"Right leg, she's unconscious." Fang Lingjun sobbed, grabbed the hanging rope and tied it around Feng Yu's waist. Xie Xun and Fang Chuning grabbed the rope and dragged her up.

Xie Xun searched for half the night, frightened, and finally saw someone.The soldiers held up the torches, illuminating the entrance of the cave like daylight. Feng Yu's face was blue and the toxin had spread all over her body. Xie Xun saw that his eyes were tearing apart, and he caressed Feng Yu's comatose and sweating face with distress, "What did she do? Snake bite?"

"It's a green snake. Ah Yu has applied herbal medicine on her right leg."

Xie Xun tore off Feng Yu's shoes and socks, rolled up her trousers, and saw that her calf was black, bruised and swollen. Fang Chuning only took one look, and hurriedly said, "It should be the green leaf snake. Zhang Lingzheng can cure it. Go to him quickly." .”

Xie Xun quickly picked up Fengyu and rode on Zhuifeng, and rushed out of the camp, followed by Feiying and Nuanyang.

Fang Chuning put down the rope and dragged Fang Lingjun down. He noticed that his sister's hands and wrists were stung by poisonous bees. Fortunately, it was not too serious.Fang Chuning asked anxiously, "Have you ever been bitten by a snake?"

Fang Lingjun threw herself into Fang Chuning's arms and wept loudly, "Brother..."

She was full of anger, as if she had been poisoned by a snake. Fang Chuning calmed down and coaxed her sister gently, "Okay, okay, don't cry, Feng Yu will be fine."

Fang Lingjun cried heart-rendingly, crying all over the place, as if she had suffered a huge grievance, her tears and snot all stuck to Fang Chuning's skirt.

Fang Chuning sighed and said, "Junjun, it's so ugly to cry like this."

"Brother!" Fang Lingjun stomped her feet and wiped her tears indiscriminately.

"Okay, okay, my eyes are swollen from crying, it's really ugly." Fang Chuning bent slightly, and gently wiped her tears with his fingers, "What's going on?"

Fang Lingjun said, "It's all because of Cai Wensen's hand. He smashed a beehive. The poisonous bees chased us and bit us. Ayu and I were hiding from the poisonous bees, but we were bitten by a poisonous snake. I wanted to carry Ayu back to the camp, but fell down. A trap. I just woke up and heard my brother calling me."

Fang Chuning looked into her eyes, "Didn't you meet anyone along the way? Why didn't you ask others for help?"

His pronunciation was very clear, Fang Lingjun was stunned, his brother's eyes were black and white, shining in the firelight, there was a kind of fierce oppression, Fang Lingjun and him had a good understanding, and became angry, "I didn't see a single ghost, and I fell to the ground." Going into the cave, why are you scolding me? I'm going to see someone, can I not call for help? I can't carry Ah Yu on my back."

"Okay, auntie, stop making trouble and go back to the camp."

"Brother, I can't walk."

Fang Chuning clicked his tongue, picked her up on the horse and rode together. Xie Jue's shadow guard [-] followed behind him, disappeared for a while, and did not know where to go, and [-] disappeared behind him without a sound.Fang Chuning looked back at the shadow guard, and galloped out of Xiyan Mountain.

Chen Mo hid on a luxuriant tree, watching Fang Chuning lead the people out of the jungle. Chen Mo was still standing on the branch, keeping his expression on.

The forest was silent, Chen Mo's breathing slowed down, only the rustling of the wind and the occasional sound of birds and animals could be heard in the forest, Xie Jue's shadow guard Ah San appeared from the shadows and left without a trace.

Chen Mo is like an eagle hiding in the night, hovering in the darkness.

The camp was as bright as day, and Emperor Jianming hosted a banquet for Dugu Jing and Beiman envoys, Zhenbei Hou and Lin Hongyuan led civil and military officials to accompany them.This is a banquet for men. In the center of the stage, there are dancers performing, singing, dancing, poetry and wine.

Except for Xie Xun, Zhenbei Hou's family was at the banquet, but Emperor Jianming didn't see Fang Chuning, so he asked a lot.The Fang family has a very close relationship with the Yuwen royal family. Although Mrs. Fang is a side branch, her father and brother are idlers in the clan.But she had to be favored by the queen first, and was raised in the palace since she was a child, as a princess.There is a huge difference in status between the favored clan and the unfavored clan. She and Queen Mother Qi are also cousins. When she married Marshal Fang, she was married to the Yuwen clan and the prince.

After Emperor Jianming came to the throne, he treated the clan favorably, and Mrs. Fang was the Yanyang clan who received the best treatment.But in fact, Mrs. Fang was more loyal to the late emperor.The friendship with Emperor Jianming's family is mediocre.The first emperor was better at balance than the Jianming emperor, and most of the clan's children married into the aristocratic family to balance the court.

One of Fang Chuning's generals got up and said, "Ms. Fang is not feeling well. The major general will accompany you in the tent and will come later."

After Emperor Jianming heard about it, he sent an imperial physician to check it out to show his concern.

The crown prince and princess concubine sat in the first row on the left side of Emperor Jianming, Wang Duan, Lin Hongyuan, Zhongshu Sheng and the six major officials were all there. The old man was not feeling well and did not accompany him to the hunting ground.In the first row to the right of Emperor Jianming is the Marquis of Zhenbei, followed by the Marquis of Anyuan and Xie Zhang, almost all generals.King Kang and Princess Huazhen sat behind the prince.

Dugujing sat in the middle under the seat of Emperor Jianming, slightly in front of the crown prince and Marquis of Zhenbei, to show respect.The Beiman envoy sat in a semicircle with him, facing the stage.

After the dance, Emperor Jianming asked with a smile, "Does the Ninth Prince like Yanyang's singing and dancing?"

Dugu Jing got up and saluted and said, "Beiman doesn't like singing and dancing, but prefers wrestling. I wonder which warrior in Yanyang would dare to compete with this king? Let His Majesty Yanyang see our Beiman's customs."

The Yanyang family doesn't like wrestling, they think it is vulgar and violent, and they prefer elegant activities. However, wrestling is often held in the Ningzhou army.

The Beiman royal family and the Zhenbeihou's mansion have a deep hatred for both public and private, and it is difficult to be private.Let's send a young general, it seems that he doesn't pay attention to him.Dugu Jing decided to ask his third son to play.Listen to the wind, Dugu Jing will see the King of Hades with one punch, I know that, people are not at the banquet, go to the mountains to find Fengyu, even if they are at the banquet, his left leg is always a hidden danger, and Dugu Jing is an old enemy, and Dugu Jing knows his weaknesses.

As for Shouyu... As a last resort, the Marquis of Zhenbei doesn't want Xie Zhang to play, and Dugujing is a strong player that Xie Xun and Fang Chuning won't benefit from single-handedly.Xie Zhang's advantage is not in hand-to-hand combat, if he loses, it will damage his prestige.

He would rather Xie Xun and Dugu Jing fight hand-to-hand. Xie Xun's loss will not affect the face of the cavalry.

"Yanyang cavalry warriors are gathered, is there no one who dares to fight this king?" Dugu Jing's eyes fell directly on Xie Zhang, the eldest son poured himself a drink, as motionless as the wind.

Sitting beside Su Yuejiao, Feng Shu looked at his back, her palms were sweaty from nervousness, everyone knew that Dugu Jing was as fierce as a tiger in hand-to-hand combat, and his brother had no chance of winning in hand-to-hand combat.

He deliberately wanted to humiliate the Hou Mansion in full view.

Several young generals under Zhenbeihou's command came out one after another and demanded to fight Dugujing, all of them were bloody in their eyes, Dugujing openly provoked, and the iron cavalry had no reason to back down.

Dugu Jing was about to mock.

"I'll come!" Xie Zhang put down his wine glass, stood up and cupped his fists, "Since the Ninth Prince has a sense of elegance, this general will accompany him to the end."

The young generals tried their best to stop them, but Xie Zhang gently raised his hand to suppress their momentum.Dugu Jing has called for battle at the city gate, if he doesn't respond, or sends someone else to fight, it will damage the majesty of the iron cavalry.

In the Zhenbei Hou Mansion, there are no generals who are afraid of war.

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