Chapter 409 Daily Life
She is a person who loves to enjoy herself and has a somewhat undisciplined personality. She is used to living a comfortable life with rich clothes and fine food. When she was in Fengfu, the capital, she loved to sleep in. She was loved by her family and never forced her to be a female celebrity. Not to mention forcing her to exercise, she endured hardships and hardships, so Xie Xun knew he couldn't force her, so he simply wore Fengyu to exercise.

When Feng Yu came to Xizhou, she got up to exercise every day for a period of time, but in autumn and winter, she became a slob.Feng Yu is in charge of general affairs from Xizhou to North Sanzhou. She is busy with official duties, and occasionally goes to the surrounding area to inspect.And she has to manage all the businesses in the Twelve States. It would be too much for another person, but she knows how to use them well and promotes many people around her to make decisions and share the burden. When in doubt, just ask her.

She doesn't need to worry about Zhang Dahe's former gangster Zhang Hu and Zhang Meng's patrol and control, and Qiu Xiang handles all the affairs of the mansion properly.

Nangong Heng is in charge of all the big and small matters in Xizhou. Feng Yu has five hours of sleep every day. She always likes to sleep in, but since Xie Xun came, she feels that she is too lazy, so she is allowed to sleep every day. For three hours, the rest of the time was spent practicing with Feng Yu.Get up before dawn to run and practice swords.

After lunch, he took half an hour to go horse racing, hike and climb mountains, and occasionally carried heavy loads. He was afraid that Fengyu would feel bored, so he would change to another mountain to climb every other day.Fengyu is very familiar with all the mountains near Xizhou now. In the past two years, Fengyu has grown a lot. She eats more rice noodles in Xizhou. She is nourished by Qiuxiang and Chunlu, and she is rounder than when she was in Kyoto. Her thin face has become a little sensual. After four days of Xie Xun's arrival, Feng Yu lost weight visibly to the naked eye.

But the complexion has become better!

Feng Yu couldn't bear it if she persisted for five days, but Xie Xun was a persistent person. Feng Yu exercised three times as much, and Feng Yu couldn't do it, so he came to be punished.

After Fengyu's protest was ineffective, she pinched her nose and followed him to train, but she didn't give Xie Xun any good looks.

Xie Xun didn't take this petty temper to heart at all.

"Why do you train Ah Yu like this?" Xie Jue handed a clean handkerchief to Ruyi, asking him to wipe his mouth and hands, but Ruyi took the handkerchief and blew it, shaking it while blowing. Xie Jue said, "You are Is she training as a recruit?"

"She is not in good health!" Xie Xun looked at Feng Yu's rosy cheeks, opened his eyes and said nonsense, "Every day I eat and sleep, and I don't like to move. The doctor said that Qi and blood are blocked."

Feng Yu always wanted to save face in front of Xie Jue, and felt that she was being victimized by her reputation, so she couldn't help but retort, "Get your own pulse, don't pretend to be a doctor."

"I follow the pulse of the military medicine, and now I can see a doctor." Xie Xun understands why Chunlu has some medical skills. Fengyu has been ill for a long time, and the people around her become doctors.

Xiao Qi secretly thought that after her sister returned to Xizhou, she was obviously in good health, and the doctor also said that the daily maintenance would be fine, but it is undeniable that after Xie Xun came, she became healthier.

Xie Jue saw that Feng Yu looked pretty good, she didn't look like she was in poor health, but when she met her in Kyoto, she felt that Feng Yu was weak and fell down when the wind blew, she didn't look like a long-lived person.Although she is thin now, she is not weak, her eyes are clear, her cheeks are rosy, and she looks healthier than ordinary boudoir girls. I don't know what the criteria for judging Xie Xun's poor health are.

Although Xie Jue intervened in family affairs, he didn't interfere in their affairs. If Feng Yu was really upset, she would have turned against Xie Xun long ago. It was probably because of the petty flirting between the two of them, and he was too lazy to take care of it.

Inexplicably, he remembered some past events many years ago, and his face was slightly startled, but some people don't know how to look at their faces, which pot is not open and which pot is lifted, "Second brother, I remember that you were in poor health when you were young, Fang Chuning did it before dawn. You got up and practiced swords and raced horses, and for this you fought with him and knocked out his teeth."

Feng Yu, "?"

The second brother is so fierce?Can hurt Fang Chuning, Jun Jun said that her elder brother was thrown by the commander into the mountain to fight a tiger when he was seven years old.

Xie Jue said blankly, "Don't spread rumors, he's just changing his teeth."

"You didn't hit it?" Xie Xun teased Ruyi when he saw Ruyi playing with the handkerchief, "He spread everywhere that you knocked out his teeth."

Ruyi was afraid that Xie Xun would snatch his handkerchief, so she kicked her legs anxiously, and she liked to play with the small handkerchief. Xie Jue watched the big one and the little one playing with the handkerchief that was supposed to wipe their hands, Feng Yu thought to herself, bad, Ruyi is about to be trained, and Xie Jue squinted his eyes, "Ruyi, don't play with the handkerchief."

Ruyi opened her round eyes, obediently wiped her hands with a handkerchief, then wiped her mouth, then grinned at Xie Jue with crooked eyebrows, as if begging for a reward.

"Ruyi is so obedient!" Feng Yu pinched his little cheek, "So obedient and smart."

(End of this chapter)

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