The city of Yunzhou is not big, it is close to Ningzhou in the northeast and Shicheng in the east. The production area is not rich, and the most fertile land is used as a military settlement in Ningzhou.Yunzhou relies on forestry to do wood business and furniture business. The crops are only enough to maintain the basic life of the people in the city. Yunzhou has minerals, but the state government is unable to develop them.Yunzhou is not a city where businessmen come and go. Although the business is not prosperous, Lin Jingshan has been in Yunzhou as the prefect for six years. The agriculture, mulberry, animal husbandry and timber business are doing well, and the people still live and work in peace and contentment.

In the morning light, Feng Yu raised the curtain of the car and looked at the buildings on both sides of the street. She could vaguely see the bustle of people gathering. The construction of houses on the main street was similar to that in the north of the capital city. The roads were congested, as if they had been swept away. , there were traces of destruction everywhere, Feng Yu frowned slightly, what happened to Yunzhou?
After the iron cavalry entered the city, they were stationed in the city. The state government ordered people to slaughter cattle and sheep to reward the three armies. Qiuxiang and Chunlu lived with Fengyu since they were young. Looking at the dilapidated streets of Yunzhou, Qiuxiang couldn't help asking Fengyu , "Has Yunzhou been robbed?"

"should be!"

Yunzhou was really robbed!

Bandits from the Twelve States are tyrannical, but they dare not come to Yunzhou to rob. Yunzhou is next to Ningzhou. If they dare to rob, Zhizhou asks Ningzhou for help. Has been alone, live and work in peace and contentment.After the Xie family brothers rebelled against Yanyang, Yunzhou City had been ransacked twice. There were 1000 bandits in Shima Mountain, with sturdy horses and sharp weapons. When the smoke was rising, there was no defense, horse thieves killed, burned and looted, wantonly taking away the food, gold, silver and jewels in the city, as well as young girls and so on.

The only fortunate thing is that this group of robbers looted things without hurting anyone's life. They ransacked Yunzhou twice and robbed eighteen young girls in Yunzhou.

Lin Jingshan sent troops to suppress the bandits, but 2000 men couldn't take Shima Mountain. It was a fortress, easy to defend and difficult to attack. Ningzhou had rebelled, and Lin Jingshan couldn't ask for help until Xie Xun's army crossed the border.The thieves in Shima Mountain are extremely arrogant and have already informed Yunzhou City that they will attack the city during the day.

"Bring me the map of Shima Mountain!" Xie Xun asked Lin Jingshan for the map of Shima Mountain, and asked Feiying to point 1 people, and he personally led the army to suppress the bandits.

He didn't want to stay in Yunzhou, he just wanted a quick victory.

The state capital of Yunzhou was not rich in the first place, Xie Xun brought grain and grass instead of using the granary of the state capital, he told Feng Yu to take care of the aftermath, and took [-] cavalry to suppress the bandits vigorously.

After Xie Xun left, Feng Yu sent someone to inquire about the situation. Thirty cattle and sheep had been slaughtered in the kitchen, and there were [-] more to be slaughtered. Let's make porridge together, just treat it as the cavalry's lunch.

When Lin Jingshan came to look for Fengyu, she finally understood why Xie Xun wanted her to deal with the aftermath. Lin Jingshan did not agree with the Xie family brothers' rebellion. If the bandits did not attack and the people in the city suffered, Lin Jingshan might not have let Xie Xun into the city smoothly.

Even if he asked Xie Xun to suppress the bandits, Lin Jingshan opened the granary that was not rich in the state capital, with the idea of ​​getting both money and goods. Xie Xun should have seen through his intentions and asked her to deal with the aftermath before leaving.

Civil servants of aristocratic families mostly have characters that are both necessary and important.Not only must he be famous, he is unwilling to join forces with traitors, but he must also protect the people in the city.

Cleaning up the name is the foundation of the aristocratic family, and protecting the people is the duty of the parents and officials of a city. No matter what it is, Feng Yu has no position to criticize.

Not everyone can afford the infamy of treason.

"Lord Lin, the iron cavalry is going to Jinzhou to transport grain. It has brought more than ten days' worth of grain and grass. Your lord's heart. Your lord and all the soldiers have already felt that your lord does not want to waste people's money. Leave the granary in Yunzhou to the people of Yunzhou." Feng Feng Yu's voice was gentle, "Although the prince betrayed Yanyang, he will still protect the unarmed people in Yanyang. Without food, gold, silver and treasure, the prince and all the soldiers will fight for the people, and they will die. In the future, Yunzhou will suffer, my lord Feel free to ask Ningzhou for help, Ningzhou will definitely answer!"

Lin Jingshan was so ashamed that he couldn't even hide his thoughts from a little girl who had just reached Ji.But she didn't say a single harsh word, nor did she sneer, as if the army in front of her was still Yanyang's iron cavalry, not a rebel army.

"The lord and the girl Gao Yi, Lin is very grateful, I just wanted to express my heart, the girl also asked for food and grass, this is also a thank you gift from the people of Yunzhou." Lin Jingshan has a pedantic temperament, and still insists on drawing a clear line.

"If Mr. Lin really wants to thank you, when the prince returns to the city from Jinzhou, your lord can open the city gate and give the cavalry a cup of thin tea, that will be considered a thank you." Feng Yu smiled again, as if she just remembered something, "Listen to Nuan Yang , you are a relative of the Lin family, and you still want to call the prince a little cousin, as a cousin, it is only natural for him to help his nephew, so you don't have to take it to heart."

Lin Jingshan was so dry that his face was on fire, his throat was choked, and he didn't know how to answer the words for a while.

If he had married early, he would have given birth to a daughter as old as the third girl, but her seniority was a bit shorter, and in this embarrassing situation, Lin Jingshan hurriedly said a few words and fled.

Don't mention the matter of food and grass again!

Nuan Yang gave her a thumbs up, "Miss San, you are the best. The second son and the master are the most annoying to deal with pedantic officials. The second son is too lazy to say a word of nonsense. The master used to say a few words and wanted to curse."

Feng Yu chuckled and said, "When dealing with people, if you want to suppress him, you have to take advantage of his weaknesses. Civil servants of aristocratic families pay the most attention to reputation and reputation. Master Lin doesn't want to damage his reputation, we will do as he wishes, and the more he If it’s pedantic, the more you have to show weakness. If he wants to get ahead, you play the emotional card, and he will easily run away.”

Sooner or later, Yunzhou will be included in Xie Xun's pocket. There is no rush, because he has the affection for suppressing the bandits. When Xie Xun returns from Jinzhou, Lin Jingshan will not make things difficult for him.

Xie Xun suppressed the bandits vigorously, no matter how steep Shima Mountain was, within a few hours, 26 cavalry could level Shima Mountain, capture more than [-] robbers, and rescue [-] girls.More than a dozen people were arrested by Yunzhou, and several girls were arrested by other states.

Xie Xun originally wanted this group of robbers to settle down in Yunzhou, but the people of Yunzhou hated them to the bone. More than two thousand people were locked in prison, and the state government was about to have a headache.

Firstly, food is wasted, secondly, bandits are fierce, what if they make trouble again?
Lin Jingshan wanted to suppress the bandits, but he didn't want to resettle more than two thousand people. Feng Yu had an idea, "Take them all to Xizhou to open up wasteland."

Among the two thousand robbers, almost all were young and middle-aged laborers. Some young and middle-aged people had families and children.

Xizhou and Huangzhou are in need of manpower, and it is too wasteful to put two thousand laborers in prison, Feng Yu wants to make the best use of it.

Who knew that this group of robbers was extremely ferocious, they escaped from the Xizhou mine, and they refused to return to Xizhou even if they were killed.

"Who said Xizhou is an empty city?" Shi Mashan, the head of the family, had a beard on his face, showing a fierce look, "The mines in Xizhou were seized by the Su family collusion and horse thieves, and all the original residents of Xizhou were forced away. We are Xizhou people, and the entire Xizhou It's all their territory."

Feng Yu raised her eyebrows, "The Su family firm colluded with horse thieves?"

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