Feng Yu's voice was soft and soft, lighter than the midsummer wind.


No one thought that the weak and coquettish third girl would have a tough temper.No matter how soft her tone was, no matter how nice her voice was, it could not conceal her strength.

Xue Yu has a headache. Jinzhou is the business center of the Twelve States, with well-developed transportation. It connects Jiangnan and Zhongzhou by water, and connects Yancheng and Ningzhou by land. The status of merchants in Jinzhou is generally relatively high, and the state government is very polite to these merchants.Merchants are invited to be guests every month to chat about Jinzhou's civil and commercial, economic and trade, and the relationship between the government and merchants is good.Merchants doing business in other cities in Yanyang do not have such a high status.

Shopkeeper Cheng made his fortune by doing business with the Su family in the south of the Yangtze River. He has been entrenched in Jinzhou for more than 20 years, and his roots are deep and leafy.After all, the Su Family Commercial Bank didn't have a decent owner in Jinzhou. People from Baofeng Yinzhuang always came to the banquet, and the seats were in the middle.

This banquet had been set long ago. Xue Yu knew that Fengyu had arrived in Jinzhou, and handed over the invitation as a show of respect, but forgot the seat number. She never thought that Fengyu, a little girl, would be so powerful.

You made a mistake in one sentence, and no one dares to refute it.

Even if Feng Changqing resigns, Feng Yu is no longer the daughter of General Dingguo, she is also the unmarried wife of King Qin.If she does not recognize these two identities, she is still Su Ming's granddaughter.In terms of taxation, no one in Jinzhou is better than Su's house, who dares to say that she can't sit still.

Shopkeeper Li next to her turned red and then pale after being dismissed, which was extremely ugly.

Xue Yu chuckled and said, "Third Miss is right, but this official was negligent, and the seats were arranged wrongly, everyone, please move back."

When the seats were moved, shopkeeper Cheng came late, and he could see clearly what was going on at the banquet, and his face was not very good-looking.After all, he has been in the business for many years, and he is able to bend and stretch, so he quickly laughed and greeted Fengyu.

Seats are related to dignity and status, once they are arranged like this, they will be arranged like this every time.Feng Yu replied implicitly, she knew very little about the situation in Jinzhou, and only got very partial information from the summary of shopkeeper Wang.During the discussion, Feng Yu mostly listened quietly and did not participate in the discussion.

Shopkeeper Cheng suddenly talked about Xie Xun's suppression of the bandits and the capture of the Twelve Prefectures. There was a complete silence at the banquet, and everyone looked at Feng Yu.

Feng Yu thought to herself, it really came!
Xue Yu invited her, who just arrived, it could not be called a Hongmen banquet, tens of thousands of cavalry were just outside the city, so he didn't dare to hold a Hongmen banquet, that was to inquire about the movements of Xie Xun and Ningzhou cavalry.

Whether and when he will capture the Twelve States.

After capturing the Twelve States, Jinzhou will implement the new policy or the old system.

"I'm a businessman, so I don't know much about military and political affairs." Feng Yu smiled slightly, "However, according to my observation, the prince and the second son are busy earning military rations for the Ningzhou cavalry, aren't they here to suppress the bandits? He is very poor, and will not conquer the twelve states for the time being."

The merchants were well-informed, and vaguely heard that Xie Xun suppressed the bandits and collected money. They asked Jiaozhou for 10 taels of silver, mainly because there were robbers and horse thieves in Jiaozhou. The horse thieves or robbers who were surrendered by him were all placed in Xizhou and Huangzhou.

"Will you attack for a while, or will you never attack?" Shopkeeper Cheng asked.

"I don't know." Feng Yu said lightly, "I'm surprised that you are so concerned about current affairs. I thought the Twelve States didn't care who is the emperor in Yanyang."

Everyone laughed awkwardly.

Feng Yu's words were impeccable, and it was difficult for others to find out the specific plan of the Ningzhou iron cavalry from her mouth. She only gave them a piece of information, Xie Jue and Xie Xun were very poor and needed money!

"Everyone cares about the ownership of the twelve prefectures, and they are also concerned about business and trade in essence." Xue Yu said, "Jinzhou and Jiangnan, Zhongzhou have frequent business exchanges, and a very mature commercial system has been established long ago. If the prince captures the twelve prefectures, Yanyang will be divided into one. [-]. The commercial exchanges between Jiangnan, Zhongzhou and Jinzhou will definitely be affected. Many merchants in Jinzhou are in Zhongzhou, and Jiangnan also has industries. If the prince captures the twelve states, the commercial road will be cut off, and the merchants will suffer heavy losses. "

Feng Yu's heart sank slightly, this was the most thorny issue that merchants were most concerned about.

"I have a question, I want to ask you gentlemen."

"Third Miss, please."

Feng Yu asked, "My lord holds 35 iron cavalry in his hand, and he is brave and good at fighting. There are more than a year's grain and grass reserves for iron cavalry in Ningzhou City. He will march north, or go to the twelve prefectures to support wars. The twelve prefectures have 35 cavalry. Is it the strength of the iron cavalry?"

"No!" Xue Yu replied truthfully. There were only 2 troops in Jinzhou City.

"The prince never thought of conquering the Twelve States. Although he rebelled against Yanyang, he still obeyed the iron law of the military. He never hurt a single soldier, and he couldn't bear to smash the homes of the Li people. We are merchants, so we can only follow the trend. Following the trend, after the banditry in the Twelve States is eliminated, the trade in the Twelve States will only get better and better. The trade in Zhongzhou, Jiangnan and Jinzhou will not be interrupted. I can promise you, the prince will not close the domestic trade. Please don't worry."

Whether Yuwenjing will close the business or not, she is not sure.

But sooner or later, Yuwenjing's country will not be able to hold on.

Xie Xun is suppressing bandits now, and anyone who is smart can see that he is boiling frogs in warm water. The Twelve States is a big frog. He wants to clear up the banditry in the Twelve States first and restore the vitality of the Twelve States.

Whoever can give the citizens a good life is their king.

The next thing is to talk about Jinzhou business. Feng Yu squinted her eyes and listened carefully, and found a very interesting phenomenon. These people should all know that the Sujia Iron Mine and the business firm are out of control, but no one mentioned it.

They were all waiting to see her jokes, whether it was she who solved the business's troubles quickly, or whether she was pushed aside by the business and became a show.

Feng Yu drank three glasses of wine at the banquet, and she was already slightly tipsy. Feng Yu was very dignified at such a young age, no one dared to pour her down, but it was a pity that she could not drink too much.Chunlu drank the wine on her behalf, and when Qiuxiang and Chunlu helped her out of the mansion, Fengyu's eyes were already doubled, her cheeks were flushed, as if she had applied a smear of deep red rouge, and she pointed at her drunken eyes. Looking forward, she shook her head and said, "Qiuxiang, I saw Zhixu, wow...three Zhixu...one, two...three..."

She covered her mouth suddenly and exclaimed, "Wow, so many people know me."

Zhixu is still suppressing bandits, how could he appear in Jinzhou?
"Girl, girl..." Qiu Xiang hurried to pull her, Feng Yu stood unsteadily and didn't pay attention to her posture, "It's really the prince, he looks very angry!"

Fengyu belched a little, rubbed her eyes, her soft neck shook as if it was about to break, and asked Qiuxiang, "Who is the prince?"

Qiuxiang, "..."

Chunlu saw Xie Xun striding over, her scalp tingling, "It's Xie Xun, girl!"

"Oh..." Feng Yu rubbed her eyes with two small fists, "One, two, three...five, maybe...Which one is angry?"

Update [-] words today

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