The clan sent all young girls, the youngest was 15 years old and had reached the age of ji, and the oldest was 17 years old, full of youth. All four of them were the most beautiful in the clan. There were prostitutes and prostitutes.This is the sincerity of the clan, and they did not randomly select women of unknown origin to serve Xie Xun.

Xie Xun's face sank like water, he didn't even want to socialize with the clan head, how could he meet beautiful girls, Feng Yu's lukewarm words of love made him feel like a thorn in his back.

"Please come in!"

"Get rid of them!"

Feng Yu and Xie Xun spoke out at the same time, one of them wanted to see each other, the other wanted to chase her away. Feng Yu said with a half-smile, "My lord is a young hero, and he has a high position and power. The clan has the heart to cling to it, and so do all the state capitals. The lord suppressed bandits." On the way, can there be such a beautiful blessing?"

"I'm in mourning!" For three years I couldn't get married, have children, and couldn't get close to women.

"That's it!"

Xie Xun, "..."

Yes, after the suppression of the bandits, all the state capitals will entertain Xie Xun, and the men's banquets will naturally be accompanied by women, and all the state capitals want to have a good relationship with Xie Xun.There are those sent by the state to serve him, and there are also women who covet his body and appearance, who recommend themselves as pillow mats, suppress bandits all the way, and seduce women all the way.

"It's really beautiful and blessed!" Feng Yu smiled coolly, and said lightly, "Please come in."

Xie Xun looked at the slightly cold profile of the third girl with a blank face, and sat on the main seat with his sleeves brushed, staring at Nuan Yang indifferently, Nuan Yang's heart was beating wildly, and he realized that he was stupid.He either directly refused, or reported to Xie Xun while the third girl was away, and now he directly stabbed the hornet's nest.

The four girls are fat and thin, each with its own merits.One side nourishes the other side, Jinzhou girls are fit and slender, with darker complexion, deep and glamorous facial features.

Back then when Feng Yu accompanied Xie Xun to Furong Residence, she still had the heart to admire the beauties and had no other thoughts in her mind, but now she looks at this group of girls dedicated to Xie Xun.Feng Yu thought sourly, her breasts were bigger than hers, her legs were longer than hers, she looked healthy, and she was more fertile than her fragile appearance.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that I am not Xie Xun's best choice.

Back then, when there was only a single descendant of Zhenbei Hou left in the Hou Mansion, did Mrs. Hou want to take a concubine for Lord Hou?
Do not!
She didn't want to, after the imperial physician diagnosed her as infertile, she endured heartache to accept concubines for Lord Hou in order to continue Zhenbeihou's bloodline.

Iron cavalry needs an heir, and it must be the blood of Lord Hou.

Today, only Xie Xun and Xie Jue are left in the Hou Mansion.

Xie Jue...Feng Yu felt that it would be difficult for the Second Young Master to marry a wife and have children, so she was determined, so she and Xie Xun must be pushed.

Master Miaoyun said that she would not live to be eighteen, but now she looks healthy, what if she really did not live to be eighteen?Even if she really survived, with her frail appearance, she didn't seem like a good child.

Fengyu was a little depressed, if she really had trouble bearing children, would she follow Madam Hou's example and take Xie Xun as a concubine?


With her domineering nature of biting her own food and never letting go, it was impossible for her to accept Xie Xun as a concubine. The more Feng Yu thought about it, the more she became sour. For the first time, she was worried about something that had never happened before.


The sour gas is gushing out!

"The daughter of the people has seen the prince and the girl!" The four girls were good-looking and well-bred, and they crossed their hands in front of them and saluted without looking sideways.

"This king hasn't married a wife yet, and I don't have the heart to keep maidservants and concubines. Go back wherever you came from, and tell your patriarchs not to do unnecessary things." Xie Xun's voice was extremely indifferent, no matter how beautiful the women in the hall are, He also has no intention.

His third girl is extremely possessive and has a domineering temper. She will not share what belongs to her, even if it is a bone, let alone her husband.

Apart from Feng Yu, he also didn't want to get close to the woman next to him and make her sad.

"My lord, women of the people can be slaves in the mansion. Please don't expel me, please give me a way to survive." A girl bowed her head with a terrified voice. Their family gave an order, and they must find a way to stay in the mansion. There is a place in the backyard of the prince. The prince is in the prime of his life, and he is at the age of lusting for women. If he can conceive a son and a half, their family will be as strong as gold in the twelve states.

Using children's marriage to consolidate the family's status and power is a common method of the clan, Feng Yu is not surprised.

Xie Xun sneered, "I am leaving for Ningzhou tomorrow, are you going to Ningzhou with me?"

"...Yes!" The girls kowtowed heavily, "I beg the lord to give me a way out."

"Presumptuous!" Xie Xun was already anxious because he was about to say goodbye to Feng Yu, and was threatened by others, with angry eyes, "If you want to die, go out and find a tree to hang yourself, don't come to seek bad luck for me!"

All the silence!

Under the pressure of the heavy killing general, the girls were scared out of their wits, their delicate bodies trembling, they only dared to kowtow and dared not speak, Feng Yu said softly, "My lord, let me handle this matter!"

Xie Xun didn't show Fengyu's face in full view, he went to the courtyard to practice swords.Nuan Yang followed him into the courtyard, Xie Xun drew out his long sword, and it shot coldly, "Nuan Yang, is this king pampering you so much that you dare to be so careless?"

Nuan Yang knelt down, not daring to refute, "Master, this subordinate is wrong."

"If you do it again, go back to Ningzhou, and I'll send Feiying here!"

"Yes!" Nuan Yang sweated instantly.

"Get the punishment yourself!"

Nuan Yang was very annoyed, he lost his sense of proportion in this matter, thinking that after all, it is the clan of Jinzhou, the master must show some face, they have not conquered the Twelve Prefectures, so they can't fight against the clan first.

I didn't expect to break the master's taboo.

His heart beat wildly, and he also reminded himself that the master is no longer as talkative as he was a few months ago, and he must be cautious in his words and deeds in the future, so as not to be confused again.

Xie Xun practiced a set of swordsmanship, Feng Yu was already standing on the porch looking at him distressedly, she wasn't really jealous, she deliberately asked those girls to come to trouble Xie Xun.Be it Jinzhou or the various state capitals, Xie Xun's appearance and status will always have a steady stream of women sent to him.

There is always a solution!
In the past three years, he refused on the grounds that he never married a wife and was in mourning. What about three years later?She wanted to solve it once and let everyone in the world know why the prince doesn't get close to women.

Who knew that this group of young girls violated his taboo.

Xie Xun had a personality that was not immune to coercion and temptation, and he was flamboyant. This kind of kidnapping and coercion with weakness reminded him of the struggle between the Yuwen royal family and the Zhenbei Houfu for more than ten years.The Yuwen royal family also always looks weak, but in fact they are pressing each other.He is already the coach of the Ningzhou iron cavalry. Several girls wanted to recommend themselves as pillows, but they dared to threaten him with death. If he was coerced, it would be a joke!
"You won't accept them as servants in the mansion, will you?" Xie Xun raised his eyebrows. After a set of sword skills, the anger in his heart has almost dissipated. He practiced sword just because he didn't want to get angry at Feng Yu.

Feng Yu lightly moved her lotus steps, and gently tugged at his sleeve with two fingers, "I haven't touched the bed of my future husband, so let others share the favor, am I so stupid?"

Xie Xun couldn't help laughing, hugged her in his arms, lowered his head and pecked at the tip of her nose, "So cute!"

"But I'm not happy!" Feng Yu raised her head in her arms and said aggrievedly, "Before I couldn't see and didn't know, there were so many women who coveted you and wanted you."

Starlight fell into Xie Xun's eyes, and he felt very happy, "Are you jealous?"

"Yeah!" The third girl wanted to coax someone, but she couldn't coax her well. "They are healthier than me, have a better figure than me, and look good. They look more suitable for you."

"Nonsense, Feng Yu and Xie Xun are the best match in Yanyang." Seeing that she was really sad, Xie Xun hurriedly lowered his head to coax her.

The third girl was jealous, and he was very happy.

If it's really hurting because of jealousy, that's another matter.


"Of course!" Xie Xun looked at her deeply, "I only want you!"

"Then you can remember, no matter where you are in Ningzhou, you are not allowed to be seduced by sex." Miss Feng San aggressively declared her sovereignty, "You are mine."

Xie Xun's brows evoked a touch of old romantic bewitchment, "I will only be seduced by you."

Feng Yu, "..."

The parting was imminent, and Feng Yu couldn't bear to sleep, so she dragged Xie Xun to watch the stars on the roof, Xie Xun was aroused by her curiosity, "How did you persuade them to go back?"


This was not a secret at all, and it was spread all over Jinzhou City early the next morning.The third girl is jealous and does not allow the prince to get close to women. Whoever wants to get close to the prince must first please the third girl.The clans all know that the food and grass for the iron cavalry in Ningzhou is now supplied by the third girl, and the prince is being pinched by his life, so even if he has the heart, he dare not.

The notoriety of being jealous can be regarded as soldering on Feng Yu's head.

Xie Xun, "..."

When Feng Yu sent him out of the city, her hair was full of jewels, and she deliberately accompanied Xie Xun to show off in the market, so that the whole Jinzhou could see how jealous the third girl was.

Xie Xun was angry and funny, and it did save him some trouble. In the future, he would not have to bother with women, but the reputation of the third girl...

The third girl doesn't care about her reputation, if being jealous can make those women less covet her husband, then be jealous.

She mused, "After a while, my reputation will be even scarier."

Sending you off for thousands of miles, there is always a farewell. No matter how reluctant Xie Xun and Fengyu are in their hearts, there will always be a moment of parting. With tens of thousands of cavalry on the side, Xie Xun made no secret of his care and possessiveness for Fengyu. He held Fengyu in his arms. , Finally said the sentence that I had endured for more than ten days.

Xie Xun said, "Feng Yu, I allow you to stay in Jinzhou. If you dare to get hurt and put yourself in danger, I will take you back to Ningzhou."

Feng Yu, "..."

Another eight thousand today

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