When Feng Yu led the soldiers to the city gate, the battle was already heating up. Although there were 5000 Ningzhou cavalry in Xizhou, most of them had left the city due to farming and could not return in time.There is only one secret road from the mine to enter the city, and the cavalry in the distance must first go to the mine and then return to the city. Now there are less than 3000 defenders in the city.Sangnan's team was nearly 1 people, and they were elite soldiers, well-trained, and attacked extremely fiercely. Although the gate of Xizhou City was closed, the city wall was smashed to pieces by trebuchets, and another group of people was blocking the charge of the cavalry at the gate.

Fengyu stood on the city wall and looked at the Sangnan army downstairs. When they charged, the archers directly shot fire oil, and there was a mess outside the moat. Sangnan cavalry had rushed across the moat, arrived at the city gate, and headed for the gap in the city wall. Anchor everywhere.Feng Yu drew out her long sword and cut off the rope. A soldier climbed up the city wall, was pierced by Chen Jiangdong's spear in the chest, and fell down the city wall. The charge horn of Sangnan's army sounded, and black armored soldiers kept rushing towards the city gate.

The flashes of swords and swords were more dazzling than the sunlight of daytime. There was a fight all over the sky, horns joined together, blood and murderous intent rushed towards the city gate, and Feng Yu's arrows kept shooting at the soldiers who climbed up.

Nuan Yang made a prompt decision, "Prepare the crossbow arrows and aim at their catapults."

There are two crossbow arrow machines on the city wall. The bows and arrows are specially customized. Although they are not as accurate as the archers, they are extremely lethal. The specially made arrows are thicker than spears and can directly shoot over the trebuchets under the city.

A trebuchet was overturned.

Suddenly, an arrow shot towards Fengyu, as fast as lightning, Nuan Yang rushed towards Fengyu when he saw this, the arrow missed, and brushed past Fengyu's cheek, extremely thrilling.

Feng Yu was still in shock, she looked down and saw Han Ziqi.

"Han Ziqi?" Feng Yu was terrified, "Isn't Han Ziqi dead?"

Nuan Yang didn't know why he saw Han Ziqi, Mingming Ying Qi killed Han Ziqi, and they also examined the body, it was absolutely true, how could it be Han Ziqi?

Han Ziqi was riding on a black horse, wearing soft armor, holding a bow and arrow. After Fengyu dodged the arrow, he made a throat-slitting gesture towards Fengyu. The Han Ziqi I saw was exactly the same.

Han Ziqi put down his longbow, drew out his sword, and pointed the tip of the sword at the city gate, "Come here, step through the city gate and capture Fengyu alive!"

"Break through the city gate and capture Feng Yu alive!"

Sangnan's army burst out with violent roars, setting off a wave of fiercer and stronger attacks.The city of Xizhou is understaffed and scattered, and it is obvious that they are unable to defend the city gate.

"Girl, you evacuate first. Chen Jiangdong and I will lead people to block Sangnan's army, and Zhang Da will protect you and Ruyi to leave from the secret road and flee to Ningzhou!" Nuan Yang quickly made a decision, no matter what, Fengyu and Ruyi Can't die in West State.

"As soon as I leave, people's hearts will be scattered. Han Ziqi will flatten Xizhou without any effort. I will not leave." Feng Yu said in a deep voice, "Soldiers, defend Xizhou and wait for reinforcements. I will advance and retreat with you."

The soldiers' blood boiled with enthusiasm, kerosene, stones, bows and arrows, etc. were continuously projected. Seeing that Fengyu could not be persuaded, Nuan Yang wanted Xie Xun to come over, but when he thought that the situation in Ningzhou was unstable, the prince might be killing the enemy on the battlefield now, who would dare Picking up the soul-repelling pearl, he summoned Xie Xun to come over.

Before Xie Xun left, Feng Yu specially strengthened the soul-suppressing pearl, and did not dare to summon Xie Xun at will. The incident that caused Xie Xun to break his leg a few years ago is vivid in my mind. Ningzhou is also a tough battle, and Xie Xun is needed even more.

Gradually, most of the Ningzhou iron cavalry returned, and the combat force gradually increased, and with the help of the government soldiers, the Sangnan people failed to attack for a day, so they retreated for the time being.

It was getting dark, the wind was rumbling, and the smell of blood was nauseating.

"Nuanyang, Chen Jiangdong, immediately replenish supplies, archers, kerosene, stones, all usable things, move them to the city wall!"

"Yes!" After Feng Yu ordered them to make up for the supplies, she looked coldly down the tower. Sangnan people were also killed and injured, and Han Ziqi was more anxious than her!
There was a dull pain in her arm, and there was a thin layer of sweat on Feng Yu's forehead, which made her eyes even colder!
Han Ziqi, it turns out that you are plotting against Xizhou City!

Feng Yu leaned against the northeast corner of the city wall, bit her arm and tied the blood-stained bandage, and tied it tightly again. The arrow grazed her arm and scratched a scar, but luckily it was not too deep.Zhang Da and two personal soldiers guarded her, Feng Yu's armor was covered with dust and blood, she looked extremely embarrassed.

Everyone is exhausted.Nangong Heng organized the women and children in the city to bring them warm clothes, enough food, and a bowl of hot porridge to warm them up.

Zhang Meng and Zhang Hu led people to clean up the battlefield and treat the wounded.

"Girl, they will attack the city for a day, and I'm afraid they won't attack the city again at night. I'll guard it, so you can sleep well." Chun Lu wiped away the dried blood on Feng Yu's face with distress.

"Han Ziqi is bound to win the Xizhou. This is the rear of the Twelve Prefectures, which is not conducive to Sangnan's battle. He wants to fight quickly and will launch a second wave of attack soon." , the secret passage has been closed and guarded, and the Sangnan people must not enter the city through the secret passage.

Today, 500 people were injured and 200 people were killed in the defense of the city, which greatly weakened the combat capability. Although the soldiers of the Xizhou government had been trained, they did not lose the main force of the defense of the city.

She has to prepare with both hands, what if the city gate cannot be guarded?She called Zhang Meng over, "Go and tell the people in the city that Ningzhou iron cavalry and I will try our best to guard the gate of Xizhou city, even if we are the last one in the battle, if we can't hold it, let the people come from secret They are targeting the granary and armory in Xizhou, and they will not stay in Xizhou for long. After they leave, the people will go home."

When Zhang Meng heard this, his blood surged up, "Girl, our Xizhou City will advance and retreat with you, and we will never do anything like abandoning our family and city, don't worry!"

"You are confused. There are old, young, women and children in the city. Are you going to let them die? You can only hope if you are alive!" Feng Yu said in a deep voice, "When a person dies, there is nothing left. Go and notify, hurry up!"

Feng Yu avoided everyone and quietly gave orders to Zhang Meng. She could not give such orders in front of the Ningzhou iron cavalry, which would affect morale!
After Zhang Meng took the order to leave, Feng Yu had just climbed the city wall when she suddenly felt a chill. The night in early spring was as cool as water, and human bones seemed to be wrapped in a layer of ice, which was bitingly cold.

Feng Yu took the bow and arrow, the arrowhead was wrapped in kerosene and ignited, and suddenly shot towards the ditch outside the city, and the Sannan people crawled forward under the cover of night.

"Enemy attack, be alert!" Nuan Yang gave an order, the horn sounded, and the Sannan people launched a second wave of offensive.

The exhausted soldiers instantly entered the fighting state, a huge fireball rained down on the wall, the first wave of archers were hit, the flames ignited their robes, burned instantly, and screamed again and again.

"It's Flint, dodge, dodge..." This kind of Flint is a siege weapon, and it is difficult to deal with it when defending the city. We can only wait for this wave of attack to pass.Ningzhou will also guard against this kind of flint when defending the city, but this kind of flint machine is very bulky. It is unbelievable that the Sangnan people marched in a hurry and brought this kind of siege equipment. It is said that they brought it from Sangnan. Yang wouldn't believe it even if he was beaten to death!
The city gate was smashed by a huge flint, and the flint rolled directly into the city. The horns outside the city became stronger and stronger, and the cavalry charged after the city gate was smashed open.

Nuan Yang frowned, the city gate could no longer be guarded, "The government soldiers attacked outside the city, and the Ningzhou iron cavalry followed to meet the enemy!"

"I'm going to kill all of you bastards today!" Chen Jiangdong roared, and followed Nuan Yang to the city gate, blocking the group of Sang Nan's troops who came in madly.

Thousands of Sangnan people poured into the city and began a large-scale massacre. Soon the gates of the city piled up with corpses, with Chen Jiangdong and Nuan Yang killing at the forefront.

This is the second time Feng Yu has felt the cruelty of the battle between the two armies.

Han Ziqi pointed his sword at the sky and shouted, "Catch Fengyu alive, don't let her die!"


Zhang Da, Chunlu, and several soldiers surrounded Fengyu all the time, protecting Fengyu while killing the enemy, but there were too many people in Sangnan, and they were quickly dispersed.And in this kind of melee, watching one's companions fall one by one, it is extremely easy to get bloody and only focus on killing the enemy.

Feng Yu didn't need other people's protection either. With the long sword in hand, she slashed and killed the enemies who kept swarming over.

Nuan Yang and Chen Jiangdong defended the city gate until they couldn't hold it anymore, and the Sangnan people piled up corpses to make a way to the inner city.Everyone is guarding the city with their lives.

There are swords, swords and swords, and the sound of war drums.

Feng Yu was covered in blood, she was stabbed twice in the shoulder, and did not retreat an inch. Han Ziqi looked at Feng Yu who was in a panic in the crowd, "Third Miss, surrender, don't struggle fearlessly, beauties should serve men in the tent, the battlefield is A place for men!"

Feng Yu's face was covered in blood, like a rakshasa coming from hell, "Han Ziqi, the Ningzhou cavalry has no commander who surrendered, and Xizhou and I will live and die together!"

"Hahahaha, what should I do, I also like the bloody battle of the third girl." Han Ziqi pointed at Fengyu, "Catch her, don't let her die!"

"Protect the girl!" Nuan Yang yelled, and thousands of Sannan people rushed into the city gate. At this moment, the thunderous sound of horseshoes came from the direction of the inner city. Zhang Meng led all the men and women who could fight in Xizhou City All arrived.

After three years of men farming and women weaving, even Feng Yu almost forgot that these primitive people in Xizhou City were themselves a group of brave bandits.

"Girl, we will not run away. Xizhou is our home, and we will defend it to the death!" Zhang Hu's wife was dressed in a riding outfit and held a long gun. "I want to see who is trying to destroy my home."

Zhang Meng yelled, "Brothers and sisters, go, let them see how powerful the bandits in the Twelve States are, kill them! Defend Xizhou and kill all the enemies."

"Defend Xizhou, kill all the enemies!" The deafening shouts of killing broke through the sky, and tens of thousands of people in Xizhou joined the defenders, like a sharp knife, charged into the enemy.

Tears welled up in Feng Yu's eyes, the blood cooled by blood and hostility boiled like magma, and her whole body trembled.

In the past, we used to be bandits, killing, looting and looting, but now we have taken root and lived and worked in peace and contentment.

We want to have enough food, wear warm clothes, serve our parents, and raise our children. We want peace in the world, peace in the country, and peace in the people. Therefore, we put down the butcher knife and become Buddhas immediately.

But whoever wants to plunder our homeland, we can still pick up the butcher's knife and guard our homeland.

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