"Brother, that snake bit me, but Ah Yu blocked it for me." Fang Lingjun's eyes were red and swollen, "I should be the one lying in there, I won't go back to sleep, I have to wait for Ah Yu to wake up."

Fang Chuning knew that they had a good relationship, and was also grateful to Fengyu for saving Fang Lingjun, "Junjun..."

"Brother, don't try to persuade me." Fang Lingjun said, "If the second son is unconscious, you will watch over him all night. I will wait for Ayu to wake up. I know you have a lot of things to do, so leave me alone, I will be obedient .”

"Okay, then send someone to tell brother if you have something to do, and don't go hunting for the next two days." Fang Chuning urged, "Stay here with Feng Yu."

"Got it!" Ah Yu's life and death were uncertain, and she had no intention of hunting.

After Fang Chuning comforted her, he told the maid a few more words, and strode away. He had complicated matters and had to go to the Imperial Palace, and Emperor Jianming had something to look for him.

Feng Yu fell asleep, Zhang Lingzheng couldn't give Xie Xun a letter, no matter how Xie Xun asked, he always said that he would get through the night, Xie Xun couldn't force him anymore, and told Nuan Yang to stay here and tell him if there was anything to do.

Both Su Yuejiao and Feng Shu stood guard before the collapse. Feng Yu's tent was covered with thick cashmere carpets. Fang Lingjun sat in a corner with a thin blanket, uneasy. She went to rest, she was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyelids, but she didn't want to leave.

Feng Shu had no choice but to follow her, Feng Yu got a fever in the middle of the night and drank a bowl of medicine.After the fever receded, she had a nightmare again, trembling with fear, and vomited a mouthful of blood, scaring Su Yuejiao and Feng Shu as if they were facing an enemy.

Zhang Ling was giving her a heavier medicine, but fortunately there was no danger, Feng Yu's condition did not deteriorate, and the place where the poisonous bee stinged slowly receded.Zhang Lingzheng checked Fang Lingjun's wound from the poisonous bee sting, and it was still red and swollen. The wounds of Lin Xiao, Zhang Boxing and others were getting more and more swollen, and the swelling where Feng Yu was stung by the poisonous bee subsided. Zhang Lingzheng was amazed.

It was a good thing after all, Zhang Lingzheng thought that it might be two kinds of toxins colliding in the body, generating and restraining each other, but the poison was detoxified instead, if this is true, Feng Yu should be able to get better.

He is an imperial doctor, cautious by nature, and will not draw conclusions.

That night, many people in the camp did not sleep all night.

Fengyu's condition improved slightly, and she finally resisted. Zhang Lingzheng had no choice but to sigh with emotion. Miss Feng San looked at her confidante's life and her body was weak, but her fate was really great, and she narrowly escaped death several times.

Yan Wangding was also distressed, and he failed to seduce the soul several times.

Today was the official hunting. Fang Lingjun was drowsy when she heard the sound of the horn. The horn continued to sweep across the camp. Fang Lingjun curled up uncomfortably. The maid covered her ears for fear of disturbing her.

The hunt begins!

Feng Shu said, "Mother, you go hunting with father, I will guard Ah Yu."

Su Yuejiao held Feng Yu's little hand, "I want to stay with Ah Yu until she wakes up."

This is the first day of hunting, and Emperor Jianming will also end.Before the opening, Emperor Jianming, dressed in military uniform, led all the officials to offer sacrifices to the gods, bowed his bow and shot down the head of an ox hanging from a branch.It was the first arrow in the opening game. Emperor Jianming grew up in Ningzhou, so he liked horseback riding and archery.After offering sacrifices to the gods and shooting arrows, Emperor Jianming rushed into Xiyan Mountain in the lead, followed by the prince, Marquis of Anyuan, Marquis of Zhenbei, Lin Sheng, and Chen Mo accompanied him.

Dugu Jing also led the Northern Man generals into Xiyan Mountain.

Xie Xun, Fang Chuning and other generals and the children of the aristocratic family scattered behind the team.

The hunt begins!
The camp was guarded by cavalry and guards. Except for the wounded and a few wives, most of them went hunting in the mountains. The camp was quiet. Xie Zhang had a good night's sleep and his spirits improved a little.Mrs. Hou boiled a medicated diet for nourishing qi and nourishing blood, and poured him two big bowls early in the morning. After eating the medicated diet, he drank the medicine.

It wasn't until Xie Jue came to look for him that Mrs. Hou stopped feeding, "Tingfeng, aren't you going hunting?"

Xie Jue said, "Dugu Jing will make an appointment with me alone, there is no rush."

Mrs. Hou was at a loss when she heard that. Lord Hou had told her to stay in the camp to take care of Xie Zhang. In fact, Lord Hou didn't tell her, and Mrs. Hou didn't plan to go. The eldest son was injured like this, and she was not in the mood to hunt.

"You haven't slept all night?" Mrs. Hou also gave him a large bowl of medicinal food, "Leave any military affairs to father, don't get tired."

The medicinal meal was placed in front of Xie Jue.

"No." Xie Jue hated medicinal food the most.

Xie Zhang looked at them with a smile, his younger brother was pushed down by Mrs. Hou just as he was about to escape, "If you are sick, treat your illness, if you are not sick, take care of yourself, your complexion looks worse than Shouyu's."

Xie Jue looked at the dark and unknown medicinal food with a blank face, and refused to do so.

"Mother, I have something to talk to my elder brother."

"Okay, let's talk about it." Madam Hou pointed to the medicinal food, "Remember to eat it."

After Mrs. Hou led the maid to leave, Xie Jue picked up the medicinal meal to harm his brother. Xie Zhang rubbed the center of his brows, "Tingfeng, you feel sorry for elder brother. My mother is raising pigs. I really can't drink it."

Xie Jue was indifferent, Xie Zhang always loved him, so he said helplessly, "Leave it alone, I'll drink it later."

"Chuning and Zhixu searched the southern hunting ground overnight, but found no mechanism." Xie Jue said, "There are some abandoned hunting devices in the forest, which were dismantled after the poison darts were exposed. Zhixu explored the poison The dart mechanism should have been set up a month ago."

"It's really vicious." Xie Zhang frowned, "Is it the prince?"


"If it was properly arranged a month ago, then Dugu Jing's participation in the hunting is also in his plan. It is also his expectation that the iron cavalry stationed in the hunting ground. I am setting up the entire hunting ground. There are so many traps in the south hunting ground. If the mechanism is triggered, the south There are piles of corpses in the hunting ground, and the accompanying officials and descendants of the family, no matter whose lives are precious. I must be responsible for the accident. The family and the Hou's mansion are separated, and our Hou's mansion has become a living target. In order to quell the incident , I even want to take my life for this.” Xie Zhang said in a deep voice, “I still don’t understand that I have no grievances or enmities with him, and I am not the only son of the Hou family. Centrifugation does him no harm, so what is he trying to do?"

"He's crazy." Xie Jue concluded calmly.

"Beiman peace talks, the right time, place, and people. No matter what conflicts there are in Yanyang, we must first agree with the outside world. The Beiman truce and recuperation is the right way." Xie Zhang's eyes were cold, "He is the prince, and he has a good reputation for benevolent government and caring for the people. How could he not understand the situation. If the royal family wants to take back their power, they can only unite with the Marquis Mansion to implement a new policy. Even if the Marquis Mansion has made great achievements, he is afraid, fearful, and will not allow us. He has to wait for the new policy to be implemented and the royal family to take power. He actually It is really a foolish move to unite with foreign enemies and break with the Houfu."

If he wasn't crazy, Xie Zhang couldn't explain it either.

Even if a fool sits in the position of the crown prince, he knows that the best strategy is to unite with the Marquis Mansion and fight against the aristocratic family.

"He wants to kill the Marquis Mansion and get the military power." Xie Jue said lightly, once he got the military power, he would use the military power to fight against the aristocratic family.

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