Chapter 19 Feng Yu Collects Rent
Ningzhou was short of food, Xie Xun almost robbed Yanyang’s granaries, gathered enough food and grass to send to Ningzhou, this group of people didn’t know the hardships in Beijing, and dared to raise the price of food, her parents were killing enemies in Ningzhou Woolen cloth.

"We don't, Third Girl, don't spew blood!" Wang Lizheng burst out in shock, and the villagers all agreed. Wang Lizheng originally wanted to scare Fengyu away, but Fengyu found out about Yiling Village's grain reselling. Can resist death.

"Yes, we didn't, the third girl was spitting blood."

The villagers tried to overwhelm them like bandits rising up to resist. Qiuxiang was frightened by the atmosphere, while Chunlu was bolder and more stable, standing beside Fengyu and watching the villagers vigilantly.

"Girl, let's leave first!" Zhang Da tightly gripped the handle of the knife, fearing that Feng Yu would have an accident here.

Wang Li was hearing his words, "Third Miss wanted to leave after spitting blood. There is no way to explain this matter, and we will not agree."

"We don't agree!"

"Why, do you still want to kill me?" Feng Yu smiled like a flower, "Zhang Da, get out of the way!"

Zhang Da gritted his teeth, and took a step back under Feng Yu's smiling gaze. Feng Yu walked up to Wang Lizheng, her smile was like the light of a spring day, "Do you dare?"

Her smile is more dazzling than the sun, and she is confident.

Everyone, "..."

The noisy villagers watched the beautiful third girl standing in front of them defenseless.

Feng Yu asked, "Do you dare?"

Wang Li was being forced to the cliff, he didn't expect Feng Yu to be so tough, she was clearly a little girl, but she looked like a veteran in the business field, fearless.

"I am Fengyu, Feng from the Feng family in the south of the city, the daughter of General Wude, if you touch a single hair of my hair, my father will lead troops to drive you out of Yiling Village, confiscate the land, and you will lose your cattle, sheep, houses, etc. Shehe Liangtian, you will have nothing, your children will wander with you, your parents will starve to death on the streets, and you will lose everything!" Feng Yu spread her hands fearlessly, "Come on, whoever takes a step back Who is the grandson."

Although Yilingzhuang is very close to the capital, in fact, it is under the jurisdiction of Gaoping County. The county magistrate of Gaoping County heard that the villagers of Yilingzhuang rioted at sunset.

The magistrate of Gaoping County was shocked when he heard that there was a riot in Yilingzhuang. Gaoping County has fertile soil and is close to the capital. The county is rich and has the reputation of being the granary of the capital. Who doesn't envy the people in Yiling Village, ten miles ago, there was wasteland there, the Su family had a unique vision, and bought an entire mountain. In the second year of famine, many refugees flooded into the capital, and the capital could not The resettlement will be placed in Gaoping County.

The county magistrate at that time was the cousin of the eldest wife of the Feng family. After discussing with the Feng family, he resettled the refugees to Yiling Village.They also leased fertile land to them to make a living. At the beginning, there were only more than [-] households.Later, it was famous for its wealth, and gradually more than a hundred households settled in Yilingzhuang.

"They live and work in peace and contentment, and live a prosperous life, so why riot?" The county magistrate was puzzled.

The catcher who happened to come back from there said, "I heard that it was the third girl from the Feng family who went to Yiling Village to collect the rent, and when they found that the accounts were wrong, they started arguing. The villagers surrounded the third girl Feng and prevented her from leaving. The people who came here were not vegetarians either, so there was a commotion."

Impatiently leaning next to the boy heard Miss Feng San's name, stood up straight, turned on the horse, flicked the whip in the air, and galloped out.

"Lin Xiao, wait..." the county magistrate chased after a few steps, and said angrily, "Hurry up and follow him with a team."


In Yiling Village, just at night, a bonfire was lit by the square, bright as day, the villagers surrounded Feng Yu and others, several villagers who wanted to make trouble were subdued by Zhang Da.

They didn't dare to touch Fengyu, but they didn't let Fengyu leave. They wanted to negotiate. After discussing with several Lizhengs, Wang Lizheng was willing to make up for this year's land rent. They hoped that Fengyu could make things easy, and they were even willing to pay 1.5 times the land rent. .

Feng Yu said, "It's absolutely impossible!"

Wang Lizheng blushed, "What exactly is the third girl thinking? Do you want to force us to death? We are just tenant farmers and unarmed. Can the daughter of General Wude bully others and run amok?"

Qiuxiang made a 'bah' sound, "What a thief shouting "Catch the thief, if my girl hadn't presented the evidence, you would still deny it to death, unarmed? You are holding a sickle and iron tools around the girl, you are very arrogant."

Wang Lizheng didn't want to argue with Qiuxiang, "What does the third girl want?"

"You finally asked." Feng Yu's eyebrows were even more beautiful against the firelight, and the beauty under the light was even more beautiful, "I didn't care about the land rent a few years ago. Three years ago, you were in the Under the leadership of Wang Lizheng, he had a bad idea. The excess grain was piled up at home or stored in the grain farm. Take out the real account books of the past three years and check them one by one. The excess grain is all worth the land rent. If you pay interest, the land rent for these three years will be calculated at [-], and if you can’t pay the grain, then it will be converted into cash.”

The whole village was silent.

"Aren't you trying to steal all the surplus food from the villagers?" Wang Lizheng was filled with indignation, "We have already sold the food and spent the money, how can we pay for it?"

"Then there's nothing I can do. I won't rent Yiling Manor." Feng Yu raised her lips and said politely, "I won't do business that doesn't make money. I'll rent it to others, okay?"

The whole village was in an uproar, whispering, and looked at Feng Yu with red eyes, feeling a kind of hatred to peel Feng Yu's skin and cramps.

(End of this chapter)

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