Xiao Qi moved over with heavy steps, Fang Chuning looked at him with a sullen face, and sneered, "I know I'm here, I've been hiding for so many days, I'm hiding very well, what are you afraid of?"

"How does brother know that I'm here?" Xiao Qi was a little unhappy, pursing her lips, afraid of Fang Chuning, and said coquettishly, "I didn't know that brother was here. If I knew, I would definitely go to see brother."

"It's full of lies." Fang Chuning said with a smile, "Mianmian, what are you afraid of, my brother won't eat you."

Xiao Qi sat down near Fang Chuning with a smile, and asked curiously, "After all these years, how can my brother still recognize me?"

Fang Chuning reached out and rubbed his head, and asked without answering, "How have you been these few years?"

"Not good!" Xiaoqi pursed her mouth, a little aggrieved, "I live worse than a beggar, and my brother is so fierce, he doesn't feel sorry for me at all."

"The villain will sue first." Fang Chuning asked softly, "What are you doing in the City Lord's Mansion?"

"Do nothing!"

"to be frank."

"It's the truth. Feng Yu and I had a sibling relationship, and I just want to stay by her side."

"Lie!" Fang Chuning exposed his lie. His always smiling fox eyes seemed to hide a sharp knife, "Since you regard her as your sister, how dare you tell her who you are and what you have on you? Can't hide, pretending to be a little white rabbit, Mianmian, father commander already knows where you are, will you go back with me, or wait for father commander to send someone to arrest you?"

"He... how did he know?"

"We've been looking for you." Fang Chuning was still seriously injured and was a little cold. He wrapped his body in the fur coat. Xiao Qi took off his cloak and wrapped it around him. He stood up to block the wind and snow. Glancing at him without saying anything, Xiao Qi was a little awkward, "It's cold, you're still hurt, why don't you go back and rest?"

"Then you want to run?" Fang Chuning asked coldly.

Xiao Qi was punctured and dared not refute. Originally he knew Fang Chuning was coming, so he wanted to run away, but he brought Fang Lingjun with him, so Xiao Qi took a chance. Maybe Fang Chuning came to find Feng Yu because of Fang Lingjun , or it was for Han Ziqi's iron ore deal with Feng Yu, but it was not for him.

After Fang Chuning came to Xizhou, he never looked for him, but went to Han Ziqi, and was seriously injured in a fight with Xie Xun. Xiaoqi quietly pretended to be sick in the hospital, hoping to wait for Fang Chuning to leave.

Unexpectedly, this luck was also shattered!
"Father Marshal found you back then, wanted to take you home, and felt sorry for you who had suffered so much outside. You were lucky. You had a warm meal with Father Marshal the day before, and bet with him that you don't want to be homeless, and hope to go back home with him." The family lives a stable life, and never wants to live a life of ups and downs. At that time, you were still young, and your father never thought that you would be so ruthless, throwing all the medicines and running away at night. You are trying to repeat the old trick , poured my medicine and ran away?" Fang Chuning's tone was flat, but sharp, "Do you know how big a mistake you made?"

Xiao Qihong stared down, not daring to look at him.

Fang Chuning said sharply, "You poured the Jiangnan commander's medicine in the station. That is Sangnan. Father commander risked his life to find you in Sangnan, and you poured his medicine in the station. If he is not strong and strong, he can carry the medicine." After the effect of the medicine, he woke up early, and his father and a team of soldiers died in Sangnan. After he left, within two sticks of incense, Sangnan's Flying Eagles came to the post to find him. It was six soldiers who desperately protected him to leave Sang Nan, you don't want to go with him, you have countless ways to escape, why do you choose the cruelest one? You don't care about his life, and you don't want him to die, what will Jiangnan do?"

Xiao Qi's tears dripped into the snow, Fang Chuning was indifferent, and his eyebrows became more serious.

"Mianmian, my father trusted you and just ran away with all my heart, so I had no choice but to drug him, but my brother wanted to ask you, why did Sangnan's Flying Eagles arrive at the post so quickly? Killed in Sangnan, the commander of Jiangnan died in Sangnan, there must be a war in the south, and the northern barbarians are eyeing it, it is difficult for the northern and southern marquises to take care of both, Yanyang is torn apart, right?"

Xiaoqi knelt in the snow, tears streaming down her face when she raised her head, "I didn't mean it, brother, do you believe me?"

"Can I trust you?" Fang Chuning didn't smile at all, "After so many years, people's hearts have changed, are you still Mianmian?"


Fang Chuning frowned, "I came to Xizhou not to hear you say sorry, give me something, you can go wherever you want, I won't stop you."

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