When he saw Ruyi's face clearly, Fang Chuning felt that the cold wind from Xizhou rolled into his heart, making his heart ache. The cold wind and snow rolled up the sky and froze his boiling blood. I felt buzzing in my ears, like weapons colliding in my ears, and I couldn't hear any sound in the world.

"Daddy..." Ruyi felt a little scared when she saw a stranger, and staggered to Xie Jue's side. Xie Jue squatted down, patted Ruyi's head, and said softly, "What's wrong?"


An immature child with a similar face reminds Fang Chuning of Tingfeng's childhood.

Ruyi is three or four years older, and it is the appearance of Tingfeng in his memory when he was a child.

so similar!
During Ruyi's [-]-day celebration, Jiaozhou held a [-]-day banquet. That [-]-day banquet was not Ruyi's real [-]-day banquet, and Xie Jue was more than [-] days earlier.At that time, Ruyi was only two months old, and the news spread all over the world. Everyone knew that Xie Jue was unmarried and had an eldest son, so Fang Chuning naturally heard about it too.

He didn't take it seriously, only when Xie Jue picked up an orphan, or when a soldier of the Ningzhou Iron Cavalry died, he raised the orphan.According to Ruyi's hundred-day banquet at that time, if the son was listening to the wind, it was during the period of the peace talks between the Northern Man and the Northern Man.Tingfeng wants to promote the New Deal, and secondly, he has to deal with the northern barbarians. He has no skills at all, and he is with him almost day and night, so how could he have a son.

Therefore, Fang Chuning never cared about the son.

Until he saw Ruyi's face.

At first glance, it was the face of his own son.

Fang Chuning smiled, "Tingfeng, is he really your biological son?"


Fang Chuning turned and left, leaving only a series of shallow footprints in the snow.

Xie Jue watched his back quietly through the wind and snow until his figure disappeared at the end of the Jiuqu Corridor. He was dressed in a rare white suit, which almost melted into the snow.

After the stranger left, Ruyi started playing with the snowman again.

In the front hall, Xie Xun knew that Fang Chuning had gone to look for Xie Jue, so he was extremely disturbed. He wanted to eavesdrop on what they were saying, and felt that it was the second brother's privacy. He shouldn't be prying into it. If he accidentally saw something he didn't want to see The picture is not self-torture.Just as he was hesitating, he saw Fang Chuning coming out of the Moon Gate and walking towards the door with an extremely gloomy expression.

Xie Xun greeted happily, "Brother Fang, where are you going?"

Fang Chuning paused, looked back at Xie Xun's bright face, and said lightly, "Go see Han Ziqi."

"Ask my brother three times, is he gone?"

Fang Chuning turned around silently, Xie Xun raised his voice and said, "Remember to come back for dinner."

Nuan Yang, "..."

In Fengyu's courtyard, she and Fang Lingjun always had endless conversations. The two huddled up on the warm bed by the window, talking about each other.

The eldest princess has been worrying about Fang Chuning and Fang Lingjun's marriage. Fang Chuning is in the army, she is beyond her reach, and she has a reputation of restraining his wife. Although others have scruples.But the status of the commander-in-chief and the eldest princess can be said to be a satisfactory marriage, but Fang Chuning is not satisfied.The queen mother has always wanted to manipulate the marriage of Fang's brothers and sisters, and wanted Fang Lingjun to marry into her mother's family.

The eldest princess was not willing, so she chose Li Si, the son of the eldest son of the Li family of the clan. He is the fourth in the family, and is about the same age as Fang Lingjun. He is not bad at studying and practicing martial arts. body.Moreover, Marshal Fang's younger sister is the mistress of the Li family's second room, so it can be regarded as a close relationship.

The two also kept in touch frequently after they got engaged, and they got along fairly well, but they never expected that Li Si's favorite person was actually Zhou Xuejia.

"Zhou Xuejia...that name sounds familiar."

"The girl from Anyuanhou's family who was dumped." Fang Lingjun curled her lips, "You hadn't returned to Beijing back then, Anyuanhou and Mrs. Hou loved her very much and raised her like a jewel, and the son of Anyuanhou even regarded her as a treasure." If the treasure. After the malicious exchange of the package was exposed, the Anyuan Hou family planned to make Zhou Xuejia the second daughter of the Anyuan Hou family after Xuelan was named princess. Later, some things happened, and Zhou Xuejia was sent away. Who Knowing that she didn't leave the capital, she was secretly raised in the capital by An Yuanhou's son, and later exchanged songs with Li Si'an."

"Didn't you tell the eldest princess about this? How did you agree to get married later?"

Fang Lingjun lowered her eyes and nervously grabbed the handkerchief, "I want to refuse the marriage, but before I tell my mother, the queen mother will announce me to the palace. If I don't marry, she will give my brother a marriage. That's when I know After entering the palace, the eldest daughter of the Li family won the favor of the queen mother. The Li family has already joined the royal family. If I refuse to marry, she will give the second daughter of the Li family to my brother. I don't want my brother to be trapped, so I agreed to this marriage The Li family held the wedding early for fear of long nights and dreams. Originally they told me that Zhou Xuejia and her son and daughter had been sent away. Who knew...My aunt couldn't bear to be deceived, so she secretly told me that Zhou Xuejia and her children had been taken in. When I arrived at Li's house, I waited for me to pass through the door and offered tea to my mistress, I really didn't want to bear it any longer, so I ran away."

"It's too much to deceive people!" Feng Yu gritted her teeth, "There are so many dirty things about the big family, Junjun, anyway, you escaped, and others don't know your whereabouts, so you stay in Xizhou, and I will cover you."

Fang Lingjun laughed, "Okay, if my brother agrees, I will stay."

"I don't have any contact with the people of the Li family. They are so reckless, and the paper can't contain the fire. Aren't you afraid that the eldest princess will blame you?"

"Ayu, the sons of the clan will always be served by women before they get married, but everyone wants to save face and try not to cause trouble before the main wife passes the door. But if you really have a child, you can raise it. If the Lord My mother can't bear it, others will only say that you are jealous and intolerant, and will not blame the son for being romantic before marriage." Fang Lingjun said lightly, "For my brother, I planned to endure it, as long as they send him away, but who knows that they bully you? Too many people."

"Even if you plan to endure it for the sake of your brother, why would the Li family... If this matter is exposed, the eldest princess and the commander-in-chief will not allow it." Feng Yu always thinks this is very strange, how could the commander-in-chief and the eldest princess just ignore it? .

Fang Lingjun's eyes suddenly turned red, big tears rolled down, Feng Yu felt distressed and shocked, and hurriedly hugged her, "Junjun, what happened, don't cry, did Li Si bully you? I killed him , even if he is in the capital, I will kill him!"


Fang Lingjun has been burdened with too many things in her heart for more than a year, she just wants to have a good cry, and also wants to find someone to talk about the distress in her heart.

"I was born in the royal family since I was a child, and I have been doted on by my father and mother. I have always been obedient and obedient. I also heard people say that my father and mother are in love. I also heard those clan wives praise my father. The mother is the only one with high authority. But ever since I became sensible, I have always wondered why my father and commander are stationed in the south of the Yangtze River all the year round and rarely return to Beijing. If it is said that the Marquis of Zhenbei is a high-ranking master, he is in Ningzhou, and his wives are hostages in Beijing. But my mother is from the clan, so my father can't go back to Beijing, she can go to Jiangnan. But...in the year of the Yangzhou epidemic, I found out that my father liked a girl very much when he was young, and she was the daughter of the Li family. The palace was plotted by someone, and there was a brother. The daughter of the Li family hanged herself at home on the day the father and mother got married, so the aunt married to the Li family to atone for her sin. That's why the father tortured my brother like that, because my brother is not Why is his son who was born in expectation like this... Ah Yu, my brother doesn't know these things now, and I dare not tell him."

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