Chapter 422
Xie Xun's expression was subtly silent, Feng Yu raised her eyebrows, raised her eyebrows in disbelief, "You really spend a lot of money to compete with others and get jealous, and you didn't see that you were romantic when you were young."

"It's a lot of money!" Xie Xun said lightly.

"Wow... the oiran is prettier, or am I prettier?" Feng Yu asked leisurely.

"Aren't you jealous at all?"

"What happened to me when you were 16?" Feng Yu couldn't help but poke his arm lightly with her finger, "Tell me, the oiran is prettier, or am I prettier?"

"You look good!" How could she answer this kind of proposition wrong, but Fengyu was picky.

"You hesitated!"

"I've long forgotten what that oiran looks like."

"You can spend a lot of money. She should be a stunning woman. How can you forget it?" Feng Yu asked angrily, "Think hard, maybe you will remember it!"

Xie Xun held back his laughter, and the third girl was angrily throwing snowballs to play. The more he watched, the more he found it interesting, and he couldn't bear her jealousy for too long. He explained, "I was ordered to be the spy who sneaked into Sangnan in the Ningzhou Army. After tracing all the way to Liuzhou, the Hualou was Sangnan's stronghold in Liuzhou. I was ordered to spend a lot of money, but it was true that the oiran died in front of Han Ziqi during the melee, so he was loyal to protect the lord."

"Ningzhou iron cavalry will also sneak in spies?"

"Thousands of 10 people can't be thoroughly investigated one by one. No one can recognize the faces of hundreds of thousands of soldiers. It's normal to mix in spies. Now Ningzhou Iron Cavalry also has spies planted by the court. This is inevitable. "

Feng Yu thought about it for a while, and it made sense. Han Ziqi hated Xie Xun because of the death of the oiran, and it made sense. He was not only a beauty, but also a chess piece of Sang Nan. No wonder he hated Xie Xun and didn't even care about revealing his identity.

"Han Ziqi really loves beautiful women like his life." Feng Yu sneered, and after a moment of silence, she propped her chin and asked Xie Xun, "When you were 16 years old, you met a beautiful and beautiful oiran, and you were not moved at all?"

Xie Xun looked at her playfully, "Jealous?"


Xie Xun tried his best to recall, but he couldn't remember the appearance of that oiran back then. He only remembered that he galloped all the way to Liuzhou, desperately looking for the spies.Chasing all the way to Hualou, just in time for the Oiran Contest, so I put a long line to catch big fish, who knows that I also ran into Han Ziqi.

"It's pretty!" Xie Xun said with a chuckle.

Feng Yu pursed her lips, extremely unhappy, Xie Xun couldn't help rubbing her cheeks, "I'm lying to you, I don't remember her appearance for a long time, I have never been close to women since I was a child, and I don't like to socialize with others. Unlike some people, who got engaged early, have a fiancé, and a wild younger brother."

Feng Yu, "..."

Expose each other without mercy!
Fengyu admits defeat and doesn't argue with him, the two sit on the porch chatting, watching Ruyi play around, enjoying the rare family happiness.Tired of playing, Xiao Ruyi ran over to ask Feng Yu to hug her, but Xie Xun picked her up, "Uncle will take you to play!"

"..." Feng Yu smiled lightly and followed.

The main urban area of ​​Xizhou City is very lively when the Chinese New Year is approaching. There are people coming and going on the street. Han Ziqi stood on the second floor of Xifeng Inn and looked down. Xie Xun and Feng Yu were shopping with Ruyi.Ruyi held a small windmill in her hand and whirled in the wind and snow, very happy.

Han Ziqi asked the guard beside him, "Is that Xie Jue's son?"


Han Ziqi sneered and said, "It's just a thank you family."

The guard was silent, Han Ziqi rubbed his wrists, closed the window, got up and went downstairs, Han Ziqi ran into Xie Xun and Feng Yu as soon as he left the entrance of the West Wind Inn.

"My lord, Miss San, what a coincidence, when you got married, you already have sons." Han Ziqi asked with a smile.

"This is my second brother's son."

"Oh..." Han Ziqi pretended to be ignorant, "Forgive my stupidity, I thought the prince already had a son."

Feng Yu looked at him with a smile, and thought to herself, this person came to Xizhou for business, wouldn't he know the situation clearly?

Who are you fooling?

Obviously, they are not in a relationship where they can go shopping and chat together, but Feng Yu asked a lot, "My lord, are you really going to celebrate the New Year in Xizhou?"

"Miss San wants to invite me to the house for the New Year? That's fine too!"

"Aren't you awake?" Xie Xun stared at him indifferently, "You stared at us in front of the window, and came down to meet again, what do you want to do?"

"This king is admiring the snow. I happened to see you all. I came down to say hello. Don't be so sensitive, my lord. The past grievances and grievances have long been written off. I also helped you transport food and grass. It is not certain that we will be allies in the future. Don't worry." Be kind to shouting, beating, and killing." Han Ziqi smiled, "We also have a custom in Sangnan, when we see children near the end of the year, we always have to give them some greetings."

He stretched out his hand, and the guard behind him took a sandalwood box, Han Ziqi said, "A small gift is not a respect, don't dislike the prince and the third girl!"

"We are not in the relationship of giving gifts to each other's children." Xie Xun sneered, his heart skipped a beat, "What do you mean?"

"My lord, we are considered business partners. It's not expensive to give your child a golden lock, right?"

Feng Yu and Xie Xun looked at each other, Feng Yu took it over, opened it, and found that it was indeed a golden lock, she said with a smile, "Then thank you sir, it's a waste of money!"

"It's easy to say, easy to say!" Han Ziqi said, "If the third girl can dance another song, she can have as many golden locks as she wants."

Xie Xun, "?"

Feng Yu suppressed a smile, and said gloatingly, "My lord, when I danced in the attic, my son caught a glimpse of it, and I will never forget it..."

Xie Xun only felt his hairs stand on end, and was extremely disgusted, "Get lost!"

(End of this chapter)

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