When Fang Chuning came home, the commander's three lieutenants filed out in a hurry. They saluted Fang Chuning when they saw Fang Chuning. Fang Chuning returned the salute. Deputy Chen whispered that there was something strange in Sang Nan, and the commander was going to Jiangnan. I hope Fang Chuning would not Getting angry with Marshal Fang again, Fang Chuning politely sent the lieutenants away.

What Fang Chuning didn't expect was that Lin Heli was discussing matters with Marshal Fang in the study.As dusk approaches, the sky is full of red clouds, Lin Heli's green clothes and wide sleeves are shrouded in warm orange light, his shadows are slanting horizontally, reflecting each other with the red walls and green tiles of the Marshal's mansion.

Lin Heli was the same age as Xie Zhang, and the Lin family produced queens and wits. Lin Yushu and Lin Heli of this generation were the greatest glory of the Lin family. Lacking experience, he resigned his official position, and stayed at home with leisure time, living in seclusion.

He was naughty when he was young, and both Xie Xun and Xie Xun were the devil kings in Beijing.Lin Heli and Xie Zhang are well-behaved, steady and upright characters, so they don't like such naughty youngsters.

Xie Zhang is fine, firstly, Fang Chuning and Xie Jue are friends, and secondly, Xie Xun is his own younger brother.

Lin Heli disliked the group of children who liked to go to Fang Jiewa very much. Although he never said a half-sentence sentence, he never told people right and wrong behind their backs, but people's aura was mutual, whether they liked it or hated it, it was mutual.

The only conflict between Fang Chuning and Lin Heli was when he and Xie Jue came back from the battlefield that year, which happened to be the time when Lin Heli was in the third place and was in the limelight.The admiration of Lin Heli by Beijing middle school students reached its peak, and they often asked him to discuss studies. Fang Chuning and Xie Jue happened to listen to that study discussion, which talked about border defense and people's livelihood.

In that year, the twelve prefectures began to decline, the population was lost, and Ning prefecture was nearby to recruit troops. As a result, young and middle-aged men in the twelve prefectures went to the battlefield, and the lack of labor caused the twelve prefectures to be in great difficulty.Lin Heli criticized that the iron cavalry should not be recruited nearby, but should be recruited from all over the country, and the military household system should be reasonably reformed, and the iron cavalry should be rotated to protect people's livelihood.

17-year-old Lin Heli was born in Kyoto and grew up in Kyoto. He was also a child prodigy since he was a child, and he was called the reincarnation of Wenquxing.Sanyuan Jidi, a young man who succeeds, and he is the head of the Lin family, so he has no shortage of supporters.In theory, he was praised by a group of students as a future court elder, and Wen Neng can stabilize the country.

The teenagers Fang Chuning and Xie Jue stood on the second floor and listened to the discussion. Fang Chuning sneered and said, "Great talents, the whole territory is recruited. It's easy to say. Look at the clan's children, how many people are in the army? You said it clearly and logically. But just talking on paper, do you know where the Twelve States are? You can see the sky with a blind eye."

Young people are inherently flamboyant, not to mention Fang Chuning, who grew up under the stick of a handsome man, who is rebellious and perverse, openly mocking Lin Heli, Xie Jue didn't stop him, and the scene was once very ugly.

Later, Fang Chuning didn't see Lin Heli much.

He and Xie Jue went to the battlefield again, and later heard that Lin Heli traveled all over the world and rarely returned to Beijing.

In the past few years, the teenagers at that time have grown up and stood alone.

Fang Chuning greeted Lin Heli, and after Lin Heli returned the gift, he passed him and left. The conflict a few years ago seemed to have disappeared in time.

"Tunan, come in!" Marshal Fang's voice came from the study.

Fang Chuning frowned, and entered the study.

The window of the study was opened, Fang Dashuai was looking at the Yanyang map behind the desk, and circled the twelve states, Fang Chuning's eyebrows twitched heavily, what did Lin Heli come to find his father?
He is the head of the clan, and Emperor Hui of the Yuan Dynasty also intends to let Lin Heli into the cabinet recently, and his father and commander rarely deal with the court officials.

"Tingfeng and Zhixu suppressed bandits in the twelve prefectures, and have cleared up three bandit troubles. After passing through Jiaozhou, they are now approaching Jinzhou." Marshal Fang had a throat injury, and his voice was rough.He is a few years younger than Zhenbei Hou, with deep features and a cold outline.It is the kind of general who can tell at a glance that he is the one who says nothing.

"I heard!" Fang Chuning stood like a wooden stake, without looking at the handsome man.

"Are you going to drink again?" The marshal smelled the alcohol and was extremely displeased.

"Drinking provoked you?"

The Marshal slapped his palm heavily on the table. Fang Chuning didn't even move his eyelids. Obviously, he had been used to it for a long time. Marshal Fang frowned and said, "Zhongzhou asks for help. I hope the imperial court can send some generals to garrison. Xu hands."

"I wish my father-in-law the best of luck!"

"Fang Tunan, father wants you to go to Zhongzhou and take command of Zhongzhou's troops." Marshal Fang said in a deep voice, "Since you don't want to send troops to Ningzhou, go to Zhongzhou to garrison."

Fang Chuning was silent and did not answer!

"Marquis Anyuan has been talking to all the generals recently, and wants you to go to the south of the Yangtze River. I know it's because of listening to the wind, but I don't like what he wants." Marquis Anyuan is from the Marquis of Zhenbei. Shuai knew it in his heart.

Zhenbeihou and Fang Dashuai grew up together, and they were also brothers who grew up wearing a pair of trousers on the battlefield. When Zhenbeihou was alive, there were almost no secrets between him and Fang Dashuai.Marshal Fang will tell Zhenbeihou the real battle situation in Jiangnan, but he may not present it to the imperial court.

The two trust each other, and both are protecting the Yuwen royal family.

Now the balance is broken!
The secrets of those days are now sharp knives.

However, Marshal Fang didn't want to swing a knife at the old man, he just wanted to maintain the peace in Yanyang and recuperate.

"Only for garrison?" Fang Chuning narrowed his eyes, "General Chen Ming has been stationed in Zhongzhou for many years, why did he transfer me to garrison?"

"General Chen is old, and his old injuries have recurred. Zhongzhou and Twelve Prefectures are only separated by the Beihe River. General Chen is no longer qualified for heavy military affairs. He needs to send a few young generals to assist him." Marshal Fang said in a deep voice, "North Korea You are the most suitable general, you are the most suitable, firstly, you know Tingfeng best, and secondly, only you can fight against Zhixu."

Fang Chuning asked, "Tingfeng sits in the rear of Ningzhou. He knows that Xu's suppression of bandits in the Twelve Prefectures is just boiling frogs in warm water. As long as commerce and agriculture resume, the Twelve Prefectures will be in his pocket. Father, the Zhongzhou garrison is here. Before conquering the Twelve States, send troops to help, or wait for him to conquer the Twelve States before going to war? You have to give me an accurate word.”

"I hope that time can dilute the hatred between Tingfeng and Zhixu. Yanyang can't start a civil war, and the people are in dire straits."

"Then you should ask Yuwenjing, why did he provoke the war? If he didn't design to frame the Houfu, why did he do this?" Fang Chuning asked coldly.

"Presumptuous!" Marshal Fang was furious, "You can't call the emperor by his name directly."

"What kind of shit emperor is he!" Fang Chuning was rebellious, "Don't even think about me working my life for him!"

"Are you working for him?" Marshal Fang looked at his son disappointedly, "In the Yanyang civil war, it was your comrades and innocent people who died, and those who fought against each other that night in Kyoto were all your robes. "

"Okay!" Fang Chuning spread his hands, "He abdicates to make way for the virtuous, and I will send troops to Ningzhou immediately."

"Fang Tunan!"

The father and son confronted each other coldly, and Marshal Fang was furious, "You let Tingfeng and Zhixu go that night, you should know that there will be such consequences!"

"I'm so glad I arrived in Kyoto an hour earlier than you."

Marshal Fang has been around for many years, and he has never had a proper conversation with Fang Chuning. He is unfamiliar with what his son is thinking and doing, and he also wants to have a good talk with Fang Chuning.

But Fang Chuning was like a beast in front of him that wanted to poke him into a hole.

The two can quarrel without speaking a few words.

"Father Commander promises you that as long as you listen to Feng Hezhi and don't take the initiative to send troops, Zhongzhou will not move." Marshal Fang's voice softened, "Think about whether to go to Zhongzhou, or stay in the capital and be a wealthy idler."

Fang Chuning sneered, "Isn't Commander-in-Chief worried that I'll steal from others and be collaborating with the enemy and treason?"

"If you are collaborating with the enemy and treason, I, your mother, your sister, and your aunt's family will all accompany you to the underworld. You are not alone."

As the sun slanted to the west, the sun sank behind the city wall, and the study was dark and silent.

a long time.

Fang Chuning said, "I'm going to defend Zhongzhou."


Xie Xun took the initiative to suppress the bandits, Fengyu didn't want to waste time, Feiying was appointed as the food security officer again, Xie Xun's troops were divided into two groups, he led 5000 people to suppress the bandits, Feiying and Nuanyang brought 5000 people to escort Fengyu Jinzhou.

The surname of Jinzhou Zhizhou is Xue, and the single name is Yu.At the age of 32, she has been in Jinzhou for six years. From the county magistrate to the magistrate, she knows Jinzhou like the back of the palm of her hand. Feng Yu originally wanted Xie Xun to suppress the bandits, but Fei Ying and Nuan Yang brought troops to Jinzhou. Will the magistrate make things difficult for them.Jinzhou is the most prosperous and largest capital of the Twelve States, as well as the commercial center of the Twelve States.

Xie Xun was famous for suppressing bandits in Yunzhou, Xue Yu had heard about his deeds long ago, when the army arrived at the city gate, although Xue Yu did not go out of the city to meet him, he did not feel embarrassed.The [-] garrison troops in Jinzhou City could not stop the Ningzhou iron cavalry, so Xie Xun's [-] troops traveled unimpeded all the way.

Nuanyang brought 5000 people into the city, and 2 people followed Feiying to guard outside the city to prevent changes. The people of Jinzhou were very curious about the entry of [-] cavalry into the city, and they stood on both sides of the street to watch and discuss.

Feng Yu didn't look sideways, Xue Zhizhou turned a blind eye to them, Feng Yu was also happy and relaxed, and went straight to the main office of Suzhou Commercial Bank, where the shopkeeper Wang and brothers had been waiting for a long time.

Feng Yu asked, "Is everything going well in Jinzhou?"

Shopkeeper Wang shook his head lightly, Feng Yu said with a light smile, "Thanks for your hard work, has the food and grass been raised?"

"It's already been raised." The shopkeeper here made things hard for him, but he didn't dare to make things difficult for the iron cavalry. This was the food and grass that the second son asked for by name. They were very cooperative, and the Su family also brought a lot of food and grass from Jiangnan to supply the iron cavalry. .After the news of Xie Jue and Xie Xun's rebellion spread to Jiangnan, Feng Shu's most trusted storekeeper immediately shipped all the grain and grass to Jinzhou. When the state governments reacted, the grain and grass had already been piled up in the granary of Jinzhou Commercial Bank.

Feng Yu thought to herself, thinking that the Second Young Master knew the operation mode of grain and grass, and had already guessed that Jiangnan would put the prepared grain and grass in the Jinzhou granary.

"Okay, count out 600 million taels of silver and send them out of the city."


"Have all the shopkeepers from the Twelve States arrived?" Feng Yu first sent a letter to Shopkeeper Wang on the way here, asking him to summon the shopkeepers from the Twelve States to Jinzhou to discuss matters.

Shopkeeper Wang said, "Except for Xizhou, almost all of them have arrived."

Feng Yu sneered coldly, "It's quite airy!"

"Girl, be careful, a strong dragon will not overwhelm a local snake."

Feng Yu took a sip of the herbal tea and said lightly, "I just want to meet this snake nest for a while. If they don't come to Jinzhou, I'll go to Xizhou."

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