Chapter 477 Destiny
Fengyu thought of Xie Xun. Ever since she was taken away by Xizhou, she had been thinking of Xie Xun. She thought of Xie Xun when she was touching the soul-repelling pearl. Back to Shaling Tianshan, will they continue to attack?He killed the enemy on the battlefield, whether he was injured or not, after Xie Xun returned to Ningzhou, except for that one exchange, he never exchanged with her again.Is it because she is afraid that she will know that he is injured and worried, or because the war is too busy and there is no time for it.

She misses Xie Xun crazily, especially when she hears about Xie Xun from Jin Yiwei.

She thought of the high-spirited and angry young master a few years ago, and thought of the King Qin who was still a little childish now and then, but had a lot of prestige.She remembered Xie Xun who single-handedly came to rescue her after being taken away by Dugu Jing. At that time, she had the idea of ​​dying with Dugu Jing, but she didn't want to survive.

If she really died with Dugu Jing back then, Xie Xun's life might not have had so many hardships. Yu Wenjing might not be able to join forces with Beiman, and Dugu Jing was not his lifelong enemy. Perhaps the Hou Fu could really move as he wished. After arriving in Ningzhou, Xie Zhang's brother and sister also lived in Ningzhou safely.

Time has passed and cannot be repeated, she just thinks about it.

In the past few years, she has been busy and he has been busy. She and Xie Xun don't spend many days together, but their relationship has never been separated by distance. Xie Xun has been sending people to find Master Miaoyun. She can come back and heal her illness.Once she eavesdropped on Feiying and Xie Xun's conversation. Such a big incident happened in Yanyang, and the news about her in Xizhou spread all over the world. She will be full in half a year.Master Miaoyun is still nowhere to be seen, so he must have gone west a long time ago.

Xie Xun was obviously a little anxious, especially this year, if the northern barbarians hadn't started fighting, Xie Xun originally wanted to let her go to Ningzhou after farming. After the sixth day of June, the three-year filial piety period ended, and Xie Xun wanted to get married in August.In the future, Xizhou will be handed over to Nangong Heng, and she will live with him in Ningzhou. Xie Jue has no objection to this. The situation in Xizhou has indeed gradually stabilized and is on the right track.

It is definitely not good news for Xie Xun that his wife is rich, sick, and died early.Feng Yu has never questioned Xie Xun's sincerity towards her. She is cold-hearted, and it is difficult to be warmed up. Ever since Xie Xun was alone, chasing Du Gujing for three days and three nights, risking his life to save him, she has never questioned Thank you for your sincerity.

She was afraid that the prophecy would come true, and she would not be able to survive. It must be heartbreaking for Xie Xun to live alone in the world. The only thing she is grateful for is that she still has her second brother and Ruyi. Otherwise, Xie Xun would be too pitiful.

She would hope that Xie Xun will fall in love with others again as time passes by. Will anyone grow old with him?

Do not!
She didn't want it at all, she hoped that Xie Xun would miss her forever after she died, even if she died, her lover didn't want others to touch her.

She didn't have such noble sentiments, she would hope that Xie Xun would forget her, fall in love with another person, and give others the happiness she never got, then the coffin boards would not be able to cover her after she died.

She was originally such a selfish person, possessive and possessive.

So, she wants to live too!

Want to break the curse of not being able to survive.

When she swallowed the poison and planned to try her luck, she was thinking that if she was unlucky and poisoned herself to death, she would really be unwilling, and if she couldn't survive the curse of eighteen, maybe she would realize it by herself of.

Now, listening to Jin Yiwei talking about Xie Xun, when she misses Xie Xun crazily, she strengthens her belief.

She wants to live!

She wants to go home to see her sister and grandmother, she wants to see Ruyi grow up safely, and she wants to accompany Xie Xun to rule the world. She doesn't want to die, and fate tells her that she won't live until eighteen, so she will try her best to resist fate.

This night was very long for Feng Yu. She fell asleep at dawn and woke up in the afternoon. Doctor Xiao Zhou was pressed by Chen Mo to come in to give her pulse. Feng Yu pretended to be just waking up, dazed Ask, "Where is this?"

"Liuzhou!" Doctor Xiao Zhou said, there was still Chen Mo guarding the house, and Feng Yu didn't talk too much to Doctor Xiao Zhou, for fear of arousing Chen Mo's suspicion, they were all very sharp, they made many mistakes.

Doctor Xiao Zhou really wanted to help Fengyu escape, but there was no chance. Fengyu gradually regained her strength after resting overnight, so Chen Mo ordered people to prepare to leave.

Doctor Xiao Zhou hesitated to speak, but finally tried his best, "It's best to rest for another day."

"No need!" Chen Mo threw a piece of gold ingot to Dr. Zhou, which was regarded as a consultation fee, and Dr. Zhou didn't say anything, and stuffed something into Feng Yu's sachet while Chen Mo was not paying attention.

After drinking the medicine for the last time, Feng Yu was put on the carriage, and the group hurried out of Liuzhou and headed for the capital. Chen Mo also warned Feng Yu, "Third Miss, you'd better not get sick again on the way, otherwise, I can only take your body back to return to life?"

Feng Yu smiled sarcastically, "Commander Chen, why bother to scare me, if you really dared to take my body back to my life, you wouldn't take me to Liuzhou for medical treatment."

"Your body is weak, and you can't carry it all the way. If you're really going to die, I can only use the dead body."

"Your threat, I feel it, I will eat well, drink medicine well, and take care of myself." Fengyu is very obedient and cooperative, because she is really weak, Chen Mo just tied her hands, not her foot.

Jin Yiwei and his party traveled all night, Feng Yu was not in a hurry, she recharged her energy, and after another day and night, she was getting closer and closer to the capital.Feng Yu had to drink medicine along the way, they rested in a river valley before nightfall, and boiled Feng Yu's medicine.

Smelling the fragrance of the medicine, Feng Yu smiled, and knocked on the carriage, "Chen Mo, my stomach hurts."


"It's unavoidable for people to eat whole grains and miscellaneous grains." When Feng Yu said this, her face didn't blush, and her heart didn't beat. This business is full of big men, and when there is such inconvenience on the road, they are all Find a place when passing through the villages and towns, let Fengyu take care of it, and don't allow her to be convenient on the road, after all, they are all men, so it is really inconvenient.

"Hold on!"

"It's unbearable."

The veins on Chen Mo's forehead twitched violently, so she could only be let down. Feng Yu raised her hand and motioned for her to untie the rope. Chen Mo's eyes signaled, and a Jin Yiwei untied her.

"Miss San, you'd better not play tricks."

"I'm a girl, I can't lift my shoulders, I can't lift my hands, and I have been weakened by you, even if I want to run, I can't run far. I have self-knowledge."

"You better be!"

Three Jin Yiwei pressed her deep in the woods, Feng Yu looked around, this is a river valley, the fate is so coincidental, when Xie Xun chased her for several days and nights, it was in this river valley that he caught up with her and Dugu Jing.

(End of this chapter)

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