Chapter 42 Stunning
But she longed for Xie Xun's gaze. Who knew that Xie Xun ignored her gaze and drank alone. Lin Yuyan was a little disappointed. Seeing Xie Xun pouring wine for him obediently behind the glass, Lin Sheng teased and said, "My sister At home, I don't touch Yangchun water with ten fingers, and I have never poured wine for my brother."

"Brother!" Lin Yuyan looked at Xie Xun with a shy face, wanting to speak, but it was a pity that she cast a wink at the blind man, Xie Xun said flatly, "My elder sister has never done such rough work, it is all done by servants .”

Lin Yuyan's complexion changed drastically, her eyes turned red instantly, she was ashamed and angry, and ran away sadly.

"Little Marquis, you really don't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade." Lin Sheng couldn't bear to let his sister be sad, "She is infatuated with you, how can you break her heart."

"A woman who is infatuated with Benhou is like a crucian carp crossing the river, and Benhou can't take care of her." Xie Xun talked and laughed casually, evil and wicked, and didn't touch the glass of wine again.

Feng Wan and Feng Yan also participated in the game. Feng Yan performed normally and scored 38 points. Feng Wan also shot very well. She scored 44 points with only one empty arrow in the first nine arrows. As long as she hits an arrow at random, There is a high probability that it will surpass Lin Swift.

When Feng Wan sat on the horse, she turned her head to look at Lin Yuyan, seeing Lin Yuyan's fierce eyes, Feng Wan was terrified.

Fang Lingjun said happily, "Ah Yu, your elder sister is really good at archery. Lin Yuyan lost before this girl even played."

"Not necessarily!" Feng Yu chuckled.

Feng Wan took a deep breath, drew the bow and shot the arrow, the last arrow missed and missed, Lin Yuyan snorted coldly, with a smug look on her face, Feng Wan knew it, otherwise she would suffer.

Fang Lingjun stomped, "It's a pity, the big sister missed the shot, and even the big watermelon was even with Lin Yuyan."

Feng Yu is not surprised, Feng Wan has a gentle temperament and is smooth, she will not easily offend others, let alone offend Lin Yuyan and cause trouble for a pair of jade bracelets, this is her way of life.

The last one was Fang Lingjun. Feng Yu cheered her on, and Fang Lingjun patted her chest and promised, "Ayu, don't worry, Lin Yuyan bullies you so much, I will avenge you and definitely win her."

"I believe in you, come on!" Feng Yu clenched her fists and cheered her on.

Lin Yuyan was waiting to see a good show. Fang Lingjun hit all five arrows in front of her, oranges, apples and chrysanthemums, and she had 28 points.

"Junjun, you are amazing!" Feng Yu gave Fang Lingjun generously when she looked back to encourage her. Fang Lingjun was encouraged and became more brave. She hit the orange with the sixth arrow and scored 35 points.

As long as she shoots two more chrysanthemums and a watermelon, she can win Lin Yuyan. Lin Yuyan gave a smirk, and together with Zhang Jingmiao and Wu Changhuan booed her, Zhang Jingmiao said, "Fang Lingjun, why did you shoot the flower?" Ah, you don't claim to be unparalleled in archery, you shoot copper coins."

"People want to be safe, they just shoot flowers, and they don't dare to aim at oranges, so how dare they shoot copper coins." Lin Yuyan sneered.

Feng Yu thought to herself, it's broken.

Sure enough, Fang Lingjun couldn't stand the excitement, so he aimed at the copper coin, and the seventh arrow missed.

"Junjun, don't pay attention to them, shoot chrysanthemums and roses, and you will win." Feng Yu shouted loudly, but her voice was soft and waxy, and was drowned in the voices of Lin Yuyan, Zhang Jingmiao, and Wu Changhuan.

"Hey, aren't you very good at archery? Why did you miss the shot?"

"Fang Lingjun, you usually blow it, it's just so-so, it's really embarrassing to your brother."

This fueled the fire, making Fang Lingjun even more aggressive, and vowed to fight for face with his brother. The eighth and ninth arrows aimed at the copper coins, and they all missed. The greater the pressure, the more inaccurate the shots. Fengyu knew that Fang Lingjun would lose up.

King Qi said with a smile, "These little girls have so many eyes on riding and shooting, how can they still play like this?"

Xie Xun leaned back with a half-smile, he waited for Feng Yu to play, if Fang Lingjun won, Feng Yu would not play easily, but if she lost, Feng Yu would never let Lin Yuyan take the pair of bracelets.

Lin Sheng protected his younger sister, "When riding and shooting, cheers from the sidelines are allowed, and naturally there will be boos, which are all reasonable interference with the opponent."


The young man watching from the sidelines was also shocked. Although it is allowed to interfere with the opponent, they want to save face after all. If they lose, they are not good at learning, but they have never used such a method.

Zhang Boxing muttered to himself, "You guys are going too far."

Fang Lingjun is impatient, and he has repeatedly tried aggressive methods on her, so he sympathizes with Fang Lingjun.

The girls provoked Fang Lingjun more and more, Princess Xuelan who was watching on the stage felt that Lin Yuyan and others were too malicious.

Fang Lingjun also missed her last arrow, she was so angry that she dropped her bow and arrow, and wanted to beat Lin Yuyan, but Feng Yu pulled her away, Lin Yuyan provocatively said, "If you lose, you lose, Fang Lingjun, don't you lose?" get up?"

Fang Lingjun's eyes were red with anger, Feng Yu hugged her waist to prevent her from doing anything, "Okay, okay, it's not sad, it's okay."

"I'm so pissed off, I can win!" Fang Lingjun wiped away tears, feeling extremely wronged, "I failed to avenge you, Ah Yu, I'm so angry."

"Don't cry, don't haven't lost yet." Feng Yu gently wiped her tears, "There's still me."

"What's the use of you, you can't even shoot watermelons." Fang Lingjun was so wronged that he couldn't distinguish between friends and foes, and he couldn't choose what to say.

Feng Yu, "..."

Lin Yuyan was so happy that she was going to get the prize, and suddenly she saw Feng Yu whistled, chasing the snow and riding the wind, Feng Yu grabbed the saddle and rolled over, she looked down at Lin Yuyan with a smile on her face, "Lin Yuyan, And me."

"Is Fengyu here to be funny? She even wants to shoot on horseback. What can she shoot?"

"I'm dying of laughter. Last year, she took the last place in riding and archery, and she dared to compete. Is she crazy?"

"Get yourself humiliated. Everyone, let's see what Feng Yu can hit. I bet she can't hit even a watermelon."


After Feng Yu walked around the field for a week, she took a special bow and arrow and returned to the designated area. Fang Lingjun knew that the chance of winning was slim, but she cheered up and cheered Feng Yu loudly, causing others to laugh, thinking that Feng Yu must not be able to shoot anything. middle.

Feng Yu drew the bow and aimed at the copper coins, and all eyes fell on her. Xie Xun looked at her playfully. He heard that she always got the reputation of being stupid because she always failed the exams of the Imperial College, and riding and archery was her weakness. .

"It's just a show!" Lin Sheng mocked.

Xie Xun raised his eyebrows, and said lazily, "It's unknown who will die."

The first arrow shot to the ground, causing the audience to laugh. The young men were all amazed at Feng Yu's beauty, but they couldn't compliment her archery skills.

"Hahahaha, what a disgrace, Fengyu really missed the shot."

"If you can't walk, you want to fly. The first arrow shoots copper coins. She is really arrogant."

The girls were laughing at Feng Yu, her second arrow had already flown out, and it missed again, it flew past the oranges, causing another wave of ridicule, Feng Yu put aside her distracting thoughts, and stared at the oranges in the area.

(End of this chapter)

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