Chapter 269


In Ningzhou in July, there was a lot of noise. The people in Ningzhou knew Xie Jue. Xie Xun rebelled and rebelled against Yanyang. Xie Jue sent people [-] li to rush back to Ningzhou after the army was connected to the city, and ordered General Cui to seal the city. The people are not allowed to leave Ningzhou City, and news of Yanyang is blocked from the northern barbarians.If Beiman knew that Xie's family had betrayed, he didn't know what he would do, at least give them a buffer of one year.

After the peace talks, Beiman and Ningzhou have not yet released the mutual market. Waiting for the new city to be built, Beiman will not receive news from the city for a while.Feng Yu and Xie Xun quarreled all the way from Yancheng to Ningzhou because of disagreements. Feng Yu looked soft, but her temper was tough. Xie Xun's desire to control reached its peak after his family broke down and died, and he refused to give up an inch. Neither of them could persuade No one, no one is willing to back down.After all, Feng Yu felt sorry for his parting from his family, so she did not divert to the Twelve States in Yancheng, but came to Ningzhou City with the army.

Feng Yu hadn't been back to Ningzhou City for several years. Back then, the Feng family's mansion was assigned by the officials of Ningzhou, and Su Yuejiao bought a Wujinyuan in the east of Ningzhou City.The Marquis of Zhenbei also has a mansion in Ningzhou. When the front line is on vacation, his father and son will go back to Ningzhou City to rest.Two blocks away from Feng's house, Xie Xun hoped that Feng Yu could live with them, but Feng Yu refused Xie Xun's proposal, and the two had another quarrel over this, and broke up unhappy.

Xie Xun was busy with military affairs and had no time to spend time with Feng Yu on this matter, leaving Nuan Yang and his team of soldiers behind.Su Yuejiao's Wujin courtyard was bought by Feng Changlin after he was transferred to Liling.When Feng Changqing and Su Yuejiao were on vacation, they stayed in Ningzhou City. Su Yuejiao's nanny Su Mama and her family stayed behind in the courtyard. Feng Yu was very tired after a long journey. Chunlu and Qiuxiang were asked to handle the housework. Later, he sent a letter to shopkeeper Wang and others, asking them to settle down in Jinzhou first, and wait for her to meet.

Shopkeeper Wang and several shopkeepers have rich experience. Even if she is not around, they can still settle the business in the Twelve States, but she, the owner of the Twelve States Commercial Firm, must sit in the town and take people to Xizhou and Huangzhou to have a look.Feng Yu was afraid that after news of the Xie brothers' rebellion spread, the Twelve States would also establish themselves as kings, and Yanyang would be full of wars.

She talked with Xie Jue on the way to Ningzhou, and hoped that Xie Jue and Xie Xun would send troops to the Twelve Prefectures to suppress the bandits in the Twelve Prefectures first, and seize the opportunity to assign the Twelve Prefectures to Ningzhou territory first.Firstly, Xie Jue was worried about how many iron cavalry would be willing to rebel with them, and secondly, he was worried about the northern barbarians sending troops. This matter was obviously not as simple as Feng Yu thought. After Xie Jue's analysis, Feng Yu also knew that her thinking was too simple.

No matter how much the Xie family brothers and the Yuwen royal family have a deep hatred, Xie Jue and Xie Xun will not let the northern barbarians enter the country, and the Yuwen royal family is orthodox after all. Stimulated by the death of Zhenbeihou, the iron cavalry followed the Xie family brothers to rebel After calming down in Ningzhou, Xie Jue didn't know how many people were willing to follow them.

The human heart is the most unpredictable.

Feng Yu understands his difficulties, the Yuwen royal family is orthodox, and not everyone is willing to take the path of rebellious officials and thieves.

As soon as Xie Jue and Xie Xun arrived in Ningzhou, they convened generals to discuss matters. Xie Xun served as the iron cavalry coach and commanded the three armies.Zhenbei Hou stayed in Ningzhou with ten military generals, all of whom were independent generals.There are General Cui, General Xu, General Zhou, etc. The young generals include General Xu Zhou and General Cui Lansong.These generals are either the personal generals of Zhenbeihou or Xie Zhang. After the death of Zhenbeihou, if Xie Zhang takes over as the commander-in-chief, they will definitely be convinced and give up.

Xie Xun was in the army for a short time, and he returned to Beijing to recuperate because of his left leg injury. Even if Xie Jue was in charge, the generals would not be as convinced of him as Xie Zhang, except for the group of young generals who followed him from the capital.

During the discussion, all the generals wanted to avenge Lord Hou, and they all shouted to kill the capital. They ignored Xie Xun who was sitting in the chief seat, and didn't even regard Xie Xun as the coach. They all wanted to deploy troops overnight, but they didn't even realize that they had to ask the coach for instructions.

Xie Xun lowered his eyes and listened quietly, his face was as sinking as water, and all his emotions were suppressed in those calm phoenix eyes.

In the chaotic discussion, the regulations could not be reached, Xie Jue asked several generals to go back to the camp to rest, and discuss it tomorrow.

"Don't be depressed!" Xie Jue said lightly, "You only need a big victory to subdue the army's morale. Father and elder brother Yu Wei are still there, and the iron cavalry will not be chaotic. The future will be long!"

"I know!" Xie Xun was completely reborn overnight, and his temper has subsided a lot. Just now, when discussing matters in the study, several generals spoke rudely and disrespected him. If Zhenbeihou was here, Xie Xun would have taken the case.Now they restrained their temper and dealt with the generals. On the first night they returned to Ningzhou, Xie Xun didn't think of the conflict.

The generals in Ningzhou have no bad intentions, but they fight all the year round, have an upright temper, and call themselves brothers and sisters with Zhenbeihou. Xie Xun is the youngest son of Zhenbeihou.Anyone can be hugged, but no one is used to it for a while, Xie Xun has become the coach of the iron cavalry, and his words will inevitably be contemptuous and neglected. The generals' respect for Xie Xun is far less than that for Xie Jue.

This is not a good thing. Xie Xun is the commander of the three armies, and he must be respected by all soldiers. Xie Jue knows that he can't act too hastily. He needs an opportunity.

"Since we want to raise our troops to rebel, we can no longer take the title bestowed by the Yuwen imperial family." Xie Jue said lightly, "I want to tell the world that from now on, Yanyang will no longer have the Marquis of Zhenbei. If we want to change the name and continue to use the Zhenbei iron cavalry, the people of the world will think that we are just for revenge, and Yanyang is trapped in the fire and water. We rebelled for revenge, and more importantly, the Yuwen royal family is hard to heal. , we rebelled, we did not destroy, we wanted to give the people of Yanyang a new life."

They sent troops and needed a justifiable reason. Revenge was not the best reason for rebellion, and it was unpopular.After decades of melee, many families were ruined and people rebelled just for revenge, and it was difficult for the common people to empathize.They need a more beautiful reason, although he and Xie Xun are just for revenge!

"Ningzhou iron cavalry, this is the original title of iron cavalry." Xie Xun said.

"Okay!" Xie Jue said, "I will write a call to action, and I will announce it to the world in a few days. Those who are willing to rebel with us in the cavalry will continue as usual. If they are not willing, they will leave Ningzhou on their own. There will be no hindrance. To the soldiers. We implement the new policy in Ningzhou, you are in charge of military affairs, and I will select officials, and approve the distribution and expropriation of land."

"Okay!" Xie Xun was a little absent-minded.

Xie Jue's voice turned cold, "Zhixu, don't indulge in the love of your children. There are some roads where you have to go alone, and no one can help you. The third girl also has her own road to go, and you can't accompany her."

This was the first time Xie Jue expressed his opinion on their affairs after Xie Xun and Feng Yu's quarrel. He was not a nosy person, but if this nosy matter affected his affairs, it would be a different matter.

From Xie Jue's point of view, Feng Yu hadn't diverted to Jinzhou in Yancheng, she was already indecisive, there were smoldering fires everywhere, and they were still in love with each other, Xie Jue didn't understand!

If Fengyu is really a dodder flower, that's fine, Xie Jue also thinks there is nothing wrong with giving birth to Xie Xun's children in the back house quietly and taking care of the family affairs.

After Fengyu proposed to build a grain and horse road in Yancheng, Xie Jue realized that he had misjudged the third girl, and she could have her own opinions when talking about economy, production, and military affairs with her.The military and political opinions are based on paper, because she lacks experience, and her cognition is based on books, ignoring the actual situation.The economy and production are beyond his reach. The two girls of the Feng family are not dodders, and they will have a wonderful life without the man. She can make a difference in Jinzhou and Xizhou. It is a pity to be trapped in the back house.

He also lacks such a talented person who is in charge of the rear. Xie Jue can't wait to put wings on her back, let her fly to Jinzhou, and immediately start arranging the farming of Xizhou.

Xie Xun wanted to trap her by his side. Although the second young master didn't care about his business, he wanted to slap him, his younger brother who obviously had a demon in his heart, to wake him up.It's not just Xie Xun who is parting from life and death, why isn't he?
Xie Xun is accompanied by Feng Yu all the way, he can only swallow all the sadness and move forward alone, and no one knows his self-blame and regret. If he and Xie Xun indulge in sadness together and gradually develop demons, this team What about cavalry?
He hoped that Xie Xun would cheer up quickly. Iron cavalry could live without Xie Jue, but Xie Xun couldn't be without him!
The two were talking, when Ying Weiyi brought the news from the capital, Feng Shu was in Xiangguo Temple to mourn for the eldest son, Emperor Yuan Hui threatened the lives of the entire family of Feng Mansion, Feng Shu refused to leave the capital with them.

Xie Jue said, "Zhixu, you go to Feng Mansion and tell Miss San."

"it is good!"

Xie Jue looked at the dark night expressionlessly, and the faint moonlight made his face even colder. After a moment of silence, Xie Jue said softly, "Speak."

"Emperor Yuan Hui hoped that the commander-in-chief and Fang Chuning would send troops to Ningzhou. Jiangnan could not be without a commander for a day. The commander-in-chief wanted to return to Jiangnan and ordered Fang Chuning to send troops. Fang Chuning resisted the order in the Jinluan Palace and was beaten with forty military sticks by the commander. He has been in the mansion recently. Rehabilitation."

Xie Jue thought blankly, is Xiyanshan's arrow wound healed?Another forty army sticks.

"Send a letter to Marquis Anyuan, find a way to let him go to the south of the Yangtze River with the commander in chief."

(End of this chapter)

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