Fengyu was worried about Fengshu day and night in Jiaozhou, and she never slept well. She was very worried about her sister in Xiangguo Temple, especially her soon to give birth, and wondered if the second son could catch up.

Feng Yu wished she could spread her wings and fly to Xiangguo Temple to stay by her sister's side. Like Xie Xun, she didn't believe in gods and Buddhas, but recently she frequently went to temples in Jiaozhou to pray for safety.Adding sesame oil money in the temple, most of Yanyang believe in Buddhism, especially the clan, ladies and wives often go to the temple to pay homage, and everyone hopes that the gods can bless them.

No matter whether it is a promotion, peace and joy, or marriage, it seems that if they pray to the Buddha, the gods will bless their wishes to come true.

Although Feng Yu has a broken soul, she should have believed in Buddhism, but she didn't believe in it at all. She believed in man's victory over heaven. Ever since she was kidnapped when she was young, she didn't even believe in her parents, let alone gods and Buddhas.

These days, for Feng Shu, she kneeled down nine hundred and ninety steps piously. The temples in the Twelve States belong to Lingyun Temple, which is the most effective, and many people in the Twelve States come here admiringly.The Buddha is high above, and there are [-] steps from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain. For a sincere person, kneeling at three steps and knocking at nine steps is said to be very effective.

Fengyu also prayed to the gods and Buddhas, and walked up the mountain step by step in the snowstorm. She usually found it very difficult to go up the mountain. She was not in good health, and she used to be a sedan chair every time she went to Xiangguo Temple, but this time she bowed down very piously.

Qiuxiang and Chunlu felt sorry for her very much, and helped her hold an umbrella to shield her from the wind and snow. Looking at the vast wind and snow, Qiuxiang was very anxious, "Girl, do you really have to kneel three times and knock nine times up the mountain? Your body will not be able to bear it."

"I can!" Feng Yu thought, for the sake of her sister, she can.

According to Thirteen Niang's letter, it was time for her elder sister to give birth, and she must sincerely pray to the gods to bless her elder sister and the child so that they would be safe.

When Feng Yu herself was in a dangerous situation, she never considered kneeling down to beg the gods and Buddhas, but this time she was willing to beg for Feng Shu. Feng Shu was more important than herself in her heart!

Feng Yu knelt down three times and kowtowed nine times, and when she reached the middle of the mountain, her knees were already rubbed red.

Her knees were sore and uncomfortable, even if she was wrapped in thick fox fur, it didn't slow down the friction of the steps against her knees. Chun Lu also felt distressed, but she knew how important Feng Shu was to a girl, so she didn't ask Feng Yu to give up, but only hoped that Feng Yu could complete this journey as soon as possible.

Zhang Da, Nuan Yang, and Xiao Qi followed behind, Xiao Qi frowned and looked at Feng Yu's back in the wind and snow, and slowly followed behind with unpredictable eyes.

When they were young, they loved each other and depended on each other for life. When they were hiding in the cave to hide from the bad guys, Feng Yu once said that she loved her elder sister the most. At that time, she was already seriously ill and had a fever. Xiao Qi, who was younger than her, hugged her and heard her calling her elder sister.

Xiao Qi was very angry. He knew that Feng Shu almost found Feng Yu, but almost missed her. So Feng Yu suffered a lot. He watched Feng Yu gradually become vigilant and guarded. He also heard Feng Yu complain about her parents, but he never heard Feng Yu say that her sister was not good at all.

Now almost ten years have passed, Fengyu is still wholeheartedly for her sister.

For the sake of her sister, she would even give up her life!
Is Feng Shu that important?

If one day, he is also in deep danger and his life is hanging by a thread, will my sister kneel down and kowtow three times because of him?Will my sister ask the gods to bless him because of his devoutness?
He sneered slightly. Today's sister has too many people in her heart.

There is her sister, there is Xie Xun.

He has long since lost his place, and he has become less important.

Xiao Qi lowered his head, a dark color flashed across his eyes.

He hates Xie Xun, so why isn't he jealous? He is jealous that his sister has him in her heart, and she values ​​him more than anything else. He is so jealous, but he hides it in his heart and doesn't show it.

Feng Yu's knees were bleeding, and she finally climbed to the top of the mountain. She knelt in the Daxiong Palace, sincerely begging the gods to bless Feng Shu.

"God, Feng Yu has never begged you for anything in her life, but now she only asks you to keep her sister and children safe and sound, and Feng Yu will definitely worship them every day in the future."

Feng Yu kowtowed, burned incense, and donated money for sesame oil.

It was very snowy today, and there were no pilgrims on the mountain. Feng Yu knelt down and walked around the mountain. She stood on the top of the mountain and looked in the direction of the capital. The second son went to the capital in person, and it should be smooth.

But in her heart, she always felt restless.

Xiaoqi stood with her arms folded, "Sister, does your knee hurt?"

Fengyu almost forgot about the pain in her knee, maybe it was because of the cold weather, the pain was relieved a bit, and she didn't feel the pain until Xiaoqi reminded her, Qiuxiang and Chunlu helped her to apply the medicine.

Feng Yu's knees were all bleeding from grinding, she looked horrible.

Xiao Qi's eyes dimmed, feeling unhappy and uncomfortable.

Why do people who don't believe in gods and Buddhas suffer so much?
How can the fate of man be better than the will of God?Even if it is a real dragon emperor, it is no exception, let alone an ordinary person.

When Feng Yu went up the mountain on her knees step by step, Xiao Qi thought of a long time ago, and her expression became even more silent.

"Xiao Qi, why don't you speak?"

Xiao Qi smiled lightly and said, "I feel sorry for my sister."

Feng Yu was taken aback, Xiao Qi expressed his concern and concern very straightforwardly, he never hid his distress, worry, in Xiao Qi's heart, maybe she is more important than anyone else!

"Sister is fine, her knee is just worn out, she will be fine in a few days." Feng Yu chuckled lightly.

Xiao Qi was mad with jealousy, he was not only jealous that Xie Xun could get Feng Yu's favor, but also jealous that Feng Shu had such an important position in Feng Yu's heart.

"Sister, if one day my life hangs by a thread, will you kneel three times and kowtow to gods and Buddhas for me?"

"Yes!" Feng Yu said with a light smile, "If it is really useful to pray to gods and Buddhas, sister is willing to do anything for you."

"Really?" Xiao Qi's eyes lit up.

"Really, what did my sister lie to you for?"

The depression in Xiaoqi's heart dissipated a bit, and he didn't feel so painful anymore. He was so jealous that he went crazy, but his sister comforted him with one word, nothing is more important than her sister!
"I am also willing to do anything for my sister."

The two looked at each other and smiled, just like the promise they made when they were young.

Nuan Yang thought to himself, it's too bad, is it possible that this kid has a relationship with a girl, it's not a brother-in-law relationship, maybe he wants to pursue a girl while the master is away, right?

Alarm bells were ringing in his heart, no wonder the master was very worried when he returned to Ningzhou, so he made him keep an eye on Xiao Qi.

"Xiao Qi, you are to the girl..." Nuan Yang almost asked, but he retracted all the words very wisely, not daring to say it again, if Xiao Qi didn't realize it, and he raised something by himself, wouldn't it be causing trouble for the girl and the master.

The girl likes her master so much, and she will never empathize with him.


Nuan Yang shook his head, didn't speak, but looked at Xiao Qi with more cautious eyes, and secretly vowed in his heart that he must keep an eye on Xiao Qi, lest he really have any thoughts that he shouldn't have.

Looking at his vigilant eyes, Xiao Qi didn't care.

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