Feng Yu sneered, of course she knew that Xie Xun didn't know good and bad, but was it too hasty to like someone based on these alone, "What else do you like?"

What Xie Xun likes most about Fengyu is...he and she have a bond of mutual understanding.She can understand all his ambitions, aspirations, and his expectations for the future are the same as hers.His and her hearts can always collide with sparks.

After saying this, the third girl will laugh at him.

Xie Xun said, "Beautiful as a flower, smart and courageous, invincible wealth can cover up all shortcomings, and has a fatal attraction to men. I am also a man."

Feng Yu, "..."

Why is he different from others? The standard answer is not that you are good at everything, but I like everything? "How big a flaw am I that needs to be covered up by being beautiful and rich like a flower?"

The young master felt that he couldn't continue chatting with the third girl as soon as he confessed his love.

"You said that my admirers are like crucian carp crossing the river, what about you?" Xie Xun took the rein and walked backwards facing Feng Yu, looking at her enthusiastically.

He was moved for the first time, and he was also looking forward to her liking.

"I have a heart of stone, I don't change my heart." Feng Yu smiled mischievously, implying that I don't like you.

Although Xie Xun was a little disappointed, he was not disappointed, and said with a smile, "Then I will continue to work hard and try to impress your heart in these three years."

Young Master was spurred to grow up. He went to the battlefield at the age of 13. Ningzhou was hot in summer and cold in winter. He rode the Savior alone and led the army deep into the enemy's hinterland. He was never a person who retreated in spite of difficulties.

Feng Yu lowered her eyes and looked into his eyes, feeling pain in her heart. It's very easy to like the young master, he is amazingly talented and handsome.Ambitious and ambitious, able to hold Jingdu Wei, but also able to take responsibility.

Who doesn't like such a fiery and dazzling boy.

But her liking is not worth the cold reality. This liking is not enough to make her have the courage to face the storm and parting in the future. She would rather keep this liking in her heart.

Flowers bloom and wither, all are secrets.

"Don't try so hard." Feng Yu said cruelly, "You don't meet my standards for recruiting a son-in-law."

Xie Xun pressed the tip of his tongue against his teeth, and there was a hint of hostility in his smile, "Then who do you want to marry?"

There was a weird desire to possess and control in his heart again, so strong that he was a little caught off guard, and felt despicable, like the instinct of a beast, he had to do his best to restrain her and not do anything that caused her pain.

"Although there is no candidate, there are standards and you can always find them."

"Then you have to be more careful. This Marquis is a control freak with a lot of hostility. If you choose one person, I will kill one person. If you choose two people, I will kill one pair." Xie Xun turned around half-truthfully, leaving only the third girl behind. A figure from the back, "Third Miss, don't cause others to die in vain."

Feng Yu, "..."

She almost yelled, crazy!
She suppressed the sourness in her heart, and said softly, "Xie Xun, the Su family is as rich as a country, and only my sister and I are the heirs. I have been engaged since childhood, and my sister entered the Marquis's mansion. If Lin Yuyan hadn't seduced Jiang Yang to withdraw the engagement, Jiang Yang would be safe and sound If you are a stable Tanhua Lang and enter the Ministry of Education, you will definitely become a confidant of the Crown Prince."

She smiled wryly, "If not, why would I be recruited into the palace at the palace banquet once I retired, and why did you frame me and King Kang? Whether the emperor or the queen, they all hope that I will enter the East Palace as a side concubine, or become the side concubine of King Kang." They hold great power and treat me like an ant, and they don't even want to wait until the divorce incident is over. Even if my sister wants to protect me and let the news out that all the property of the Su family is in her hands, they still want me to be Kang Wang's side concubine to restrain me Sister. After the conspiracy was revealed, I was quite surprised that they didn't take my life. Maybe it's because I'm weak, and I couldn't live for a few years. So, there is absolutely no possibility between me and you, unless I don't want to live."

Fengyu has been intelligent since she was a child, her heart is like a mirror, and she can see the current situation more clearly than anyone else.

With the Beiman peace talks, is it true that the royal family is no longer afraid of the Zhenbeihou Mansion?
How can it be!

Xie Xun stopped in his tracks, and his eyes fell deeply on the calm face of the third girl. It turned out that she knew everything, but she had never said a word to him.

"Are you afraid?" Xie Xun asked.

"Scared!" Feng Yu smiled bitterly, "I will do my best to survive."

Therefore, the momentary spring breeze cannot blow her heart.

"Feng Yu, I want you!" In Xie Xun's amorous eyes, there was only desperate determination, "As long as I have my last breath, you will be safe and sound."

Fengyu was in the spring breeze, and heard her own fierce heartbeat.

Those emotions that were desperately suppressed, her heartbeat was like vines breaking out of the ground, trying to grow into a big tree in the bottom of her heart, her blood was surging, she almost lost her mind, and complied with his white-headed promise.

"Thank you Xun..."

"Fengyu, trust me!" Xie Xunyun said with confidence, "Don't worry about the matter in the palace, I will settle it."

Feng Yu smiled, but did not answer.

Xie Xun didn't care about her hesitation for a while, and enjoyed the spring breeze very much. He wanted to walk slowly back to the city with Feng Yu, and was about to tease her a few words, when he paused suddenly, his face condensed slightly, and Feng Yu belatedly heard such words. The sound of horseshoes sounded muffled, approaching from far away.

They were not on the official road, but on the plain beside the official road. A group of cavalry came from the official road and galloped towards the capital.

They were far away and couldn't see the faces of the army clearly, but they could see the tiger flag waving in the air. It was the banner of the Zhenbei Iron Cavalry. The generals in front were riding in black iron armor, majestic.

"It's an iron cavalry." Feng Yu raised her hand to cover the dust and smoke, the army turned back, divided into four teams, the cavalry returned to the capital first with the Northern Marquis of Zhenbei, followed by the infantry.

Xie Xun looked at the scale and said with lingering fear, "You have to be lucky, they didn't see you."


This should be the [-] cavalry led by General Wu De and his wife to suppress the bandits. Only one cavalry team was left to escort the Beiman envoys to Beijing.

Xie Xun was glad that they were far away from the official road, and the cavalry was in a hurry. General Wu De probably didn't expect his daughter to have a tryst with a man in the suburbs.

If not, either his leg would be broken by Zhenbei Hou, or Feng Yu would be beaten up by General Wu De.

This is going to be bumped into by General Wude and his wife, lonely man and widow, how to explain it in the wilderness?

Just as Xie Xun thought this way, he suddenly saw a black horse galloping towards him, his eyelids twitched, and he thought to himself, is he not so unlucky?
Xie Xun gradually saw the face clearly as the visitors approached from far away.

It was a very young man, his face was somewhat similar to Xie Xun's, he had eyes like glass, his temperament was as frosty as snow, and he was wearing light armor. outsiders.

"Second brother..." Xie Xun's scalp was numb, and he was really afraid of something. He looked at Xie Jue and reined in his horse, "How did you recognize me when I was so far away?"

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