Fengyu spread her hands, the palm of her left hand was stung, the palm was red, hot and swollen, Fang Lingjun was stung on the back of the hand and wrist, they were protected by Lin Xiao and others, the sting was not serious.Fang Lingjun could bear this pain. She knew that Fengyu was afraid of pain, so she grabbed her palm and blew on her, "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt. Go back to the camp and ask the imperial doctor to prescribe some medicine, and the swelling will subside soon."

Feng Yu leaned against the stone and looked at the gloomy forest, "Do you still know the way?"

"This is Xiyan Mountain, we won't get lost, it's fine." Fang Lingjun comforted her, "There is no hunting today, the mountain is full of people playing, and there will be no too vicious beasts in the royal hunting ground, maybe we will meet someone, Can give us a ride."

Feng Yu also felt relieved, and touched Fang Lingjun's swollen hand, the back of the hand and the wrist were terribly swollen, "The sting of this poisonous bee hurts too much, and I don't know what happened to them."

Feng Yu turned her head and saw dense poisonous bees covering them.

"They are rough-skinned and thick-skinned, so they are definitely fine." Fang Lingjun said viciously, "When I get back, I will definitely beat Cai Wensen."

Fortunately, their faces were not stung by poisonous bees.

The two were resting, only heard the whistling wind in the forest, and the sound of horseshoes coming from a distance. Feng Yu and Fang Lingjun were leaning against the stone, with thorn trees beside them.Fang Lingjun and Feng Yu were about to stand up and call for someone, when they suddenly heard a deep voice.

"All arrows are poisoned."


Feng Yu was cautious and vigilant by nature, and the northern barbarians also participated in the hunting. They were rushing to kill Xie Jue, but when Feng Yu heard the word "poison", she couldn't sense it, so she pulled Fang Lingjun down and covered her mouth.

Fang Lingjun heard it too, the two of them had their backs to the stone, and they were on the hillside, the group of people were above their heads, Fang Lingjun nodded, Fengyu let her go.

The two only heard rustling sounds, they seemed to be planning something, Feng Yu and Fang Lingjun's hearts were beating wildly, their palms were sweaty from nervousness, they looked at each other, leaned close to the stone, and slowly poked their heads out to observe.

It was almost dusk, and the forest was dark. Five men were setting up traps. One of them coated the arrowhead with poison, and the rest were setting up traps in the forest. They were wearing night clothes and their faces were solemn.The two are climbing on the tree, loading the arrows, and combining the ground device, there are poisonous arrows in all directions.

Fang Lingjun often walks in the palace and recognizes Chen Mo.

Chen Mo, the leader of Jinyiwei.

Just obeying the orders of Emperor Yu Jianming, Chen Mo had a straight face, a cold face, raised browbones, adding a bit of sharpness, Fang Lingjun dared not look directly at him every time he saw him.

Why did they set up an ambush in the woods?
And it's a poisonous arrow!

The two stumbled upon a conspiracy by accident, and were too frightened to speak out. They hid themselves behind the stone, and Chen Mo said coldly, "Make a mark, and you will follow the emperor closely tomorrow, and force Lord Hou to the killing point."

"Yes!" The man's voice was cold, "My lord, Master Hou has experienced many battles, I'm afraid this poisonous arrow can't hurt him."

"This is not something you should worry about." Chen Mo's voice was cold, and his voice was full of storms, hitting Fang Lingjun and Feng Yu's hearts with thumping sounds.

This is the emperor's plan to kill Lord Hou!

Both Feng Yu and Fang Lingjun saw the fear in each other's eyes. Feng Yu listened to her parents talking about the court situation at home. Recently, the emperor and Lord Hou often talked at night by candlelight. Lord Hou sometimes stayed in the palace.But secretly, the emperor wants to kill Lord Hou?If he wants to kill Lord Hou, there are many opportunities, so why set up an ambush while hunting?

Fang Lingjun was frightened out of her wits when she heard the secret news. Feng Yu took a deep breath, suppressed the panic in her heart, and slowly raised her head to observe, to see how they set up a trap.

The five people in the group were all busy, and one of them was on guard. Feng Yu and Fang Lingjun hid in a relatively secret place, and they didn't pay attention for a while.This is a deep mountain with few people, and those young men and girls who play in the mountains and rivers rarely set foot in it.Feng Yu watched them set up the trap, silently remembering it in her heart.

Suddenly, Fang Lingjun pulled Fengyu nervously, Fengyu fell beside Fang Lingjun, raised her hand to cover Fang Lingjun's mouth, but still made a little noise.

Chen Mo asked sharply, "Who?"

Fang Lingjun saw a green bamboo leaf crawling towards her. How could a girl not be afraid of snakes? Fang Lingjun was not afraid of anything, but also of poisonous snakes. Chen Mo had heard the sound, drew his knife and walked towards the small stone slope. Feng Yu covered Fang Lingjun's mouth, The two huddled under the stone, the bamboo leaf green slowly crawled to Fang Lingjun's feet, she couldn't avoid it, she closed her eyes and bit Feng Yu's hand in fright.

Fengyu was in pain, Zhuyeqing stretched out her head, spit out the snake letter, and bit Fang Lingjun, and Chen Mo approached slowly with a knife on top of her head, seeing that the poisonous snake was about to bite Fang Lingjun.Feng Yu's heart broke, and she hugged Fang Lingjun in her arms, her right leg was in front of Fang Lingjun, Zhu Yeqing bit Feng Yu's calf, Feng Yu lowered her head and bit Fang Lingjun's arm in pain.

For a moment, Feng Yu felt her heart and mouth numb, and the place where she was bitten was hot and numb, almost like being stung by a poisonous snake.But there was a burst of dizziness, and the sky was spinning.

Chen Mo has reached the hillside.Fengyu stubbornly resisted the pain and dizziness from Zhuyeqing's bite, and remained motionless, even though she was extremely frightened, she let the poisonous snake lie on her leg and bite stiffly.

"It's a fox, my lord, it's gone that way!" said a man.

Chen Molen narrowed his eyes, retracted his knife and walked back, "Is it done?"

"My lord, it has been properly arranged."

Chen Mo checked the device, nodded, "Go!"

After the device was completed, Chen Mo led Jin Yiwei to evacuate. As soon as they left, Feng Yu drew a knife and chopped the bamboo leaf green that was biting her into two pieces. The blood of the snake splattered everywhere.

Fang Lingjun opened his eyes and saw Fengyu blocking Zhuyeqing for her, tears fell instantly, "Ayu...you were bitten by a snake, it...it...it's poisonous."

My brother said that the green snake is poisonous.

When she was young, she liked to play in the bamboo forest. Her brother told her that there were snakes in the bamboo forest and told her not to play, but she refused to listen. Once Fang Chuning led people to catch snakes in the small bamboo forest. They caught this kind of green snake. Brother She said that the poison of this snake was very strong, and it would kill her if she was bitten. She was so frightened that she never dared to drill into the bamboo forest again.

Fengyu was dizzy, and the dagger she couldn't hold fell to the ground, "Junjun, calm down, and help me deal with the snake venom, or I will really die."

"What... how to deal with it?" Fang Lingjun quickly calmed down and wiped away her tears. She had to calm down, not to panic, and to protect Ah Yu.

"You take off my shoes and socks, quick!"

Fang Lingjun took off Feng Yu's embroidered shoes and socks, and her right leg was bitten by a snake's tooth mark, oozing blood. Her skin was fair, and the bitten place was slightly bruised.Fang Lingjun didn't even think about it, she lowered her head to inhale the snake venom, Feng Yu held her chin, "Poisonous!"

"What should I do..." Fang Lingjun was confused, and had never dealt with such a difficult situation.

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