Chapter 17 Yiling Village

In the Wangjiang restaurant opposite, the humble scholars talked about state affairs and criticized the authoritarian and arbitrary government of the Zhenbeihou Mansion. Their words were passionate, and rumors gradually arose.

Feng Yu didn't expect that she would cause a series of troubles if she beat Jiang Yang.However, the sentence telling Jiang Yang to go to the border to become the Ninth Grade Sesame Officer was not what she said. One or two sentences fabricated in this kind of pretentious rumors are very deadly.

This wave of rumors went straight to Zhenbeihou's mansion, and it was fierce.

The appointment of Jiang Yang into the Imperial Academy by Emperor Jianming has been stamped, but because of Xie Xun's words, there has been a quarrel in the court. Feng Changlin is the servant of the official department. Being despised, he didn't get angry or speak, but still smiled warmly.

The officials attacked Xie Xun for being lawless and misbehaving, and hoped that the emperor would punish Zhenbeihou's mansion.However, the military officer refused to go back on the grounds that Tan Hualang had a quarrel with the young master, and did not even mention that the father and son of the Zhenbei Houfu killed the enemy in Ningzhou.

Where does Tanhualang go? That is a matter for the cabinet and the Ministry of officials. The chief assistant of the cabinet, Mr. Lin Ge, avoided suspicion and kept silent.The civil officials of Linge's old faction were silent. Except for the officials and a few officials who insisted on the orthodoxy of the royal family, most of them stood in the Zhenbeihou Mansion, and some of them were wise and safe.

Marquis Anyuan came out and said, "Everyone is arguing like this, it's nothing more than how Tanhualang should arrange it. In the final analysis, this matter is also Tanhualang's injustice. He and his mother depended on each other. They first lived in Ningzhou for a few years, and then returned to Liling County Life, the family has no property, and General Wu De, because of his in-laws, supported the mother and son of the Jiang family, hired famous teachers, and bought land. After high school, he retired at the wedding ceremony of the girl from the Feng family. He owed money, and he beat people in the street. Your Majesty, knowledge and ability are indeed the criteria for evaluating officials, but, as parents and officials, morality is more important. Tan Hualang is ungrateful and cold-hearted, so he really can't be reused!"

"There is such a thing?" Emperor Jianming frowned slightly.

Lin Shangshu of the Ministry of War said, "The young children's resignation of the marriage has caused such a situation, I am afraid that there is something wrong with it. Don't be fooled by the rumors, Marquis Anyuan."

"Feng Shilang is in the hall. Whether it's a fabrication or a fact, you can tell just by asking." An Yuanhou said with a smile.

"Feng Shilang, is there such a thing?" Emperor Jianming asked.

Feng Changlin, who had been pretending to be nervous since An Yuanhou mentioned Feng's family, bit the bullet and came out, "Return to Your Majesty, because Jiang Yang and his niece have been engaged since childhood, and my brother has indeed helped Jiang's 3000 people for more than ten years. Two, there is written evidence to prove it. Jiang Yang's resignation is also true."

Emperor Jianming groaned, and did not make another sound.

"With the reputation of the second daughter of General Wude, it is human nature for Tan Hualang to want to retire the engagement."

Marquis An Yuan mocked, "Why did Lord Wu criticize your daughter's family in the Ming Palace?"

"She is notorious. There are children in the family who have never heard of her gossip. The lower officials just sympathize with Tan Hualang and speak up for justice."

"For ungrateful pigs and dogs, it is worthwhile to get a word of justice from an adult."


Feng Changlin's official robe was drenched with sweat, and Emperor Jianming was already displeased, "Presumptuous, the court is a place for discussion, what's it like to be so noisy?"

Marquis An Yuan and Lord Wu pleaded guilty and stopped confronting each other. Emperor Jian Ming asked with a smile, "Elder Ge thinks how to deal with this matter?"

Lin Ge is always an important minister of the three dynasties. He is nearly seventy years old, with gray hair, thin and straight. He seems to have a countermeasure, "Your Majesty, Marquis Anyuan has a saying that is right. As parents and officials, character and morality are more important. It’s not a place to go. I haven’t practiced outside after high school, and it’s against the law. Guozijian is a place to go, and the place for classics is vacant, so it’s appropriate.”

Some Qingliu civil officials were dissatisfied. Ten years in the cold window, Tanhua went to Guozijian as a classic in high school, which was too overqualified. Due to the majesty of Lin Ge, he did not dare to refute. He can overrule the elder's decision.

"Very good!" Emperor Jianming said with a smile, "Just do what Ge Lao said, and it will be done. Why bother to make such a fuss?"

During her illness, Feng Yu read through the account books of Yiling Village in the suburbs of Beijing, and calculated the accounts slowly. She doesn't like reading and calligraphy, but loves abacus. In the annual assessment of the Imperial Academy for Women, her abacus is the best.

"Qiu Xiang, bring Zhang Da and Chun Lu with you, let's go to Yiling Village."

"Yes." Qiu Xiang paused, "What are you doing in Yiling?"

"Rent collection."

Yiling Village is Su Yuejiao's dowry, with beautiful mountains, water and land, the whole area belongs to Su Yuejiao, including paddy fields, dry fields and the horse farm beside Yiling Village.After Su Yuejiao joined the army, Yiling Village was handed over to Wang Lizheng, who paid the land rent every year.In recent years, Feng Yu has taken over most of Su Yuejiao's property in central Beijing. Before Feng Shu left Beijing, she handed over the last piece of property in Central Beijing, Yiling Village, to Feng Yu. Logically speaking, Li Zheng of Yiling Village should come to see her.

After leaving the city, I took a carriage and arrived at Yiling Village in two hours. The scenery along the way was excellent, the carriage did not have the Feng family's logo, except for her two maids, Zhang Da brought six people, very low-key.

The weather this year is not good, there is a severe drought from May to August, and the autumn harvest is not good.The autumn harvest in Yilingzhuang's paddy fields was not good, but the harvest of wheat fields and corn was not bad. After July, the price of agricultural products soared, and the usual price of wheat was sold for five dollars.It has been more than half a month for Feng Yu to check Yiling Village, and after reading the account books, she has a bottom line.

The surname of Lizheng in Yilingzhuang is Wang, and he is a distant relative of Mrs. Feng.There are more than a hundred households in this village, and it is a well-known wealthy villa, producing cotton, corn, and wheat.Because of the transformation of dry fields into paddy fields, the area of ​​rice fields is smaller than that of wheat fields.Feng Yu walked through the village on purpose, it was well arranged, the houses were in good condition, and fruit trees were planted on both sides of the village.

"Sister, you are so beautiful." The little girl playing with the windmill on the side of the road looked at Feng Yu with sparkling eyes. It makes the skin whiter and more beautiful.

Feng Yu bent down and pinched the little girl's face, smiling brightly, "When you grow up, you will be as beautiful as your sister."


Feng Yu nodded, the little girl cheered happily that she would also wear beautiful clothes, the two continued to play with the windmill hand in hand, the weather is fine today, the autumn wind is gentle and the sun is shining brightly, Feng Yu sat down by the big square of Yiling Village, lazily Basking in the sun all over the place, Zhang Da went to search for it.

Wang Lizheng was about 40 years old, wearing a gray robe with a cloak over it, and a sachet tied to a gold-woven belt. Feng Yu had seen tenant farmers' dresses along the way.This Wangli is not dressed like a farmer, but like a landlord.

"I've seen the third girl." Wang Lizheng said with a smile, "I've been busy with the harvest these days, so I've been delayed. I thought I'd go to see the girl in a couple of days, but I didn't expect to trouble you to make a trip in person."

(End of this chapter)

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