Chapter 475 Self-help
Feng Yu woke up in a daze and was already on the carriage. She knew very well that the water Chen Mo gave her contained drugs, but she had to drink it. She didn't drink any water for three days. , she decisively chose to live.She understood one thing when she was very young, only when people are alive, can they have hope, and when they die, they have nothing.

This time, she was still tied up by five flowers. Chen Mo was extremely guarded against her and would not ignore her just because she was a weak girl. Young and weak, no one would be afraid of a child.Now everyone in the world knows that she is the owner of the Su family firm. She is weak but resourceful. Chen Mo will not believe her.

Chen Mo has no weaknesses. When she was framed in the palace, she sent people to investigate everyone in the palace, including this Chen Mo.

No father, no mother, no wife and no children, Feng Yu didn't even know how Yu Wenjing subdued Chen Mo back then, and the Commander of Jin Yiwei was the emperor's guard with a sword.But Chen Mo had been loyal to Yuwenjing when Emperor Jianming was alive, which meant that Yuwenjing accepted him.

Killing one thousand enemies, self-defeating eight hundred, Liuzhou is coming soon, you can only try your luck!
The group soon arrived in Liuzhou, and when they arrived in Liuzhou, there were only five days left to leave the capital, Feng Yu knew that her chances of escaping were running out.

Jin Yiwei arrived in Liuzhou in the afternoon. Chen Mo originally wanted to go directly to Liuzhou without stopping, but Feng Yu was ill and had a high fever. Chen Mo also knew that Feng Yu was weak and often fell ill. He heard Yu Wenjing mock Feng Yu when she was young It's a pot of medicine, and if you don't move, you will get sick and can't get out of the house. You can live to adulthood, and it depends on the Su family's gold and silver mountains to buy rare medicinal materials. Ordinary people have died for a long time.

Since she was a child, she was told by Master Miaoyun of Xiangguo Temple that she would not live past eighteen.If he died of illness on the way, he would not be able to walk around, so Chen Mo had no choice but to take Feng Yu to seek medical treatment.

Feng Yu was fainted from fever, and she was a little confused when she arrived at the medical clinic. This was already the territory of the imperial court, and the Jin Yiwei drove all the patients away from the medical clinic after flashing their badges.

The doctor in the medical hall was quite critical, Chen Mo glanced coldly, Jin Yiwei drew his knife, and the doctor broke out in a cold sweat.

The entire hospital was controlled by Jin Yiwei.

Chen Mo said, "Cure her, if it can't be cured, I will exchange your head!"

Fengyu has been weak and sick since she was a child. No doctor can tell you what the specific symptoms are. When the weather is cold, she will get hot. When the weather is hot, she will suffer from heat stroke.Feng's family did hang her life with countless rare medicinal materials. Su Ming once traveled all over the place to find medicine for Fengyu. For this reason, he even went to Sangnan and asked the high priest to give him life-saving pills.

The doctor in the clinic had limited medical skills, so he prescribed antipyretics for Fengyu, and Yaotong decocted medicine for Fengyu to drink. The doctor said that after drinking the medicine, the fever would subside within an hour. Coughing up blood, he was so weak that he was going to see Hades in a second, and he yelled out his sister, Zhixu, Ruyi, grandma, etc. in a vague manner.

Chen Mo did not expect that she was so seriously ill that she almost killed the doctor with a sword. The doctor hurriedly kowtowed and begged for mercy, "This girl has a chronic disease, and her spleen is weak and blood is weak. It is an incurable disease, and the most taboo is hard work. Now... now I can only Hanging my life with Bazhen soup, and then slowly reducing the fever, but the medicinal materials of Bazhen soup are precious, and velvet antler and old ginseng are not easy to get. A few days ago, people from twelve states bought out all the medicine stores, especially ginseng and velvet antler, almost bought out , we don’t have any in our shop.”

"Will she be saved with velvet antler and ginseng?" Chen Mo asked coldly.

The doctor looked back at Feng Yu, hesitantly, Chen Mo's face darkened, the machete moved slightly, the doctor kowtowed, "Yes, yes... ginseng must be more than a hundred years old."

"Okay, I got it!" Chen Mo said in a deep voice, "You hang her life first, if something happens to her, everyone here will be buried with her."

"Yes, yes..." The doctor didn't dare to move rashly.

Chen Mo strode out, the doctor listened to the voice, Chen Mo went out to find someone, the doctor hurriedly lay down beside the bed, and whispered, "Girl, girl...wake up."

Feng Yu, who was still coughing up blood and unconscious just now, slowly opened her eyes, the blood surged up again, and a little blood overflowed from her throat.

"Girl, how can you take that medicine? It will kill you." The doctor is sweating profusely. "Now that there is not enough medicine, it is indeed difficult to cure your poison. You will suffer."

Feng Yu chuckled, but couldn't help coughing, "I was just trying my luck, I didn't expect you to be in Liuzhou, Uncle Zhou, do me a favor and ask for help from the business firms along the way in Kyoto. I will definitely seek medical attention along the way."

"You can leave here." Little Doctor Zhou lowered his voice, "It will take them two or three days to find the medicinal materials..."

"That's Jin Yiwei, and we can find all the medicinal materials in a short while." Feng Yu gritted her teeth and said, "They only need to take the tokens to forcibly collect the medicinal materials from the noble families in Liuzhou, and they will be able to collect the medicinal materials in no time. I am so sick that I can't escape of."

Little Doctor Zhou is Doctor Zhou's younger brother, not a member of the Su Family Firm. The Zhou family has practiced medicine for generations. When Doctor Zhou was recuperating in Fengyu, Ningzhou, Fengyu and Little Doctor Zhou knew each other.Later, Dr. Zhou had conflicts with his family because of his marriage. He left Zhou's family angrily and never heard from him.

Later, when Fengyu was in Liling, she met the distraught little Doctor Zhou. The person he admired was a prostitute, and after leaving Ningzhou with him, she moved to Liuzhou to live and run a small medical clinic.The two disregarded the secular etiquette and thought they could stay together forever, but who knew Mrs. Zhou met a former benefactor who happened to be running a medical clinic in Liuzhou.After Dr. Zhou came to settle in Liuzhou, he robbed him of a lot of business. He felt resentful, and after hooking up with Mrs. Zhou again, he framed Dr. Zhou, ruined his reputation, and even broke his leg. Dr. Zhou begged for a living along the way, and was exiled to Liling, where he met Fengyu.

Feng Yu is the most protective person, even though she is young, she will take revenge, and she brings people to Liuzhou to support Doctor Zhou and avenge her grievances.After all, she is the daughter of a boudoir. Although the incident was a sensation at the time, she was hidden behind. After the villain and Mrs. Xiao Zhou were taken into custody by the government, Doctor Xiao Zhou healed his leg. Originally, Feng Yu wanted to persuade him to return to Beijing to reunite with his family. .

Doctor Xiao Zhou broke up with his family because of his wife, but now his wife is as flirtatious as the family expected, and her intentions are not right. Doctor Xiao Zhou has no face to see his family, so he simply settled down in Liuzhou and guarded his clinic.

When Feng Yu was collecting medicinal materials some time ago, she sent someone to Liuzhou. Dr. Zhou's clinic is the largest in Liuzhou, and he has a very good reputation in Liuzhou, known as a miracle doctor.

There are two kinds of pills in Fengyu's sachet, one is life-sustaining pills, which she usually takes to nourish blood and nourish qi, and the other is poison.The poison was formulated by Doctor Zhou, it can poison people to death, and it can also pretend to be seriously ill. Feng Yu has been tied up by Jin Yiwei all the time, and she can't escape on the way, so she can only risk her life to try.

The biggest medical clinic in Liuzhou is that of Doctor Xiao Zhou. If she is seriously ill, Chen Mo will definitely take her to see a doctor. She is dying, so he can only find the best doctor.

If she wants to save herself, she can only find someone to send a message.

"Let me think of a way." Little Doctor Zhou pondered, "I'll boil the antidote for you first, your poison can't be delayed, girl, I've taken out all the poison in your sachet, in case I go out to see the doctor, Out of town, we miss out, not always so lucky."

(End of this chapter)

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