Han Ziqi's throat was fishy and sweet, and the blood in his mouth splashed on the snow. He raised his hand and wiped the corner of his lips, "A gentleman speaks but does not move. This is not demeanor. Whoever makes you angry, whoever you want to vent your anger on, don't look for me." .”

"Repeat what you just said, I will let you crawl out of Xizhou." Fang Chuning's voice was extremely indifferent.

Feng Yu thought to herself, it should be Han Ziqi who provoked Fang Chuning, he and Xie Xun are not the kind of people who will be angry, unless they care about the person they care about most, if others provoke them, they will definitely do it, and they don't care who the other party is.

"Okay, okay..." Han Ziqi raised his hand, "I made a slip of the tongue, you have a lot of people."

The owner of the Xizhou Inn came out through the snow and saw the mess. He couldn't help shouting, "You two guests, if you want to fight, don't fight in the store. You will destroy a good house."

"He pays!" Fang Chuning's figure disappeared on the second floor.

Han Ziqi struggled to get up from the snow, looking displeased. Seeing the shopkeeper salute Fengyu, Han Ziqi realized that Fengyu and Fang Lingjun were watching the farce. He also remembered that Xifeng Inn was Fengyu's property.

He smiled and said, "How much money, I will pay."

Feng Yu didn't know why the conversation between Han Ziqi and Fang Chuning would break down like this, Han Ziqi seemed to be very afraid of Fang Chuning, Fang Chuning came out of the inn, Han Ziqi wanted to greet Feng Yu, but Fang Chuning had already walked in front of him, "What I just said, You think about it carefully and reply to me in two days."

"Okay!" Han Ziqi rubbed his almost broken hand, "I will definitely think about it."

"Brother..." Fang Lingjun asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"


Fang Chuning left alone, Feng Yu saw that he was not going in the direction of the city lord's mansion, so she hesitated, why didn't he get together with his second brother in the mansion, he was not familiar with Xizhou, where was he going?

"Third Miss, when will you give me a letter about the iron mine?" Han Ziqi held the cloak on his body, "Our Sannan is like spring all the year round, and Xizhou is freezing cold. Home, success or failure, the third girl will give me an approval letter as soon as possible."

"Okay!" Feng Yu didn't delay, "Five days later."

"A word is settled!"

This matter has been decided long ago, but it is just dragging Han Ziqi, and the second brother has also obtained the information from the Jiangnan garrison.It was a foregone conclusion, but yesterday he suddenly changed his mind. I don't know if Fang Chuning came to Xizhou, this matter will change.This matter will be postponed for a while.

Feng Yu led Fang Lingjun to continue strolling, when Han Ziqi asked suddenly, "Ningzhou and the imperial court are ruled by the river, the twelve states are under the jurisdiction of Ningzhou, Fang Chuning, as the coach of Zhongzhou, is walking around the city ostentatiously, the third girl and the prince don't care at all. Don't you worry?"

"What do you want to say?"

"An enemy is an enemy. No matter how close you used to be, no matter how benevolent your temperament is, and if you have different positions, you will meet each other one day. Family affection, love, and friendship are as thin as a piece of paper when the blade passes through your throat." Han Ziqi laughed and entered Inn.

Fang Lingjun gritted her teeth, her eyes turned slightly red.

Fengyu said, "Junjun, don't listen to his nonsense, you and Brother Fang are in Xizhou, no one will hurt you."

"I know, my brother didn't escort me to Xizhou, he..." Fang Lingjun said, "He's here for business, maybe... maybe it will be bad for you."

"That's his business, not yours."

"How could it be irrelevant?" Fang Lingjun said sadly, "Ningzhou iron cavalry will come to the city in the future, my father and brother will definitely go into battle, and there will be a fight between the two sides. I can't be a spectator after all, but I will do everything No. I escaped from this cage in Kyoto, as if I could not escape my fate."


"I'm fine." Fang Lingjun smiled bitterly, "Too many things have happened in the past few years, and I'm a bit stuck."

"We can't control these things, so we should live in the present, and let's talk about the future."

"it is good!"

Feng Yu smiled lightly and led her to continue shopping. Although Fang Lingjun's mood was affected by Han Ziqi, she soon recovered. The two happily went shopping in various shops and bought a lot of food that Fang Lingjun had never seen before. They were all from Xizhou specialty.Fengyu sincerely hopes that Junjun will be happy, so she tries to make her happy as much as possible.

Fang Lingjun could sense Feng Yu's kindness, and went shopping with her happily as Feng Yu wished.

City Lord's Mansion.

When Feng Yu and Fang Lingjun returned to the mansion, the long street was covered by the setting sun. The warm light and white snow made Xizhou look like a paradise. As soon as the two entered the door, they heard Nuan Yang say that Xie Xun and Fang Chuning were competing in the courtyard .

The two heart skipped a beat, they couldn't really fight!
Feng Yu and Fang Lingjun thought they were fighting with swords and swords, but who knew it was unarmed, and both of them were covered in paint. Feng Yu and Fang Lingjun went to the martial arts training ground, and a group of people had already surrounded the martial arts training ground.

There are Xu Zhou, Nuan Yang, Fei Ying, and almost all the soldiers surrounded the place tightly, and cheered Xie Xun in a big way. Chuning lost because of the momentum. After all, this is the city lord's mansion, Xie Xun's territory .

The soldiers all gave way to Fengyu when they entered, Fengyu pulled Fang Lingjun over to watch, just as he saw the situation in the martial arts training ground clearly, he saw Xie Xun punch Fang Chuning heavily in the face.Feng Yu seemed to hear the muffled groans of punches to the flesh, she knew that Xie Xun was upset, so she must have gone all out, hitting Fang Chuning's face with his fist, she felt pain even looking at it.

"elder brother……"

After Fang Chuning was hit, he slid back far away, stepped back with his right leg, and quickly stabilized his figure. When Xie Xun rushed up, he rolled on the spot, propped himself on the ground with one hand, and jumped up with his strength. He kicked Xie Xun hard in the chest.

Feng Yu, "..."

It really hurts to look at it!

Xie Xun only felt a numbness in his heart, and severe pain spread to his limbs and bones. He flew out and hit the big drum in the training ground heavily. He was bounced back and rolled five or six times on the snow in a row. As soon as he got up from the snow, Fang Chuning bent his knees and pressed against his chest. This force could break his breastbone. Xie Xun grabbed a handful of snow and threw it in front of Fang Chuning's front. When Fang Chuning avoided it, Xie Xun again A punch hit his chin, and because of inertia, Fang Chuning was kicked out.

"Stop fighting!" Feng Yu yelled, her voice was dissipated in the wind and snow, no one listened to them, Fang Chuning got up and rushed over again, the two of them fought like wild beasts, punching to the flesh.

Xie Xun didn't know what enmity he had with Fang Chuning's face, so he specially greeted Fang Chuning's face, so his face was bruised and purple, and he looked very scary.

But Fang Chuning hit Xie Xun's chest and abdomen with every move, all hitting places where no one else could see. Feng Yu felt that Xie Xun's bones were about to be broken when she saw it.

This was a fight to the death, she grabbed Nuan Yang, "Go invite the second young master."

"I've gone to ask for it a long time ago. The second son said that if he was killed, he would collect the body, so don't worry about it."

Feng Yu, "..."

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