it back."

"Shu'er, get up, it's cold on the ground!" He leaned over and supported Feng Shu with one hand, his voice gentle.

After Feng Shu got up, she took a step back. The crown prince stood in the halo of the palace lantern, with a gloomy expression, and slowly withdrew his hand. Feng Shu said, "It was the Marquis Hou who was the one who provided food, grass and military supplies to the imperial army with the cooperation of the Su family business and the rich merchants from the south of the Yangtze River." An agreement with the emperor. We have acted according to the order these years, conscientiously, and stabilized the rear of the army. If you hand over the token, it will affect the whole body, and it will affect the layout of the world's commercial firms. I will forgive you my daughter."

The crown prince wants the token of Kyoto in Feng Shu's hand. The Su family firm owns three tokens, which are Kyoto, Jiangnan and Twelve States, and the token governs the trading firms in the corresponding areas.

Seeing the token is like seeing the patriarch, with three tokens in hand, you can order the world's commercial firms to be driven by them.

Now that the three tokens are in Feng Shu's hands, she is already a veritable owner of the Su family business, and the crown prince wants the token that belongs to the capital.

"The great victory in Ningzhou, the peace talks between the northern barbarians, the Marquis of Zhenbei will also return the military power after returning to the court, and the soldiers will be disarmed and returned to the fields to recuperate. The army no longer needs all the commercial banks in the world to jointly prepare food, grass and military supplies. The treasury is empty, and the household department can only collect enough for spring plowing this year. Money, the floods in the south of the Yangtze River, the resettlement of refugees, and the reconstruction of the north all need money. If you want to get the capital token and hope to get financial support from the Su Family Commercial Bank, you should treat it as a loan from the commercial bank, and you will definitely return it in the future." Prince Wen said, " Gu hopes that the common people can live and work in peace and contentment, now that the seven major families occupy Yanyang's land, resources, and control money, Gu is struggling, Shu'er, please help Gu."

The Yanyang Seven Families are flourishing, and the aristocratic families have complicated in-law relationships. They enjoy most of Yanyang's resources and control the economic lifeline.The Su family firm is a very special existence. It started in the south of the Yangtze River. The Su family opened up the Yanyang and Sangnan mutual markets with the assistance of the old town Beihou decades ago.Established its own business kingdom and slowly extended to all parts of Yanyang.

The business of the Su family spreads all over Yanyang, with the center of gravity in the south of the Yangtze River. Over the past few decades, under the awe of the two generations of Zhenbei Hou, they have competed with the family. The major commercial houses in the south of the Yangtze River have also seen the ambition of the family to occupy all resources, and twisted into a hemp rope.Scholars, farmers, businessmen, and merchants have low status. With Zhenbeihou's deterrence, at least they will not be made things difficult by the aristocratic family.Therefore, merchants large and small in the south of the Yangtze River help each other and unite as one.

Due to perennial wars, domineering families, and various reasons, Yanyang's economic lifeline has been divided into two. Over the years, there have been both cooperation and confrontation.

The merchants in the south of the Yangtze River have benefited from the protection of the Marquis of Zhenbei for many years. In the eyes of Emperor Jianming, the family and the prince, the entire merchants in the south of the Yangtze River are the property of the Marquis of Zhenbei.

The Marquis of Zhenbei also had to drag the Su family business, relying solely on the imperial court to provide military supplies, the army had long starved to death at the border.The aristocratic families operate independently and only care about their own interests. The defense of Ningzhou city has long been broken by the northern barbarians.

"Your Highness, do you know why the national treasury is empty all the year round?" Feng Shu looked up at him, her eyes were clear and firm, "It's not because of the war, it's because the aristocratic family needs the treasury to be empty so that the royal family can be attached to the aristocratic family. Only the aristocratic family can prosper for a hundred years and live forever The reason why the first emperor fell into the forced palace was because he implemented the reform of the land system and broke the status quo of land annexation, thereby increasing the revenue of the treasury and stabilizing the situation. Therefore, he touched the interests of the aristocratic family and fell into the end of the forced palace. Dignified Kyoto, The fire burned for seven days and seven nights. The emperor had no way to ask for help and was burned to death in the deep palace. Your Highness, what you have to do is to carry out the legacy of the late emperor, break the status quo of land annexation, and thus get rid of the control of the family. The token of the Su family is just to quench your thirst, and you cannot get it Get what you want."

"Is it you who don't want it, or the Houfu who doesn't want it?" the prince asked lightly.

Feng Shu wanted to kneel again, but he supported her with one hand, "You don't have to kneel in front of Gu."

"Your Highness, the Zhenbei Marquis Mansion has no control over the Su family business. Everyone in the world is saying what they say. Your Highness must not believe that our business has been protected by the Marquis Mansion for many years. It is also for the people of the world to provide food and grass voluntarily for the army. This year the household department sent There was a mistake in Ningzhou's military rations, and Ningzhou lost troops and generals. The courtiers don't want to see the tragedy repeated, and this matter is not something that the courtiers can make alone." Feng Shu was already unhappy, but there was nothing she could do, she could only Turn around.

The prince actually wanted the token in her hand.

"The Su Family Commercial Bank voluntarily pledged their allegiance to Zhenbeihou's Mansion. Now that the peace talks between the two countries have ended and the military disaster is over, you still refuse to be loyal to Gu?" Although the prince's voice was gentle, it already revealed a bit of coercion.

Once the charge was charged, Feng Shu couldn't argue with it.

"The Crown Princess is from the Lin family, who is also wealthy. Why doesn't Your Highness ask the Lin family for money?" Feng Shu asked calmly, "The merchants in the south of the Yangtze River have emptied their family property for the army of Ningzhou. Now that the war has ceased, we also need to recuperate. The family will not be affected. , the granary is full, the house is full of gold and jade, His Highness does not ask the family for money, but wants to persecute the courtier's daughter, is it because the courtier's daughter is a merchant, her status is low, and she is powerless to resist?"

The prince's pupils were constricted, he was in pain and sorrow, the night wind blew his robe, bringing a gust of cold wind, the prince smiled, "'s Gu's fault, if you don't want it, that's all."

Feng Shu knew very well that this was not the end, but just the beginning. Had he ever persecuted Ah Yu like this?

"Gu is a prince who is under one person and above ten thousand people. He has power over the government and the public and is extremely honorable. But do you know that a prince is more difficult than an emperor, and he is walking on thin ice every day." The prince looked up at the moon with a sad expression, and sighed softly, "Father is in his prime. In addition to Gu, there is also King Duan who is outstanding in literary and martial arts, and the fifth younger brother who is loved all the time. In the future, there will be a younger brother who will be born. I will inherit the king and pity the younger brother. Wrong. Avoiding his edge is incompetent, showing his edge is trying to usurp the throne. Gu is terrified every day and can't sleep peacefully. I really want to go back to Ningzhou ten years ago, when Gu and Shu'er were carefree, riding horses and shooting , thinking of it now is like a dream.”

Feng Shu looked at him quietly, and also thought of the days in Ningzhou, now she can only sigh.The prince's expression does not seem to be fake, the prince is indeed the most difficult position in the world.

Well done, some people say, not well done, some people comment.

Anyone who listened to his words could not help feeling compassionate.

The prince smiled and asked, "What about you, do you like the days of traveling all over the world, wearing the stars and wearing the moon, or do you like the days of being carefree in Ningzhou?
(End of this chapter)

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