Chapter 271
Xie Jue and Feng Yu finished discussing in the yamen. When the son passed away, Xie Jue was full of energy and Feng Yu was exhausted. When the second son forgot to sleep and eat, he forgot that she was a girl and was weak since childhood, so she was not as healthy as a man. After that, he sent the shadow guard to take her back to the mansion to rest, and he wanted to hold the masters of the yamen to discuss matters all night.

Fengyu sympathized with the officials in the yamen in her heart, and when she left the yamen, Qiuxiang secretly said, "Girl, the young master came here at Xushi, but left quietly again."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You and Second Young Master are busy, he doesn't want to disturb."

Fengyu was so busy that she forgot the time, and she also had a simple meal in the yamen, but she didn't see Xie Xun. The second son said that Xie Xun was busy with military affairs, did he come to look for her?

She asked Nuan Yang to ask Xie Xun if there was anything wrong, and Xie Xun felt an unknown fire in his heart, when would he be able to find her?She chatted with her second brother really happily, Xie Xun had never seen Feng Yu chatting with anyone so talkatively.

"It's nothing, I'm free."

Nuan Yang was baffled by the yelling, and secretly asked Fei Ying, "What's wrong, master?"

Fei Ying thought to himself, since Hou's family collapsed and died, when will Lord Hou and Second Young Master be in a better mood?The second son is not showing his emotions and anger, but the master's irritability is visible to the naked eye.

The girl had a cold war with her master again, and today the army was discussing matters, and several proposals were pushed back by the veteran, so her mood was inevitably impetuous.

Fei Ying asked, "What will the girl do tomorrow?"

"Miss asked someone to find a few experienced old farmers and people who are good at repairing canals, and they will go to Daling Mountain tomorrow."

Daling Mountain is the densest area of ​​farmland in Ningzhou. Outside the south gate, the entire Daling Mountain is military land, which belongs to the Marquis of Zhenbei. Su Yuejiao spent six years in Daling Mountain and made the six mountains They are all transformed into terraced fields in the form of hills to conserve soil, store water, and increase crop production.Originally, these six mountains had dense vegetation and fertile land, but now they are all cultivated land.Unfortunately, Ningzhou is arid and not rainy, so natural irrigation is very difficult, and it is difficult to store water in the pools on the mountain, so it is necessary to build canals to divert water.

Fengyu has Su Yuejiao's letter. Before the peace talks, Su Yuejiao planned to build a second ditch and expand the planting near Daling Mountain. Ningzhou has not much area suitable for farming, so it can only rely on land reclamation.

Feng Yu's knowledge in this area is not rich, but she is good at brainstorming, and invited more than a dozen old farmers and craftsmen who built the first canal to listen to their opinions.

If she wants to open up wasteland in Jinzhou, Xizhou and Huangzhou, she needs talents and knowledge reserves in this field. Letters are not enough, and field experience is needed.

She circled an experimental field for the two old farmers, as long as the yield can be increased, they can experiment as they please, and if the method is effective, it will be promoted in the city.At noon, she was hungry, the sun was high, and Fengyu was dizzy from the heat. She was wearing a draped hat, but it couldn't cover the sun. She was so hot that she was sweating profusely. She was out of breath while drinking herbal tea under the shade of a tree. .

This field must ensure military supplies, and it is both iron cavalry farming and warfare. When the war is busy, it will be leased to civilian households.What about the land allocated to the people?Ningzhou needs to accommodate Ningzhou iron cavalry. It is the largest city in Yanyang. Most of them are military households, and most of them are tenant farmers. Feng Yu also thought of a problem. There are more and more private households in Ningzhou, so what?
Moreover, the civilian households have their own land to cultivate, what if someone has an opinion on the military settlement?Feng Yu traveled all over the five military settlements in Ningzhou in one day, and Su Yuejiao changed all the mountainous areas in the south and southwest of Ningzhou into military settlements.Although they did not occupy civilian land back then, most of it was land reclamation by the army. Because of the good management and focus on production, these five military settlements seem to be the most fertile land for cultivation in Ningzhou.

Under this kind of distribution, there will definitely be uneven distribution, and there will be public disturbances. Feng Yu pondered, and suddenly had a very bold idea, her cheeks flushed with excitement, and she went to discuss it with Xie Jue.

She wants to thoroughly implement a newer land policy in Ningzhou City, assigning all the land to the Ningzhou government government, and everyone can lease the land for farming, leaving only two military settlements for Ningzhou iron cavalry to cultivate. Taking into account both war and war, after all the land is collected in the hands, it is leased from the people, and then taxes are collected, which can be crops in the field or money.

In this way, the government will have more money in their hands. As long as they have money, they can buy and sell military supplies from all over Yanyang. This will also increase the enthusiasm of the people and get refugees from all over Yanyang to settle down.

Those young and middle-aged people who are hungry and have labor will be attracted to Ningzhou by this policy, and those who win the hearts of the people will win the world.Ningzhou City can expand rapidly by taking advantage of the demographic dividend.

Xie Jue's thoughts coincided with hers, even earlier than Feng Yu's. He proposed this policy with his teachers last night. This is a policy that Yanyang has never implemented for hundreds of years. It is extremely difficult. All the land will be owned by the government government. If the young master overthrows Yanyang in the future, all the land will be owned by the state, and the land can no longer be bought and sold, but can only be leased.

The clan exploded first, absolutely disagree!

It can't be implemented in the whole of Yanyang, but it can be done in Ningzhou City. The military settlement in Ningzhou City itself belongs to Zhenbeihou.There are also clans in Ningzhou, and they have land in their hands. The government government only needs to pay compensation and get his land.Or use strong means to directly row to the government office.

If this is the case, it will definitely arouse public anger, and the clans in Ningzhou City will definitely resist.

Their brothers want to rebel, and the document has not been released yet, so they can't arouse public anger, so they can only buy it with money. When Xie Jue proposed, the master of the government office thought he was whimsical. , which is simply unbelievable.

Xie Jue thought it was feasible, but his only worry was that he had no money.

The third girl thought to herself, the second son is indeed her bosom friend.

"I have money!" Feng Yu made a final decision, "Buy it!!"

As long as Xie Jue has the courage to implement the policy, she will buy all the private land with money.

Xie Jue was silent for a moment, "...Are you so rich?"

The Xie family rebelled against the capital. The irony is that almost all of their ancestral property is in the capital and the south of the Yangtze River. Now it is the private property of the Yanyang royal family. Xie Jue and Xie Xun do not have much money in their hands.

"I figured it out on the way to find you. I can buy all the private land in Ningzhou, and I can count it as a loan to you!" Feng Yu felt that she was very generous, "I don't charge interest."

"Okay!" Xie Jue said lightly, "When can I see Yinzi?"

Feng Yu frowned and said, "Before that, should the system of the government office and the ownership of Ningzhou City be unified first? Even though the army is stationed in Ningzhou City, the government office is still the master of the government. Now that you have rebelled, the old system of Yanyang There is no need to stay."

Xie Jue nodded, "This point has been discussed. There will be no government offices in Ningzhou City in the future. Knowing that Xu Zili is the king, everything will be respected by him. I will rearrange the officials in the city."

He really has no skills at his disposal, he is waiting for success, and is in urgent need of talents.

"Okay, Jinzhou can transfer you 500 million taels of silver. There are many thieves along the way, and you may need to send a team of cavalry to escort you."

"Okay!" Xie Jue made a decision for her and Xie Xun very neatly, "Leaving tomorrow, I know that 5 people will accompany you to Jinzhou to escort Baiyin. You write a letter first, and I will expedite it within [-] miles." Send it to Jinzhou first, let the merchants in Jinzhou City raise food and grass, and escort it back with the cavalry."

Feng Yu thought to herself, Second Young Master is really like a wild goose plucking its hair, and a beast like leaving its skin.

On second thought, Xie Xun went to Jinzhou with her?

"The cold war between you in Ningzhou is no different from the cold war on the way to Jinzhou. Don't waste your time." Xie Jue said indifferently, "Convince him to stay in Jinzhou by yourself."

Feng Yu, "..."

Her bosom friend is really cold! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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