"Why are you still prejudiced?" Xie Xun drank the wine in one gulp, feeling a little emotional, "If I marry a wife, if you don't like it, I can't marry her?"

"Yes!" Zhenbei Hou was afraid that he would be moved by the princess, and said with a sneer, "Marriage naturally follows the orders of the parents, and you have no choice but to follow the words of the matchmaker."

"Both grandfather and grandpa don't agree with you marrying your mother. Why did you bring a matchmaker to propose marriage by yourself, and grandpa beat you out? It's my turn to obey my parents' order and matchmaker's words?" The little Hou Ye was naturally rebellious, and said sarcastically, "Just Xuzhou officials set fire to prevent people from lighting lamps?"

"You are a son and I am a father. What can you do?" Zhenbeihou looked at his unhappy son with a smile, "Who made you unlucky and reincarnated into my family?"

Xie Xun took a deep breath, put down his wine glass, "Okay, since you said so, I like Fengyu and want to marry her, okay?"

Everyone, "..."

Xie Zhang, "..."

How dare you say it! ! !
"It's not suitable, right?" Mrs. Mudan couldn't help looking at Mrs. Hou. Although Mrs. Hou had joked before, she knew it was impossible.

Madam Lan thought to herself, that is quite inappropriate!
The Su family is as rich as a country, only Fengshu and Fengyu, if they both entered the Hou's mansion, Emperor Jianming would be sitting on pins and needles, Fengyu and Jiang Yang were engaged very early, if not, Emperor Jianming wanted Fengyu to marry the prince, Or Kang Wang is the side concubine.

Otherwise, nothing will happen to the palace banquet.

Several wives have also talked in private, Feng Yu has just married Ji and has just divorced, Emperor Jianming will not act too hastily, in a year or two, he will definitely let Feng Yu enter the East Palace, or Prince Kang's residence.

Mrs. Hou pondered and said, "I also like Fengyu, but...it's not suitable. When did you get on your mind?"

Zhenbeihou looked at the delicate expressions of the ladies and asked curiously, "Who is Fengyu?"

Xie Zhang said, "It's Shu'er's younger sister."

"Ha..." Zhenbei Hou was shocked, subconsciously felt that it was not good, but after Master Hou got Xie Jue, he got used to not thinking about complicated situations, and only asked about the result. He asked Xie Jue, "Can he marry?"

Xie Jue said indifferently, "No!"

Zhenbeihou united front, "No way!"

Xie Xun smashed the jar, "Alright, the third girl wants to recruit a son-in-law, father, what do you think of me getting married?"

Marquis of Zhenbei slapped him, Xie Xun quickly pulled Xie Jue to block in retaliation, the Second Young Master didn't have his strength or skill, so he blocked his slap.

Fortunately, Zhenbeihou reacted quickly, and when he hit Xie Jue's arm, he withdrew his strength. Even so, he almost knocked Xie Jue to the ground. Zhenbeihou moved towards Mrs. Hou silently, "Second brother, you are all right!" Bar?"

Xie Jue took a deep breath, slammed his fist on the table, and his cups and plates jumped wildly.Bullying Shuang Saixue's cheeks were red with anger, and her veins were throbbing.Except for Xie Zhang, everyone kept away from the Second Young Master silently, for fear of being angered.

Xie Zhang rubbed the space between his brows, only to feel that the chicken was flying like a dog, this meal must not be finished.

The three wives stared at Xie Xun condemningly.

The young master was outraged by the public and ran away, "I'm full, you should discuss it carefully, whether to marry a wife or marry, you just watch."

"Brat, stop!" Zhenbei Hou's roar could be heard throughout the Hou Mansion.

The servants have long been used to it. It must be the young master who made him angry again. The first day after returning to Beijing, the young master was pleasing to the eyes of the young master. The father's love only lasted for a day before it collapsed.

Fengyu always liked to sleep late, but Qiuxiang and Chunlu dug her up early in the morning. She sat on the edge of the bed with a dark face, Qiuxiang told her.The Marquis of Zhenbei and the three sons are going to visit the mansion to discuss the wedding date of Xie Zhang and Feng Shu, Feng Yu is still not happy.

She was unhappy when she didn't get enough sleep.

Because of the nightmares at night, Feng Yu was always short of sleep, and the maids in the plum garden didn't dare to disturb her sleep. The third girl usually pretended to be cute and obedient, but when she didn't have enough sleep, she didn't bother to act, and she was obviously unhappy.

This state was maintained until Zhenbeihou and his wife brought the three sons to the door. Xie Xun could tell at a glance that she was unhappy.After showing his love outside the city, although he was rejected, Xie Xun didn't mind. When he saw the third girl, he showed a flirtatious smile and deliberately flirted.

The third girl is hard-hearted and expressionless.

Everyone in Zhenbeihou's Mansion, "..."

No matter how you look at it, it's the young master who shaved his head and picked it up.Zhenbei Hou and his wife brought their sons here to discuss the date of marriage. Because Xie Xun confessed his youthful thoughts, whether it was Master Hou, Madam Hou, Xie Zhang and Xie Jue, they were all focused on Phoenix. Yu body.

Hou Ye also thought to himself, he wants to see what kind of woman Nizi likes.

Feng Yu was standing beside Feng Shu in a pomegranate red spring shirt and white skirt, her hair bun was a bit more complicated than the simple ones that are popular nowadays.On the left and right, there are tassel gold hairpins, emerald emerald hairpins inlaid with jewels and stones, and they are so gorgeous and rich that Zhenbei Hou was almost blindsided.

so rich! !

Zhenbeihou thought of Xie Xun's empty yard, and the two standing together made his youngest son really look like he was eating soft food.

This young girl was able to suppress such a gorgeous dress at such a young age, her face was condensed, and his youngest son smiled so unconvincingly that the little girl didn't even look at him.With a hard-hearted appearance, Zhenbei Hou felt a pity for a moment, the second child said that he could not marry, otherwise Xie Xun would be cured.

Marquis Zhenbei is in a good mood, Nizi actually has today! !

Xie Zhang raised his eyebrows slightly. He had only seen Feng Yu twice, and he had long forgotten her appearance. He did not expect that she looked exactly like Feng Shu, but her temperament was different. She seemed very obedient and obedient.

Feng Yu didn't expect that she would be noticed. After all, she came to discuss the marriage between Xie Zhang and her sister, and her sister must be the focus. She was used to being an invisible person beside Feng Shu, her eyes were empty and she wanted to sleep.Noticing a few subtle gazes, always staring at her intentionally or unintentionally, Feng Yu noticed that everyone in the Hou Mansion was looking at her.

After realizing it later, she naturally put on a well-behaved and obedient smile.

Everyone, "..."

Zhenbeihou and his wife brought their sons to visit, which gave the Feng family enough respect and ostentation.The Feng family also entertained them with great sincerity. Feng Changlin and Feng Changqing were all at home to accompany the guests.

Xie Zhang and Feng Shu's marriage negotiations went very smoothly.

The two had matched their horoscopes a long time ago and chose the sixth day of June.

Feng Changqing felt that there were only two months left to prepare for the wedding, and she wanted to arrange it in autumn, or at the end of the year.Mrs. Hou is too embarrassed to say that the eldest son wants to make April.

Feng Changqing has always been convinced and respectful of Zhenbeihou. Although he felt rushed, he didn't object too much. The wedding date was set like this, and the two sides talked very happily.

"Where is Ah Yu, who can I choose?" Mrs. Hou asked with a soft smile, as if she had never heard the rumors in Beijing.

Feng Changqing smiled brightly, and was about to answer, Feng Yu paused every word, and said with a slow smile, "Ah Yu wants to recruit a son-in-law."

Everyone, "..."

Xie Xun lowered his head and chuckled, the little fox is so smart, he openly said that he wanted to recruit a son-in-law, and deliberately cut him off from thinking about it, she must have never imagined that he had already told his father and mother everything.

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