Chapter 460 Ningzhou
Wolf Smoke changed the plans of Xie Jue and Xie Xun, and the two of them looked extremely gloomy. Both Xie Xun and Xie Jue had put on their armor and went back to Ningzhou overnight, and Xie Jue also went back with Xie Xun.Xie Jue told Fengyu to sit in Xizhou, supply food, grass and military supplies, and send Xue Yu to Jiaozhou. After the heavy snow melts, he will gather the prefects from all over the country to stabilize people's hearts. The spring plowing plan remains unchanged. Don't stagnate all the planning in the second state.Feng Yu knew the seriousness. The Twelve States had just stabilized for a few years, and yet another war broke out. Although she was panicked, she didn't panic. Feng Yu has built the Twelve States so far, and has her own operating model.

"Second brother, Zhixu, don't worry about the luggage." Feng Yu gritted her teeth, "I will definitely guarantee the supply."

Ningzhou has always been well prepared for supplies, food, clothing, quilts, and weapons are all stored. Fighting in winter will consume a lot of supplies, and Fengyu knows it well.The food production areas in Xizhou can now supply the Ningzhou iron cavalry, and all of them will be replaced with food crops during wartime to ensure the supply. There is no problem with weapons and chariots. The only worry is the supply of winter coats and medicines.

Xie Xun said, "Don't panic, we have done countless drills, believe me, I can win this battle!"

"You have to be careful!" Feng Yu and Xie Xun met in the capital, knew each other and loved each other in Twelve States, but they never worried that he was injured on the battlefield. They don't know what fear is, now they are going to fight Dugu Jing's two armies, Feng Yu is terrified.

Xie Xun is not the kind of coach who only gives orders and doesn't go to the battlefield. He is a coach who takes the lead and rushes to the front line when something happens. She is especially afraid that something will happen to Xie Xun.

The farewell is imminent, Feng Yu will not reveal her worries, but Xie Xun can see through her fear, he embraces Feng Yu, "Ah Yu, don't be afraid, take good care of Ruyi."

He didn't even make a promise.

He knows that promises are the most ethereal and illusory thing. The battlefield changes rapidly, and no one knows what will happen in the next second. Every generation of men in the Zhenbeihou Mansion is a brave general.

They all died in battle!
He knew it, and Feng Yu knew it too, so Xu Nuo couldn't calm Feng Yu's heart.

With the smoke everywhere and the hasty parting, Xie Jue and Xie Xun left Xizhou in the starry night.


Fang Chuning was dug up in his sleep, went up to the city wall, and saw the beacon fire not far from Jiaozhou. Fang Chuning's heart beat wildly, and he sent someone to send a message to Fang Dashuai.

Tingfeng was really exhaustive, and he was sure that Sangnan's intention was to unite with the imperial court to fight against the twelve prefectures. Sangnan was prosperous and affluent, so he would not fight unprepared. Once Sangnan sent troops, the northern barbarians would definitely cooperate in the attack.This was what they had planned long ago, to attack the twelve states from south to north.Tingfeng killed Han Ziqi to break up the crisis. Sang Nan did not dare to cross the south of the Yangtze River to attack the Twelve Prefectures. The Northern Man had just recuperated for a few years. Without Sang Nan's cooperation, he definitely would not have sent troops.

Why did the northern barbarians still send troops?

Was it King Sangnan who hid Han Ziqi's death and didn't pass it on to the Northern Man, so the Northern Man sent troops as planned, and King Sangnan borrowed a knife to kill someone, or... Han Ziqi's death couldn't stop King Sangnan from sending troops?

He slammed on the city wall with one hand, causing a dull pain in the bones of his hand.

"Tingfeng..." Fang Chuning was restless and anxious.Now he only hoped that Sangnan would not send troops, and that Beiman would take a step back after hearing the news.

This smoke will subside soon.

Zhou Buyan also went up to the tower, "Master, the generals asked you to go back to discuss matters. The northern barbarians have raised troops. They want to send troops to attack Ningzhou."

"What?" Fang Chuning suspected that he was hallucinating, holding the hilt of his sword, although he was smiling, showing murderous intent, "Tell me, who suggested it."

Ningzhou City!
The army of the northern barbarians approached the city, and they had been attacking the city for four consecutive days. They could not attack for a long time. Although Xie Xun and Xie Jue were not in the city, the Ningzhou iron cavalry was full of generals. They were led by General Cui and Chen. They had practiced countless times in Ningzhou The city defense battle has rich experience, and the main force of Ningzhou cavalry is also in the city, so the situation is not too bad.

Lin Xiao, Zhang Boxing, Zhou Liyu and others came back faster than Xie Jue and Xie Xun. They set off for Ningzhou when they saw the wolf smoke. Now in the twelve states, except for the troops in Jiaozhou and Yancheng, the Ningzhou cavalry saw Wolf Smoke, led by the generals of the prefectures from all over the country, hurried back and gathered in Ningzhou within four days.

"After waiting for so many years, I finally have the opportunity to fight the northern barbarians." Zhang Boxing looked very excited. He, Lin Xiao, and Zhou Liyu were good at archery, and they were assigned to the third team of archers on the city wall.The archers were divided into ten teams. After one team finished shooting, another team was replaced. The rain of arrows rushed towards the Northern Man army. The Northern Man cavalry charged again and again, and were forced back again and again.

"Protect yourself!" Lin Xiao's face was serious. The northern barbarians were too aggressive and fearless of life and death. The battle was extremely cruel.

There were heavy casualties on the city wall of Ningzhou. The siege vehicles of the northern barbarians kept throwing boulders, kerosene, and red sandstone bows and arrows at the city wall defenders like rain.Lin Xiao watched helplessly as a huge boulder fell on the archery team. Three of them couldn't dodge and were smashed to pieces. Blood and stumps flew in front of his eyes. Bows and arrows whizzed past his ears. The excitement of fighting at the beginning was covered by corpses and blood. cool down.

The most difficult thing for them in the past few years was nothing more than the collapse of rocks when they were building roads, and some soldiers were buried. They had never seen such a tragedy.The city wall was smashed so that there were two gaps, the beacon tower in the city was smashed, and the walls were broken. The fire oil burned at the top of the city and was extinguished. Extremely tragic.

Lin Xiao looked down the city. It was extremely windy and snowy in Ningzhou, and the wilderness was vast. The northern barbarians wore red armor and rode fierce horses to form a long formation under the city, stretching back and forth without end in sight.In front of the phalanx, the northern barbarian flag fluttered in the wind, majestic and majestic. The siege chariot was in front, followed by the archers, followed by the cavalry charging with great momentum.

They are tireless, fearless of life and death, and do everything they can to capture Ningzhou.

Outside the city, the horns of the northern barbarian army sounded, the war drums were beating, and the northern barbarians burst out with a huge roar. Countless boulders and rockets were shot at, and the siege vehicles were getting closer and closer to the city wall.

Lin Xiao's archery team was ordered to accurately shoot the gunpowder buried in the ditch outside the city with an arrow burning with kerosene. When the gunpowder exploded, the flames burst and the earth shook.The northern barbarian horses were frightened, neighing and screaming. Many cavalry fell to the ground and were shot by arrows all over the sky.

Another round of onslaught by the northern barbarians was repelled!

After a hundred years, Ningzhou City is an important military town with tall and strong walls. There are traps and ambushes everywhere outside the city. After another wave of offensive was disintegrated, General Cui and General Chen ordered people to repair the gap and clean the battlefield.

Xie Jue and Xie Xun also returned to Ningzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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